One Last System Chapter 99 - Fiery Rampage (fixed)

’Finally,’ I thought.

A strange sense of liberation filled my soul, taking the place of all the emotions raging in it previously.

All my hatred, humiliation, wrath, and fear were still there, but they no longer took the hegemony over my soul. They were still in the background, still filled my soul to the brim, but they no longer obstructed my will to act.

The face of the fat monstrum was just like I remembered it. But just a second after looking up at that monstrosity’s face, my eyes covered in flames.

For the first time since those strange changes happened to my insides, any hint of them appeared in the real world.

I moved my hands up. The chains holding me both physically and magically down shattered as if they were forms made out of brittle sand.

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My fingers bent inwards as I reached for the female’s fat-slime’s neck. Halfway there, the fire that had already burned on my flames spread through my entire body, finally alerting everyone in the room that something was going to happen.

I reached out for the monster’s throat. Just like with the chains, there was no resistance.

My fingers didn’t stop at the massive folds of fat surrounding the female’s vitals. My hand simply went through it, burning it away even before I could touch it.

’Great,’ I thought with grim satisfaction. ’Saves me the disgust of touching her.’

My hands didn’t stop when they reached the monster’s vitals, didn’t stop when they melted through the female’s spine, didn’t stop when I cleaved her head cleanly off.

The room exploded in panic as the reality of the situation finally started to reach everyone’s minds.

By the time the massive blob of a head fell to the ground with a dull thump, the chaos had ensued.

People no longer cared about their partners. No one bothered to help the other. Lovers from a second before were now trampling on each other, stomping on their partners, crushing their naked bodies underneath their panicked steps.

I shook my body, forcing the disgusting corpse out of my torso. Before it could even fall to the ground, the fires that coated my body took on the fat.

In just a flash, they consumed the flesh, fed on the residual energy of that deceased cultivator.

The fires continued to spread out at a rapid pace, only fanning the flames of everyone’s terror.

At this point, I just didn’t care.

For me, they were all involved in the crime of leading to my rape. I was disgusted with them just as much as I was disgusted with myself.

I was sullied. I was tainted. I was spoiled.

And they were the people who, with their impassiveness, allowed this to happen.

In my eyes, they were as guilty as those who fed me the poison and the guy that knocked me out.

’Huh?’ I suddenly took notice of a strange fact. ’I’m actually on fire,’ I thought, raising my burning hands towards my eyes.

So it wasn’t just a projection of my emotion. My body actually stood in flames, feeding off the energy that I was oozing.

’That’s not good,’ I thought calmly, casting a quick glance around the place.

Just as expected, my robe was thrown aside nearby, currently, all dirtied from the people who stampeded over it.

But it didn’t matter.

I reached for my personal cloth and quickly put them on. Rather than trying to cover my nakedness, I hoped to make use of the qualities of this special cloth.

The second my skin was covered by the robe, the fires disappeared. Right now, only the burning corpse of my rapist remained as the source of the blaze. Yet, just a single look at the ugly mess of burning fat was enough to tell the flame would soon die out.


With a sonic explosion, the flames of my hate erupted again, this time oozing out of my robe.

The main use of this cloth was to absorb the energy of the attack, condense it, and return it straight to its sender. But when I crafted it, I only imagined the attack to actually come from the outside.

As such, even though I was feeding the robe a massive amount of energy from the inside, it could only release it outside.

’At least I’m not burning myself down,’ I thought grimly, my thoughts in a strange state of fake calmness.

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The flames that surrounded me turned out to be even more intense than before. While previously I had to touch something directly to set it alight, right now, the fire appeared to drip off my robes, quickly turning the entire building into a raging inferno.

’At this rate, it is only a matter of time before it will collapse,’ I thought, raising my eyes up to the pillars supporting the roof.

Two out of a total of four of them were already burning, the fires quickly approaching the two others. Once even a single one would give up, the entire thing would come crashing down right on my head.

As such, I decided on the simplest solution.

’Nothing can fall and crush me if I burn it away first!’

This thought wasn’t sane. I was perfectly aware of it. But I could do nothing to stop myself from endorsing this idea.

Not knowing how, I still somehow managed to redirect the flames upwards, blasting a massive wave of blaze towards the wooden ceiling of the building.

Right now, I was like an arsonist of the stories, taking pleasure in burning things down.

’I wish to eradicate the entire fucking world if that’s how it is,’ I thought, squinting my eyes to prevent the smoke from spoiling my sight.

"KILL HIM!" someone shouted from the part of the building already covered in smoke.

’A good use of cover,’ I thought, nodding my head with a commendation for their ingenuity.

Sadly for those poor cultivators, while using smoke to hide was a good idea to a degree, announcing their attack beforehand wasn’t.

Someone lashed out at me with a broken piece of a chair’s leg. Instead of dodging, I simply caught the piece, sliding my hand down.

For every inch that my hand would move, the wood above would be scorched into ash, effectively leaving the poor disciple with nothing but a small piece in his hand when I caught his wrist.

’He is from the Skyladder...’ I thought, looking at the robes he bound around his belt. ’Well, I don’t give a fuck,’ I concluded, increasing the intensity of the flames on my hand as I tightened my grasp on the man’s hand.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" some girl shouted, trying to stab me with something to the back.

I didn’t even turn around, turning her into a black puppet with an outburst of fire from the back of my robe.

I let go of the blackened hand of my victim, watching how his body danced to the tune of the flames only to fall down a few seconds later.

Even cultivators couldn’t hold on to their life when set alight.

’Right, there was a guy,’ I thought, looking to the side.

Previously, there was something akin to a lodge there, separated from the rest of the room with see-through covers.

The elegant material has long burned away. Sadly, the lodge was already empty, proving that whoever was in there was sane enough to escape from this place in time.

’I guess he or she could tell they would be one of the targets of my rage,’ I thought, turning my face back to the corpse of my first victim for today.

I really wished to piss on her remains, but the fire already covered the entire floor of the building. Given how quickly my flames consumed her body, I could no longer locate where her corpse even fell.

’There it is,’ I thought, a devilish look appearing on my lips when I saw the monster’s massive head, still holding on to the look of surprise that woman had when she died.

It was a miracle that it didn’t turn away yet. Not waiting for it to happen, I grabbed it and raised my hand, even going as far as to hold the flames on my hand back for a moment.

"You really didn’t deserve such an easy end," I muttered, dissatisfied with my own earlier actions. I wanted to get her off me as soon as possible, but it came at the cost of shortening her suffering.

Right now, with my body already covered, the value of saving myself from this disgusting torture wasn’t all that much greater than the wish to make that whore scream in pain.

I tightened my fingers, crushing the head in my palm. ALlowing the fires to return a second later, I quickly cleaned all that disgusting blood from both my robe and my flesh.

’The time is running short,’ I thought, noticing how some energy-rich presences started appearing in the nearby arena.


The building also started giving off pretty dangerous noises.

Yet, the second I made the first step to exit it, the house’s structure couldn’t hold any longer.. Without any second spare to let me escape, the building collapsed.

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