Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint Chapter 196: Tantalus Alumni

Chapter 196: Tantalus Alumni

Tantalus Alumni

What would be the fastest way to spread poison that must destroy the inside of the body as much as possible?

The best way was to take advantage of the fastest means of spreading. Most poisons spread through the bloodstream and blocking the blood flow or sucking out contaminated blood had been renowned as the most effective treatment since ancient times.

But what if the poison had already traveled through the blood vessels?

God was invented for such times. People worked hard to create them, so good luck praying just as diligently as well.

Military State. Pray that we are excreted quietly. After all, we are already in orbit, flowing through the stream!

What in the world are you talking about?

The Meta Conveyor Belt was the main artery of the Military State. Moreover, we were already on it. Thus, it meant we were already flowing through the body of the Military State.

Thanks to our unauthorized use of the States largest logistics facility, we were able to enjoy quite a comfortable and cozy journey.

Wow, wow, wow. Not to toot my own horn since Im the one who came up with it, but isnt this such a brilliant plan?! To think of escaping by riding on the main road of the Military State. As long as we watch out for the front and back, there is almost no possibility of us getting caught on top of this earth!

Just as I said, the Meta Conveyor Belt was an extremely safe means of transportation.

First, there was no need to be worried about getting surrounded. For the enemy to appear, they had to block us from the front or chase us from behind, thanks to which we only had to watch out for the front and back.

Well, when we arrived at a terminal, the Military States forces would block our way, but until then, it was safe.

The Regressor alternated her gaze between the front and back before replying.

Thats true. Good timing. Since it seems theres no immediate pursuer, I should wrap up apending conversation. Sit here.

Thank you for reading at

Huh? Sit here? It kinda sounds like something a school teacher would say before scolding a student, doesnt it?

Just sit down.

Intimidated by the sharp and stern demeanor, I obediently sat down on the ground. I hadnt been on it for a while, but I was once again reminded of how cold the floor of the Meta Conveyor Belt was.

The Regressor, standing in front of me with her arms crossed, spoke with quite a commanding presence.

Now then. Shall we share some information, Mr. Pied Piper of Hamelin?

Sharing? What do you mean sharing? Honestly, I feel a bit wronged.

However, my body might follow orders, but my heart would not yield. I retorted while lazily picking at my ear in a rebellious posture.

Sharing information, my foot. In the first place, isnt Mr. Shei more secretive than me? Carrying a legendary sword called Chun-aeung or whatever. Diving into Tantalus on your own. Despite being so young, you are incredibly strong and know so much. It makes one think something like, Are you some legendary being or what?. But even that doesnt really add up. In fact, nothing does.

was what I wanted to do, but I ended up subtly sucking up to her. That was the work of my survival instinct, though! It couldnt be helped. Anyway, I passed the buck with a sort of flattery that wasnt actually flattery.

How can I possibly start sharing if you yourself wont disclose anything?

The rhetoric of how you were the one at fault first! You started it!

However, the Regressor seemed to have gained a bit of confidence now that she had stepped out into the world, seeing as she retorted ever so brazenly.

Hmph. Its not like youve ever asked me anything. You acted as if you knew everything from the start.

Youre well aware then. Since neither of us asked, were even.

But, you see. I wont say much about past events either. But I helped you when you were being chased by the Military State, so I should at least know what its roughly about, right? You cant expect me to help you without any explanation or trust, can you?

The Regressor then scrutinized me with sharp eyes.

And thats especially the case if youre the main culprit behind the Hamelin Incident. How could we possibly travel with someone whose identity and intentions are unknown? Someone who is potentially dangerous?

Keuk, shes bombarding me with facts. To think Id live to see the day when Im attacked with rational reason by the Regressor. Is this how the turns table? How the hierarchy reverses? Is this a coup?

Having no counterargument, I had no choice but to agree.

Now that I think of it, you do have a point. I cannot argue with that. If I want to survive, I guess I have to make an effort to survive.

Youre well aware. Now then, spill everything about your identity.

I never thought I could hide it forever. This body was already exposed to the Military State; hiding it further would only raise suspicion.

Just as I was resolving myself, Tyr, who had been quietly listening under a parasol, suddenly spoke.

Hu. Regardless of what your identity is or what you did, I would have saved you. The only thing I was upset about was that you left without a word.

However, it was a different story if I had someone on my side, yeah? I immediately changed my attitude and shouted.

But kindness and favor can be given without price and reward! Such a notion does exist! It is the warm sun, not the harsh north wind, that moves a persons heart! Mr. Shei, you must reflect on yourself by looking at Tyr!

However, I do worry about you getting hurt in places I am not able to see. Why dont you consider becoming a vampire so I can avoid such concerns?

Mr. Shei. I shall reveal my entire identity, so please forget what I just said.

The Regressor snorted and gestured with her chin. Tyr, who was flatly rejected, muttered sadly.

Is it that disagreeable? The life of an Elder is not all that bad, though.

The very fact that the words vampire and life were said in the same sentence was a contradiction. Moreover, Tyr had regained her life, thus having a clear distinction in the boundary between herself and the world. Being a member of such a persons lineage would surely bring out various problems.

Right as I was about to honestly confess, disregarding Tyrs sad murmurs

Azzy, who had been circling around me since earlier, suddenly brightened her eyes and dropped the can of meat she was holding in her mouth right in front of me.

Woof! Eat!

Uhuh, sure. Ill eat it later. Thanks.

Woof woof!

Azzy was giving me food? Without taking it for herself? Whats happening all of a sudden?

Anyway, while holding the can, I began my explanation.

To be honest, Im from Hamelin.

Thats all?

As Ive emphasized several times, I was the top student of my school at that time. That cohort included Historia, currently one of the Six Star Generals, andthe one who was once the youngest Magic Corps Officer, as well as the successor to the Mage Marshal. Lankart.

When Historia and Lankart came up, the Regressor frowned momentarily. As expected of you. So you have encountered those two in your previous regressions, huh?

I had not read the entire story of what had happened yet, but the complicated emotions suggested they had an ambiguous relationship, neither entirely allies nor enemies.

Star General Historia and Lankart of the Shrine of the Divine? How are both names such bigwigs. Moreover, he actually outperformed those two and ranked first?

It seemed like my peers were significant enough figures to have faced the Regressor in the past. Only three classmates survived, but to think that I, who was ranked first, would end up as a mere petty criminal. This was why one never knew what kids would grow up to be.

Ive decided. Imma skip alumni gatherings from now on.

I may not know the entire story, but one thing is certain. Those two are already powerhouses at the level of a nation. So, perhaps you too could be

Nonono. No. Dont overestimate me. Were about to fight the Military State, right? If I get starting expectations like that, I might be pushed to the frontlines and end up dead.

I spoke urgently.

If Historia was all about Qi Arts and melee combat and Lankart was all about magic and technology, then I secured first place solely with my brain. Historia dominated in Qi Arts and melee combat, and Lankart in magic, but I was either first or second in most subjects by being able to cover a variety of topics. Basically, I had a very broad range.

Of course, it was all thanks to Mind Reading. Thank you, Mind Reading. Without you, it would have been impossible.

You did that?

Yes. Im not joking. I truly was a promising talent of the Military State. Not exactly strong in power, but I could quickly and easily reach a proficient level in anything I learned, be it magic, Qi Arts, or alchemy. Moreover, I excelled in strategy and tactics. And above all, my comprehension was outstanding, allowing me to easily grasp different properties of power.

However, what Mind Reading could achieve was limited to the level of the user, so my lack of depth was exposed around my 2nd-Year.

Anyway, that too was a talent, and first place was still first place.

So, I was called Hamelins Jack of All Trades.


Able to easily learn anything, he says For some reason, its suddenly making me feel really annoyed.

Wow! Oh my days. Look here, everyone! A Regressor is salty about MY talent! Even though she has gone through regressions to eventually become a powerhouse!!

The grass is greener on the other side, huh? You have a cheat ability called Regression yet you still felt it was insufficient! Are you serious?! Wake up! From your delusion!

Anyway, the three of us ranked first, second, and third in Hamelin. The Military State offered equal education, but thats merely to unearth potential gems. In a world where one powerhouse can oppose a thousand alone, equal education doesnt hold much value.

Investing in one person often yielded better results than investing in a hundred.

In fact, because that was efficient, it was no exaggeration to say that Hamelins educational resources were almost exclusively used for the top few percent.

At that age, Historia, who defeated a field officer in a duel, and Lankart, who awakened his Unique Magic and built his Spiritual World, received special treatment and underwent a different curriculum from regular students. Perhaps thats why the other students of Hamelin wer.

Dont stray off topic. What about you?

The Regressor sharply interjected, disallowing me from subtly shifting the conversation away from me.

Thank you for reading at

If you were first place, it seems like you would have had a special curriculum as well.

Ahahaha. What a sharp deduction.

Youve gotten quite perceptive ever since you came out of the Abyss, huh?

I spoke with an awkward laugh.

The decision regarding me was somewhatambiguous as to what to do. Proficient in most areas but not enough to be called outstanding. However, at the same time, it was too much of a waste to just discard or ignore my talent. Perhaps thats why I was noticed in a slightly different area.

Where? The Intelligence Division?

Similar, but a bit different. The Department of Arcane Dissection, directly under the Military States Special Task Force. I wasnt an Arcane Dissector yet but was projected to be.

The Regressor sighed and nodded slightly, as if many things were explained with that.

Meanwhile, Tyr, who wasnt able to follow along with the conversation, lifted her parasol slightly and interjected.

Wait for a moment. What is an Arcane Dissector?

I responded to such an inquiry.

Arcane Dissectors are a bit like archaeologists, but with a slightly different approach. They seek to unravel the mysterious Arcanes hidden in the world and harness their power.

The world was full of the Arcane. Of mysteries.

Riders of lightning descending upon the cliffs of clouds, as well as swirling islands of flotsam and wreckage. Paradisical gardens fatefully encountered on aimless wanderings, as well as jungles inhabited by various bizarre creatures. The graveyard of elephants and the mountains of tigers, among others.

An organization that excavated such Arcanes, mysteries, and inheritances, purely for practical purposes. The Military States Department of Arcane Dissection.

After explaining, I summarized in a way customized specifically for Tyr.

The plan to store Tyr and Azzy in the Abyss was conceived by them. The idea was that while the Progenitor, Tyrkanzyaka, and the King of Dogs, Azzy Kang1Fun Fact! Azzy Kang (Or Kang Azzy in Korean) actually means Puppy when TLed directly!, posed a great threat, keeping them underneath and using them when necessary could be more beneficial.

Upon hearing her name, Azzy quickly ran over and barked.

Woof! You, called me?

Not yet.

Woof! Got it! Call later!

Azzy then stepped back a few paces before starting to observe me with sparkling eyes.

Maybe she has something she wants from me. Does she want me to play with her? I mean, I guess Tyr and the Regressor werent really the type to play with Azzy properly.

Alright. Ill satisfy your needs later.


Ho? If that is the case. Hu, you must have known about me before coming down to the Abyss.

I did know. But that knowledge was more academic than practical. It was all theoretical, learned from reading books on a desk, so I had no idea what kind of person Tyr really was.

I see.

I am quite curious. How exactly does this nation known as the Military State view me?

The contents of that probably arent all that good, you know.

The Tyrkanzyaka known in academia was not that great of a character, even when looked at objectively. Even if biased records written by the Sanctum were discounted, her history was quitesplendid, after all.

She had participated in numerous wars and just the number of human lives she had ended alone reached five digits. After battles, she would draw out blood from the corpses, leaving battlefields swept by vampires void of blood, screams, and even light.

I had filled entire pages with nothing but negative stories about the Tyrkanzyaka of then. But meeting her in person somehow felt different.

Sure, the stories had strayed a bit. Maybe they had been an exaggeration. But when it came down to it. I did not achieve as good of a result as I hoped for.

Dealing with people directly might be one thing, but purely extracting information from books was not my forte.

I see. So that is why. You seemed oddly familiar to Tantalus and its inhabitants, you see. Especially Azzy.

Thats right. For Arcane Dissectors especially, Kings of Beasts are entities they must know about.

There must be many who are part of the Human Regime among the Arcane Dissectors.

They had their suspicions, but both they and I kept a low profile. Neither revealed anything unnecessarily. After all, I was just a student at the time. Why would they reach out to a child who knows nothing?

The story was coming together seamlessly. The Regressor seemed to agree with much of what I said.

Then, what about releasing the seal of Jizan, the weapon of the Grandmaster? Is that also the power of an Arcane Dissector?

This part was hard to explain without mentioning Mind Reading, so I had to play dumb here, widening my eyes and asking back in apparent confusion.

What? Unlocked? It was unlocked?

Youre the one who unlocked it yet you dont even know?

How would I possibly know? Relics grant power only to those who pass their test. All I did was lift and swing it around a bit, right?

But the fact that you lifted it means that part of the test was passed, though?

What answer did you give in that test?

I told her to stop trying to test me when she was merely a corpse and to calm down the Earth Sage instead. Seems like she listened to me. When I tried to lift it, I was able to just wield it, you know?

Rather than that, are you sure she wasnt just angry with you?

Anyway, my explanation was flawless and coherent. When matched with the Regressors rudimentary information on background knowledge and magic tricks, she couldnt continue her suspicions and had to let it slide.

And in the process, you became the Pied Piper of Hamelin?

I really, really feel wronged about that. I was framed!

I argued earnestly. The Regressors eyes squinted as she responded.

Then why are you known as the Piped Piper and pursued by the Military State?

I was framed, so of course Im being pursued! I mean, think about it logically! What would I ever gain from killing all my peers? Because of that incident, my promising bright future was ruined and I ended up as a mere petty criminal! Do I look like a madman to you, Mr. Shei? Someone who would abandon everything I had just to kill people?

When I pounded my chest in frustration, the Regressor looked at me as if to reassess and then conceded.

You do seem like a madman, but not that kind of madman.

In the first place, that incident at Hamelin was actually a suicide. I later used that event to my advantage when I needed to destabilize and bring down the Military State.

Wow. So my struggles and hardships werent in vain, huh? There exists a timeline where the Military State falls to ruin thanks to Hamelin. Suddenly, I felt a sense of fulfillment.

Anyway, I emphasized once again that I was harmless.

I got caught up in that situation as well and barely managed to escape, so I dont know much. But one thing is for certain. The Military State framed me.

The Military State framed a mere student? Thats doubtful, though.

What could the one being framed possibly know? It was either the Military State or that bastard Lankart. I barely escaped with my life. Otherwise, why would I live as a petty criminal despite being highly regarded in Hamelin?

That was a perfectly valid point. The fact that I was indeed a petty criminal, wrongfully accused, hid the clever truth that I was a Mind Reader.

Therefore, the Regressor couldnt find any inconsistencies in my words.

If youre the last graduate of Hamelin Yes. It could make sense. And that easily explains your actions and abilities. Now, my doubts and suspicions are somewhat alleviated.

It was inevitable. After all, people were rational yet also emotional. When an explanation fits perfectly into their desired understanding, just like a completed puzzle, it would bring forth an emotion close to pleasure.

And truth be told, my story wasnt all that far from the truth either.

Right as I was hiding such thoughts behind my expression

Wait. Dont just accept everything at face value. There are still things I cant reconcile.

What? What is it again?

Are you actually not human? Sure, you can suspect and doubt, but at this point, its a chronic illness!

It does make sense. But still, somethings off. If you were an Arcane Dissector, you might know various means, but somehow somehow I cant just let it slide like this. My intuition tells me so.

This is why I hate punks with good intuition. Are you kidding me?

But trust was not just one-dimensional. Nor was credibility limited to just one type. Despite her doubts about me, the Regressor also trusted me.

Regardless of that, Tyrkanzyakas words ring true. When it comes to friend or foeyou are clearly an ally, after all. Lets not press any further.

A quiet murmur resonated within her mind; it was a pivotal moment that determined her treatment of me.

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