Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint Chapter 171: A Far Away Tale. The Herald of All Dogs

Chapter 171: A Far Away Tale. The Herald of All Dogs

A Far Away Tale. The Herald of All Dogs

Military State Signaller Yuel announces to all corps deployed near Amitengrad..

The voice that echoed in the outskirts of Amitengrad was stiff and bland, resembling the Military State.

A single person. Just a single persons voice, transmitted through dozens of synchronized golems, was relayed to nearby corps.

Yet, the Capital Defense Forces, the Military Police, and even the Logistics and Border Corps all stopped their activities and listened attentively to the voice emanating from the golems used for communication.

At this point in time, four entities with a Level 5 degree of risk are rapidly approaching the capital of the Military State. They are moving in a straight line from the northeast vicinity, expected to arrive in about 2 hours.

Amitengrad, the capital of the Military State, had communication facilities. And in case these conspicuous and heavy facilities were damaged for whatever reason, signallers were always on standby. It was definitive that at least one was present, but the exact number was unknown. The reason for this was because it was confidential.

At any rate, as it was a direct order from the central command of the Military State, all corps waited in silence for the next instructions.

Estimates. Level 3 corps and below are unable to intercept. Level 4 corps can delay but will not be effective in causing any significant damage. For an efficient suppression operation, at least a Level 5 corps and two Star Generals are needed.

However, upon hearing the signallers calm assessment, the nearby corps had no choice but to hold their breath.

Level 5 corps and two Star Generals. This combination was a force designated for warfare. This meant that only the elite of the elite, capable of waging war against an entire nation, could efficiently suppress these four.

Moreover, efficient suppression didnt necessarily mean minimal casualties for their army.

How many would die in this small war?

However, their level of violence is extremely low. So far, not a single death has occurred in combat and we expect minor or no damage to civilians even if positions are abandoned. For this reason, we judge Engagement Avoidance to be the rational approach. All corps near Amitengrad are ordered to follow Active Engagement Avoidance.

Some felt relieved by the news that the entities would not harm civilians, while others frowned.

Relief of not having to fight such powerful foes.

Dissatisfaction about potentially surrendering the capital, even though they were soldiers.

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Arguments about treating them decently, assuming these powerful entities wouldnt stay forever.

Counterarguments that even so, it would be disgraceful to simply watch the infringement of their national territory.

Shouts for those dissatisfied to disobey orders and fight if they dared.

Rationalizations about them sparing the invaders because of the orders, even though they would have fought to the death under normal circumstances.

All Border Corps expected to come into contact with the routing of the entities should avoid direct engagement. Carry all equipment and head to the 3rd Supply Base. All Capital Defense Forces, with exceptions to Defense Command, are ordered to disengage.

Regardless, orders must be obeyed. Officers immediately urged their soldiers to pack up and gather their equipment.

All for the sake of actively avoiding engagement.


However, what no one in the Military State knew was that

The four entities that were the subject of their Active Engagement Avoidance had already infiltrated Amitengrad under the cover of night.

Those who were the highest ranking among vampires could swim through the thick shadows by manipulating the darkness.

Far above Amitengrads tallest building, ominous, blood-red binary stars were looking down upon the capital of the Military State.

So this is the Royal Capital1Tyr is oldshe thinks things in kingdom era terms of the Military State.

The so-called capital of the Military State, Amitengrad, as seen by Tyrkanzyaka, was far different from what she had imagined.

There was no grand royal castle built by wealth collected from all over. There were no massive walls extensively covering the city either.

Instead, Amitengrad resembled a giant dragon coiled up, solely suppressing enemies with its sheer size.

Residences were stacked in multiple layers for density and insulation.

Neatly divided blocks were lined with faint street lamps.

And some areas were emitting light like lighthouses even amidst the pitch darkness.

Countless people traversed the streets like dead men walking, even at night.

After the sun fully set in the west and dusk fell, a silent night casted shadows over the sky. Tyrkanzyaka, floating alone above Amitengrad murmured.

How impressively large. It is as if dozens of cities are connected together. The citys vastness makes humans look like ants. I can see why it was said thatthere were an uncountable number of people.

Shei, floating while her entire body was wrapped in the wind, responded.

Well, it is the most populous city in the Military State, after all. The population alone is almost a million.

How do we find Hu among all these people?

As expected, thats what you were curious about. Dont worry. Theres a way.

Finding a single person in a city filled with countless people was impossible even for Shei. But Shei was a Regressor and she had one or two methods prepared for such situations.

There are three ways to find someone in the Military State.

Shei intended to explain each of the three methods one by one. However, Tyrkanzyaka, without a moments hesitation, declared.

Let us use them all.

No, wait. Realistically, thats too much.

Just like how ones left arm does not stop moving just because their right arm is writing a letter, why wouldnt we use all three methods when they are available? If it is impossible to use them, why even consider them as options in the first place?

Shei, who had just intended to explain a bit about this country, felt a bit deflated after being lectured so unexpectedly.

First, we ask the Military State to find him. Theyre pros when it comes to finding their own citizens. The problem is.

Very well. Let us go.

Tyrkanzyaka interrupted eagerly, waving her hand as if some mere problem did not matter at all. The huge coffin floating in the air started to move forward, cutting through darkness and shadows.

Shei hastily moved Chun-aeng to follow.

No, wait! You have to at least hear what the problems are! Theres no way the Military State will just nicely listen to us, you know!

If we are the ones searching, they shall move too. And if they graciously listen to our request, then that is acceptable as well. f𝗿𝐞ewebno𝚟𝚎𝗹.𝗰𝐨m

And what if the Military State tries to take hostages?


Tyrkanzyaka smirked.

How could they possibly? Would they, who didnt fight us out of fear, really keep him captive, even if it means conflict with us? At least, not if they dont want their country to burn.

Tyrkanzyaka accurately grasped the innermost thoughts of the Military State.

Though born as a poor legislators daughter, after becoming the Progenitor, she was someone who had led thousands of troops alone, reigning as an Absolute. Even the most prestigious kingdoms had knelt before her, swearing allegiance, and she had even inadvertently become involved in politics.

Active Engagement Avoidance, they say. What a grandiose way to package it. Whatever they call it, they do not want to expend their forces on us who hold no hostility. If so, there is no reason not to use them.

As Tyrkanzyaka murmured and looked down, a human-shaped figure was reflected onto her eyes.

It was the King of Dogs, strutting through the streets of the Military State as if it were her own backyard.

Tyrkanzyaka narrowed her eyes and mumbled.

After all, even if it is not me, direct negotiations with the Military State is inevitable.

Not with the Progenitor, but with the King of Dogs.


District 1, Capital Defense Headquarters.

An intruder appeared at their headquarters, which had been busy dividing and scattering their forces across different areas.

The sentry did not notice the intruder. The intruder had entered far too boldly, her attire was far too alien, and she showed not a hint of hostility.

The intruder, who confidently walked in through the main gate, immediately spoke to the first human she encountered.

Human. Call your king.

Opportunely, Major Ryctus of the Capital Defense Headquarters was present, blinking in bewilderment.

An evacuation order had been issued and it was a busy time. Frustrated that his proud ensign was being used for fleeing, he was further perplexed when a beastkin girl with a vigorously wagging tail suddenly approached with such an odd request.

What in the world? How did you get in here?

The beastkin replied.

Call your king.

This is a security facility. Get lost immediately.

Call your king.

If you dont leave immediately, Ill attack!

Call your king.

As the beastkin repeated the same words like a parrot, Major Ryctus, running out of patience, drew his saber and aimed at her.

The warning is over! Ill kill you!

Thud. He swung his saber as he took one step forward. With just that step, the concrete floor split apart. He, who used his Earth Qi Arts to instantly drag up the ground, chopped down his saber as if to split firewood. The sound of the air cleaving was fierce.


But the sound of metal crumpling under teeth was several times more chilling than that.

Major Ryctus staggered backwards from the shock, nearly dislocating his wrist. He steadied his trembling body and looked at his beloved weapon. Half of the sabers blade above the handle was gone.

It was not an indication of teeth being lost, but of losing to teeth. Right as Major Ryctus widened his eyes, utterly horrified

Call your king.

Only then did Major Ryctus properly see the beastkin girl before him.

With the dark full moon in the background, the girl stood with her ears and tail erect. Her gaze was friendly, but it carried an inexplicable authority and dignity.

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Almost as if she was a kind king who cherished her subjects.

Major Ryctus, who had contributed to the fall of the kingdom and the creation of the Military State, gritted his teeth in repulsion.

We have no king, Beast. We are different from you.

It was a statement laden with disdain for beastkin and was uttered to provoke her.

However, the beastkin girl merely nodded and accepted his words.

King, Mayor, Village Head, Maripgan2Korean way to say Shogun. It is a title from the Silla era., Chairman, Monarch, Lord, Emperor, General. The title doesnt matter. I, just. Need to meet your representative.

The representative of the Defense Headquarters was General Boyden of Defense Command. He was one of the great Stars of the Military State, possessing immense strength and a history of distinguished services in war.

However, this was the relatively safe capital. Despite his formidable Qi Arts, he was not on the level of a Star General.

If, on the off chance, the girl harmed the General.

High Command would be devastated.

You dare to think I would open the way for an intruder like you?!!

Major Ryctus exclaimed, the veins on his neck bulging. This was not only a declaration of his determination but also a signal to those observing from behind.

Ryctus prayed silently, hoping someone, anyone would understand his intentions.

Ironically, the beastkin girl was the first to grasp the meaning of his words.

The beastkin girl, with her tail drooping, answered in a tone of disappointment and regret.

You, dont like talking to me.

It was both a conclusion and a truth.

Ryctus disliked the monster who could sever a blade, much less one wrapped in Qi, with her teeth. The fact that she was a beastkin only added to his terror and loathing.

The girl gazed at him, who directed fear and loathing at her. She felt the terror in his eyes. She also understood she was the cause of that terror.

It was regretful, but it couldnt be helped.

That was the nature of humans, after all.

But still, you must keep your promise.

I dont know about any promise! Stop talking nonsense! If you want to meet someone, follow the proper procedures!

Of course, Ryctus had neither the intention nor the authority to allow her to meet anyone, even if she followed the proper procedures. He was merely using it as an excuse to buy time.

And Major Ryctuss efforts paid off.

Youve done well in buying time, Major Ryctus!

Another voice rang out. Ryctus and the beastkin girl both looked up at the same time. From the main gate of the High Command building, a one-star General with a twitching mustache raised his arm.

Your efforts were not in vain! After all, thanks to you, we are now ready!

Following his gesture, heavily armed troops descended from all around the Defense Headquarters.

There were Captains and there were Majors. Every single soldier was at least the rank of a company officer while many were even field officers.

Opportunely, the evacuation had just been issued, so they all had their military gear and weapons at ready.

Even excluding the forces that had already departed, there were 200 officers left. Considering that lower-level foot soldiers would only get in the way, this was the maximum force that could be assembled in the capital at short notice.

Attention, all troops!


All the officers simultaneously inserted their military gear into their packets.

Whizz, Swish.

Large metal plates split like scales and surged up. Following the Arch-Avatar, blue alchemic light appeared between the aligned metal sheets and chains. Steel interlocked, scales covered the body, and the officers transformed into warriors in full armor.

Swords, spears, guns, axes. Each officer, armed with a weapon compatible with their Qi Arts and wearing armor without a single opening, approached slowly. Chilly Qi swirled around their blades.

Some hesitated even as they armed themselves, questioning the Generals commands.

Wait! Werent we ordered to evacuate?! We shouldnt be confronting them!

Theres no choice now that were caught up in this situation. Or are you saying we should hand over our Commander just like that?!

The General Officer, who browbeat his subordinates into submission, glared at Azzy once again before yelling.

Disarm and surrender immediately!

The girl, who was unhurriedly gazing at the General Officer until now

Not enough.

Shook her head, even in the face of someone who was the Deputy Commander of the Defense Headquarters, as well as a one-star General.

In a resolute and conclusive manner, at that.

You, lack the qualifications. Cant be representative. Not even a fragment of him. Your king.

Who in this world could possibly say that a general officer of the Military State was lacking qualifications? A powerhouse who was not only a Level 4 citizen, but also commanded numerous soldiers and wielded Qi Arts that had reached the realm of Heaven and Earth.

Angered by her dismissive attitude of him, the General shouted.

We are the Military State born from the downfall of a monarchy! There are no such things like kings here! If you are looking for a king, go to another country!

At his words, Azzy raised her head.

Her softly curved eyes shone brightly, not with the stars of the night sky, but with the sharp edges of numerous weapons; a variety of weapons filled with hidden killing intent under the fierce and violent light.

The scene was familiar. Many had made promises with the King of Dogs, only to use the King of Dogs without any intentions of keeping them. The King of Dogs had always, always been betrayed.

The previous King and the current Azzy were different entities, but the existence of the King was inherited. And with it, the futility of promises in the face of danger.

But still

Woof, it doesnt have to be. They can be a General too. As long as there is someone with the qualifications to face me. As long as there is someone who, even in part, represents humans.

But still, Azzy had to find a human or an organization that could fulfill her promise.

After all, to defeat the wolf

A shepherd was needed.

Come before me and recall the promise.

A black dot appeared on Azzys forehead.

The General was taken aback. He thought someone had shot her in the forehead.

But the absence of a gunshot wound made him pause once.

And the realization that the dot on Azzys forehead was growing made him pause again.

He realized that this was no gunshot wound.

That, in the first place, this phenomenon of itself was far from ordinary.

Skreeek, Skreeek.

The sound of a sharp carving knife etching and digging out space echoed. As the sound grew louder, a black fissure formed along the lines of Azzys forehead. That crack twisted and merged continuously until it took on a distinct shape.

Someone murmured upon seeing that shape.

A crown?

True to his words, a crown, seemingly woven from the stems of plants, materialized out of thin air.

The crown began at Azzys forehead and extended to the back of her head. As it grew, seemingly consuming space itself, the crown made a cracking noise while encircling half of Azzys head.

Then, it stopped moving any further.

I, kept my promise. Waited in the Abyss.

As Azzy raised her head, the crown floating a hands breadth above her head moved with her.

Suspended without any support, it was akin to the halo of an angel, as if that of itself affirmed her identity.

Only then was the General able to recall who the entity before him was.

Is this a proclamation conveyed by the King of Dogs?

Beast Kings represented all the beasts in their respective species.

These kings, bearing only the characteristics of beasts, lived ordinarily, no different from other animals.


A Beast King, chosen to speak or act on behalf of all their respective beasts

Gained the power and right to do so.

Wearing a crown split in half, seemingly woven from non-existent stems, Azzy stood there as the King of Dogs.

After all, even though she, as a dog, loved and was loyal to humans, their hearts and wills were not entirely in the hands of human beings.

The King of Dogs, representing all dogs, declared.

Now, it is your turn to keep the promise.

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