OLD-WORLD EXTRA Chapter 11: Face

Chapter 11: Face

As he looked up to the mirror, he saw a black-haired boy, with eyes so dark looking straight at him.

The boy... The man had no pupils in his eyes, they were black, just pitch black.

His face was pale white like most of the residents in the sector, after all, they never gained access to true sunlight, only a reflection from the outside world.

He had a slick jawline with late signs of a fully formed Adam’s apple on his neck, it’s also where his black hair was reaching.

All in all, he looked handsome, but his eyes were a standout; they made him look like a dangerous beast ready to pounce on whatever he saw.

Emir’s thought process seemed to come to a halt, leaving him unable to think of anything.

He stood blankly in front of the mirror, staring at his own reflection.

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After who knows how long, he heard knocking on his door.

"COME ON BROTHER! LET’S GO EAT BREAKFAST!" And the sound of Lily screaming loudly finally brought him back to reality.

Snapping out of it, he realized that he had been lost in his thoughts for quite some time.

He turned away from the mirror and made his way towards the door, still feeling a bit dazed.

As he opened the door, Lily ran past him and towards the kitchen, yelling something about pancakes.

Suppressing his emotions for the time being, he trailed behind her, making his way into the kitchen.

As he stepped into the familiar space, Laura welcomed him with a radiant smile, presenting a plate adorned with fluffy pancakes.

He sat down at the table and began eating, trying to enjoy the delicious breakfast Laura had prepared, but it all tasted bland.

And as they ate, Laura started asking him about his training.

He previously told her about using the augmented suit, while he obviously didn’t mention how he got it from Lyra’s organization but that he bought it himself from the black market in the bunker.

She knew about it beforehand, or at least he told her that beforehand, asking for extra money and then showing up wearing the augmented suit after "purchasing" it.

Laura was fine with it, and of course she would be, after all, he’ll be going to places that are much more dangerous in the future, and if she stops him just at the slums, then she won’t allow him to go anywhere.

He told her about the simulations, excluding Lyra, and also mentioned the holograms he had been fighting against, explaining how they were helping him improve his combat skills at a rapid rate.

She listened intently, nodding her head in approval.

Lily, who had finished her pancakes, began talking about her day at school.

Emir had been home-schooled, or so everyone was told, since he didn’t need school, and Laura acknowledged that.

However, he didn’t want to go to school because he felt it would be a waste of time to learn things he already knew, and he simply couldn’t imagine going to school with kids less than half his age.

On the other hand, Lily didn’t opt for the hunter grind like him.

She was just a normal child who wanted to live in the comfort of the residential sectors. So she went to the local school with all the other kids.

She told them about her friends and the activities they had done during recess, and he was happy that she was enjoying herself.

At least she would experience a normal childhood, unlike him, a man born to kill.

After breakfast, Emir headed back to his room.

And as he walked past a mirror, he couldn’t help but glance at his reflection.

However, he instantly flinched and looked away again.

Going up to his room, he laid down on the bed, not in the mood for training.

’So, I really took over, both body and soul,’ he thought to himself.

’I still look the same as I did in my past life, huh.’

Gradually, he let out a chuckle.

It was a bitter, joyless sound that escaped his lips.

His giggles turned into full-blown laughter.

The sound of his laughter echoed in the air, growing louder and more maniacal with each passing moment.

It was a laugh that one would not expect to come from the mouth of a mere thirteen-year-old child.

"It looks like I truly stole Laura’s last chance of having a son with Oliver." He said in a whisper so small, the average person would never be able to hear.

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He had always tried to convince himself that he simply remembered his past life, but now he couldn’t deny the truth.

But despite his inner turmoil, he found some comfort in the fact that his eyes were different from those of his past life.

Emir used to have dark brown eyes and normal-looking pupils, but now they are pitch black due to his TDS ability.

He sighed for the umpteenth time and couldn’t help but think about how little he resembled his parents.

His father, Oliver, had a striking appearance with his neatly styled blond hair, strong jawline, and expressive green eyes.

In contrast, he looked nothing like him.

He wondered if people would think he was adopted.

These thoughts consumed him as he lay there, thinking of what to do next.

’I need to keep calm and act like nothing happened. I don’t want to worry Laura unnecessarily; I owe her that much.’ He decided.

Suddenly, a loud banging on the door startled him.

It was his sister, Lily, urging him to come downstairs because some government officials had visited them.

Emir quickly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

As he washed his face, he noticed an old mirror he had set aside as a child.

He picked it up and placed it back on top of the sink.

"Sorry, Emir, but I will save your family for you, I at least promise that." He said while looking at himself, his eyes resolute.

Lyra’s crimson eyes welled up with tears as she watched the events unfold before her.

She knew that everything that was happening was a direct result of her actions, and she was overwhelmed with guilt.

She also had a deep understanding of the consequences and actions that would follow, but like those who came before her, she felt powerless to intervene.

Bound by her circumstances, she could only bear witness to the unfolding events and comply with the commands given to her.

Emir descended the stairs towards the living room and found Lily and Laura sitting on a couch opposite a government official.

He joined them on the couch, curious as to what was happening.

The official was dressed in a black suit with the government’s insignia on it.

He pulled three cards from his left breast pocket and handed one to each of them.

As Emir read the card, the official introduced himself as Ethan, one of the agents of the UEF responsible for overseeing the UEF Academy’s students.

He explained that he was there to invite them, Laura’s children to the academy.

Lily had received an invitation for a three-year program that is similar to the school from Emir’s past life.

And he also invited Emir to attend a three-year program focused on combat and all things hunter related.

’Huh... I see now. I was wondering how we got caught up in the novel’s story, it turns out we were invited.’ He thought.

Ethan continued, "Miss Laura, your daughter is expected to apply by next week since the new term starts soon. As for your son, he is expected to join when he reaches fifteen years of age. Please ask if you have any questions."

"Also, Miss Laura, you can live with them if you wish since the academy has a private district only available to its students and their families."

Laura looked at Emir and Lily, and seeing that they didn’t have any questions, she turned her attention to Ethan and asked, "Sir Ethan, until when are we allowed to confirm their attendance?"

"In three days’ time."

Laura thanked him for the invitation and said that she would discuss it with them before confirming their attendance.

As the official left, they all turned to each other, Lily buzzing with excitement.

She was thrilled at the prospect of attending the academy, and she asked Emir about the three-year program he had been invited to.

"Ahem, ahem," he coughed a little, acting as if he was reading off a speech.

"Apart from the normal courses that you would go through, the UEF academy was initially created with this program in mind, it is a prestigious training ground for hunters and other individuals seeking to survive and thrive in the dangerous and competitive field of the Old World."

"The three-year intensive training program would probably cover a range of skills and knowledge required for survival in the ruins, such as combat training, knowledge of the ruins, and old-world history, while there has to be a lot more to it, I would only know that after attending the academy." He concluded, ending his little speech.

Laura looked at Emir with a mix of pride and concern. She knew the risks that came with being a hunter and the dangers that awaited him. However, she also knew it was a calling he couldn’t ignore.

Lily’s eyes widened.

"Wow, that sounds really cool," she said.

"Do you think you’ll go?"

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