Only I Can See The End Chapter 21: First Hunt

Chapter 21: First Hunt

[12:30 PM, Thursday 4th of May, 2023]

"Alright, Mikey," I said to myself, my breath steady and my eyes determined.

"You can do it. You must do this."

Carefully, I peeked through the slightly open blinds, scanning the empty streets.

The city that was once full of life had become a silent, eerie wasteland, infested with creatures known as Demons.

They crawled and slithered, their malevolent presence evident in the ominous shadows they cast upon the sunlit pavement.

’Looks like they’re still active here. Should I use the back path to escape? Or would it be smarter to watch and wait for a safer moment?’

It reminded me of the zombie movies I watched as a kid. Back then, I didn’t quite grasp the gravity of the situation, I was far too young to understand.

But now, things were different. Everything was at stake. I couldn’t afford any mistakes.

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Although I understood the dangers that lurked outside my safe haven, a fierce determination fueled me. I was ready to face any danger that lay ahead.

’I need to observe them, learn their patterns, and strike at the right time.’

Since I was going to be doing this for some time, it was high time I tried to understand the behavior of Demons.

As I prepared myself, my heart raced with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

Armed only with my trusty rock and unwavering resolve, I took a deep breath, bracing for the imminent danger.

Every instinct told me to stay put and wait for the tutorial to pass. But something within urged me to take a chance, to test my skills against the monstrous horde in the streets.

"Let’s do this," I whispered, a newfound confidence igniting within me.


[4:56 PM, Thursday 4th of May, 2023]

I cautiously pushed the rusty back door open, its hinges protesting with a groan.

The cool evening air enveloped me, carrying a faint scent of decay and desolation. I moved forward carefully, my eyes scanning the blocks for any signs of movement.

"After hours of waiting, this might be my chance," I thought.

I chose the back entrance, a simple steel door that could be easily opened with a key. As long as I had the key, I could go in and go out.

It was far more convenient than the fortified front entrance.

I moved silently, my footsteps barely making a sound on the cracked asphalt. Every muscle in my body tensed, ready to strike at the first sign of danger.

The dimming sunlight cast an ethereal glow, illuminating the cracked facades of abandoned buildings, their broken windows serving as a reminder of a world that once thrived. freew𝚎bn𝐨𝘃𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝚘𝗺

And then, I saw it—a Demon lurking in the distance, its twisted form silhouetted against a crumbling wall.


"I can see that!" I thought, but I stayed calm and remained hidden behind one of the many battered cars parked in the area. Luckily, the Demon hadn’t noticed me yet. Its red eyes glowed with malice, but it seemed preoccupied.

’More importantly, it’s standing still. Maybe it’s tired. Demons also have stats, so it must be low on vitality.’

’This is my chance!’

Without hesitation, I tightly gripped my trusty Rock and aimed it at the Demon with all the strength I could muster.

’I’m screwed if this doesn’t work!’


In one swift motion, I hurled the Rock straight at the resting Demon, desperately hoping for a hit. My heart pounded as I watched... and I missed.

"Return!" I called out in a hushed tone. Thankfully, the Rock returned to my hand before it could make a noise and draw attention.

"Phew... that was close."

The Rock’s special ability allowed me to keep trying, but I couldn’t afford to linger outside for too long.

The threat of Demons was ever-present.

I didn’t want to be caught and killed by them.

"Let’s give it another shot," I whispered to myself, attempting my second throw.

And again, I missed.

"Let’s do it one more time!"

... And again.

"This time for sure!"

... Again and again.

"Haa... fuck. This is harder than I thought." If hitting a stationary Demon was this challenging, I dreaded the thought of facing a moving one.

But giving up wasn’t an option.

Not yet!

’Let’s try it again!’


... And then...


This time, it connected.


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The Demon let out a bone-chilling screech as my trusty weapon found its mark, hitting it squarely on the head, right where it hurt the most.

It writhed in agony, thrashing wildly as it clutched its head.

"It’s stunned. I can’t waste this opportunity!"

Summoning my Rock once more, I prepared for another throw.

I recalled the sensation of my first successful hit, and with steady composure, I replicated the movement.


The Rock whizzed through the air, closing the gap in an instant, and then…


Once again, it hit the mark.

The Demon stopped its agonized shrieking and simply stopped moving. Before long, it lay lifeless.

’H-huh? Just like that?’

I had expected a prolonged struggle, but it seemed killing a Demon wasn’t as hard as I’d imagined.

"Maybe it was already weakened," I considered.

In any case, I had done it. I had killed my first Demon!


A sudden notification interrupted my triumphant thoughts, and a System Message appeared before me.

’Ah! Yes, that’s right!’ I grinned with excitement.

Now, I had reached Level 2, and I could feel myself growing stronger.

As my joy bubbled, another ping echoed in my mind.


"That’s not all?" My curiosity was piqued. I wondered what else the system had in store for me.


{You will receive a Reward for this accomplishment.}

~Note: Rewards will be calculated and distributed after the Tutorial~


"Yeeesss!!!" My heart soared with joy as I celebrated my triumph. The thought of advancing and enjoying the rewards of my efforts filled me with a heady blend of pride and happiness.

Regrettably, in my celebration, I had missed a vital detail—a hidden threat that had eluded my notice.

It lurked nearby, its presence shrouded in darkness, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.


"H-huh...?" I questioned, my euphoria shattering as a cold breath brushed against my neck, quickly followed by a searing pain that surged through my body.


I spun around, but it was too late. Another Demon had seized the opportunity, its monstrous claws tearing into my flesh. The pain left me immobilized, and I found myself overwhelmed by regret.

’Mikey, you fool...’ In that dreadful moment, I realized the harsh truth that in this unforgiving world, complacency and celebration were often met with swift and merciless consequences.


{You will soon die…}

Gasping for air, I collapsed to my knees, the world spinning around me.

The joy I had experienced only moments ago had turned into a bitter realization. I had dropped my guard, lured by the allure of rewards and the rush of victory.

Now, as darkness closed in, I understood that this was a harsh lesson—a lesson that the path I had embarked upon was rife with danger and deceit. Even the slightest lapse in vigilance could result in a deadly outcome.

’Damn it...’ I cursed myself, my vision blurring as I struggled to stay conscious. The pain throbbed, a relentless reminder of my own recklessness.

I knew I had to fight, to claw my way back from the brink of darkness. But for now, the world faded to black, and I descended into the abyss of unconsciousness, regret echoing in my thoughts.

[You Have Died]

{Based On Exclusive Skill: ; your recent experiences have been dissolved into a dream}

[You Will Now Wake Up]




Character Art of Mikey right here

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