Only I Can See The End Chapter 34: The Penthouse Boss [Pt 1]

Chapter 34: The Penthouse Boss [Pt 1]

[2:51 PM, Saturday 6th of May, 2023]

I climbed the hotel’s floors, my steps determined and focused.

As I went up, the demons I faced became tougher, a testament to how challenging the upcoming battles would be. Each floor turned into a battleground, a place to test my skills and determination.

With each encounter, I unleashed the full extent of my abilities.

I evaded their relentless assaults with the agility granted by , my movements a blur as I danced between their strikes.

The power of allowed me to anticipate their attacks, granting me precious seconds to counter with swift and precise strikes.

On each floor, I faced different variants of demons.

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Some were huge, covered in bony spines, their roars shaking the building’s foundations. Others were quick and agile, moving through the air unnaturally fast, their sharp claws aiming to pierce my flesh.

But I didn’t give up. I fought with determination, using my energy rock and combat skills.

Each victory filled me with satisfaction, a sense of growth and progress that propelled me forward.

As I went higher, the battles became even tougher. The demons got stronger, their attacks more ferocious. But I met their challenges with resolve, my strikes filled with the power I had accumulated through leveling up.

And then, while battling demons on the fifth floor, a notification appeared:

The realization washed over me, a clear affirmation of my progress and growth. I had reached Level 12, a testament to my determination and perseverance.

Emboldened by this newfound strength, I pressed on, my steps quickening as I approached the penthouse. The demons on the subsequent floors became even more vicious, their presence a testament to the approaching confrontation with the Boss.

With each battle, I channeled my abilities, sharpened through many fights. My movements became precise, and the Energy Rock boosted my strikes. Each victory fueled my determination to face the ultimate showdown.

Finally, after a challenging climb, I stood before the penthouse doors, the peak of my journey. I took a deep breath, my heart pounding, ready to confront the Boss inside.


- Name: Mikey Rael

- Race: Human

- Level: 12

- Life Force: 2/2

- Energy Level: 8/8 (+2)

- Combat Ability: 2/2 (+3), (+12)

- Stat Points: 26

- Currency: 1,250

- Role:

- Authority:

- Titles: , , ,

- Skills (Exclusive): , ,

- Skills (Non-Exclusive): ,

- Items Equipped: , , ,

- Alignment: Neutral

[Additional Information]

You can see the future and past by living it. It is a coveted power worthy of desire, but a scary one to possess.


[6:39 PM, Saturday 6th of May, 2023]

As the penthouse doors swung open, I entered cautiously, scanning the room.

The evening sun cast a warm, golden glow through the large windows, bathing the penthouse in a soft, ethereal light. Shadows danced and swayed along the walls, lending an air of mystery to the space.

But amidst the gentle twilight, there, in the center of the room, stood the epitome of darkness and malevolence. My breath caught in my throat as I beheld its grotesque form.

The Boss, a towering monstrosity, loomed before me, casting a grotesque shadow across the penthouse. Its repulsive form defied all semblance of beauty or grace. Its bloated physique filled the room, stretching its taut, pockmarked skin to its limits. Rolls of fat, mottled with blemishes, clung to its immense frame, glistening with an oily sheen.

The beast’s skin appeared sickly, discolored patches marring its surface like a macabre canvas of decay. Pustules and boils dotted its flesh, erupting with putrid secretions that trickled down its distended form. Sinewy veins pulsed beneath the surface, a grotesque network of life force sustaining this abomination.

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Its limbs were thick and swollen with grotesque power. Bulging muscles strained against the constraints of its distended form, rippling with a twisted strength. Claws, sharp as daggers and encrusted with filth, extended from its massive hands, poised to rend and tear.

The Boss’s face was horrifying, with bloodshot, yellowed eyes seething with malice. Its mouth held rows of jagged teeth, and drool dripped from its fangs like venom from a snake.

The air around the boss was thick with an unbearable stench, a putrid miasma that assaulted my senses. The rancid odor of decay and filth permeated the penthouse, clinging to the walls and suffocating the room with its foul presence. It was an olfactory assault, a reminder of the darkness that this creature embodied.

This demon radiated power, an aura of menace that sent shivers down my spine. Its immense size and grotesque appearance concealed its formidable strength, making it a daunting challenge for anyone who dared to face it. In that moment, I realized that I was in the presence of something truly monstrous, a creature that defied all logic and reason.


"This feels just like the encounter with the Colossal Demon," doubt briefly crossed my mind. How could I possibly defeat such a formidable foe, especially when faced with the horrifying reality of the Boss before me?

The boss’s immense strength threatened to shake my composure. But deep down, an unquenchable fire burned. I was determined to overcome this challenge, no matter how daunting. The images of past victories flashed before my eyes, serving as a reminder of what was possible.

With steely resolve, I locked eyes with the boss, suppressing the unease that threatened to consume me. Its repugnant appearance only fueled my determination.

I refused to let revulsion cloud my judgment. This battle was about more than physical appearances—it tested strength, willpower, and perseverance.

Gripping the Energy Rock tightly, I centered myself. I had come too far to be deterred by appearances alone.

I focused on the skills I had honed, the knowledge that I had leveled up and grown stronger. The Energy Rock pulsed with power in my hand, a reminder of the potential within me.

I summoned the courage and tenacity within me, ready to confront this ultimate challenge head-on.

And then—


The boss let out a thunderous roar, the sound filling the room, a chilling reminder of the peril I faced.


It charged toward me with surprising agility, defying its massive bulk. My instincts kicked in, and ’Keuk!’ I barely avoided its initial strike, leaping away with the speed born from desperation.


’What in the—!’

Without giving me time to think, the Boss lunged, growling and slashing with its flabby hands and sharp claws. Every movement seemed impossible for a creature of its size, and I struggled to stay ahead.


Its attacks were swift and devastating, capable of obliterating anything in their path.

I dodged and weaved, using to evade the boss’s relentless assault. I refused to be overwhelmed.

Channeling , I analyzed the Boss’s movements, searching for weaknesses in its impenetrable defense.

With each strike, I avoided hits just in time and hurled the Energy Rock toward the Boss. My heart pounded with each attempt, but hope fueled my determination

... Unfortunately, it didn’t help. The boss’s defense seemed impenetrable; the rock bounced harmlessly off its hide.

Frustration surged within me, but I pushed it aside. ’

I can’t afford to lose focus.’

Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I devised a new strategy. I summoned every ounce of my strength and skill, launching a relentless assault.

Blow after blow, I targeted what I believed were the Boss’s weak points with unwavering precision. I channeled my Energy Levels into the Energy Rock’s power, amplifying my attacks.

But the boss’s resilience appeared boundless.

It endured my onslaught, striking back with bone-crushing force. Everything seemed hopeless.

’Damn it...’ It was clear to me at that point. I had hit a wall.

The realization that my greatest efforts might not be enough weighed heavy on my shoulders.

Yet, I couldn’t give up; the fate of everything I held dear depended on my ability to find a way to break through this seemingly invincible foe.





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