Only I Can See The End Chapter 36: Resurgence

Chapter 36: Resurgence

[7:11 PM, Saturday 6th of May, 2023]

"Status Window..."


- Name: Mikey Rael

- Race: Human

- Level: 15

- Life Force: 2/2

- Energy Level: 8/8 (+2)

- Combat Ability: 8/8 (+3), (+12)

- Stat Points: 29

- Currency: 1,250

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- Role:

- Authority:

- Titles: , , ,

- Skills (Exclusive): , ,

- Skills (Non-Exclusive): ,

- Items Equipped: , , ,

- Alignment: Neutral

[Additional Information]

You can see the future and past by living it. It is a coveted power worthy of desire, but a scary one to possess.

"Haha... How sweet!" I muttered to myself, my voice trembling with a mix of triumph and trepidation.

As I lay amidst the wreckage left by the vanquished boss, my breath ragged and my body adorned with wounds, a sense of accomplishment intertwined with unease washed over me.

I had emerged victorious, my level soaring to 15 as a testament to my growth and resilience.

’To think I did all of this with only 2 Life Force.’ I marveled at my own tenacity.

I wasn’t a gamer or anything like that before the world turned into this, but I was certain even gamers would be impressed by how I managed to survive, fighting so boldly despite everything at stake.

’I can’t believe I beat it. But...’ A gnawing sensation coursed through me. Doubt crept in.

"Why isn’t the System saying anything? Hasn’t the mission already ended?" My words hung unanswered in the air.

As I contemplated the remaining enemy lurking within the depths of the hotel, a sudden disturbance caught my attention.

’Huh? What are those?’ Swiftly rising to my feet, doing my best to assume a cautious stance despite my exhaustion, I stared at the unfolding scene before me.

Right in front of me, swirling black pools radiated nothing but malevolent darkness. The vile liquid from the five respective puddles sputtered and bubbled, causing me to take further steps back.

’It’s just like what I witnessed in the gym back then. What’s happening?! More Demons?!’

As if to respond to my inquiry, figures began to emerge from the murky pools, their ethereal forms blending with the shadows.

One emerged from each pool, making it five in total. Initially, they were all concealed in black goo, rendering them unrecognizable.

The tension in the air thickened, and I braced myself for what came next, my heart pounding like a war drum in my chest.

They had humanoid forms, though, which puzzled me.

’Humans? Not Demons?’

However, this confusion didn’t last long. Soon, the black goo solidified on their bodies, and details emerged in a flash, revealing the identities of my new enemies.

Well, to be accurate, not-so-new enemies.

"N-no... no way..." My heart sank as recognition dawned upon me.

It was Lisa, Jake, and their three other friends, their pale faces twisted by malevolence.

A mix of emotions surged within me as I locked eyes with them—fear, anger, and a fierce determination to protect myself and complete my quest.

All these emotions collided and left me nearly paralyzed as I grappled with the rush of feelings now assailing me.

Why were they here? No, they were just illusions. The real versions were already dead. Yes... that had to be the case.


{You have defeated the Boss and activated the Hidden Effect of the Special Event. Now, you are confronted with your final foes. Defeat them, and win the Special Event. Lose... and you simply die. Should you succeed, you will be awarded a Special Reward.}

~Hidden Event: ~


’But why? Why would they be my next opponents? Is the System messing with me? Is it doing this intentionally?’

It was then, in that harrowing moment, that a realization struck with sickening clarity—the System was toying with me, exploiting my weaknesses, and using my past failures against me.

"Damn... damn you..." Anger simmered within, bubbling to the surface as a bitter taste filled my mouth.


Fury coursed through my veins, a fiery indignation at the unseen puppeteer manipulating the very fabric of this twisted game.

’I have played my part without complaint. I have been dutiful, leveling up, and doing my best to survive. I haven’t protested much or challenged whoever created this chaotic mess... yet...


How dare they play with my emotions, taunting me with apparitions of those who hurt me most? The memories of my time in that room, experiencing nothing but silent hunger and despair, were still etched deep within me.

They continued to haunt me, to the point where forgetting them was impossible. Yet, why would the System show them to me again?

"Why...?" A seething resentment swelled within me, fueled by a sense of injustice and betrayal.

But amidst the anger, a bitter truth settled in my mind. I had no choice but to face this mockery of my past failures head-on.

"Fuck..." The System had crafted this cruel scenario, and I still had no choice but to be its pawn.

If I wanted to survive, I had to fight and win, even if this situation was frustrating.

With gritted teeth and clenched fists, I braced myself for the battle that lay before me.

The black pools vanished, and the five pale bodies of Lisa, Jake, and the three others, began to move.

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’I’m still very tired, but if I activate all my Skills at the same time, I should be able to manage.’

The problem was that I couldn’t gauge their power. The System wasn’t telling me how dangerous they were. It didn’t even give its usual System Warning.

I was quite literally on my own!

As the apparitions closed in, their eyes vacant yet filled with a sinister presence, I pushed aside my anger, harnessing it as fuel for my determination.

They may have embodied my past weaknesses, but I had grown stronger.

’This time, the outcome will be different.’

Gritting my fist, I prepared myself, readying Energy Rock, which floated above me.

"RAAAHHH!!!!" With a battle cry that echoed through the room, I launched myself away from the fray.


The first thing I did was create more distance between me and the five.

Before the battle unfolded, I already knew I had to be cautious.

The odds were stacked against me, facing five adversaries at once. Each of their movements was eerily synchronized, so I could only expect their attacks to be calculated and relentless.



... They proved me right!

All five of them lunged at me mercilessly, delivering blows that could prove fatal with even the slightest lapse in my guard.

’Keuk!’ I relied on my Skills to dodge their strikes, knowing a single hit could be lethal.

Urgently, I activated my skill, propelling myself into a flurry of swift movements.

The room blurred as I evaded their onslaught, utilizing my enhanced speed to stay one step ahead. Concurrently, I launched my Energy Rock with precision, targeting vulnerable spots to inflict damage.

As I maintained my distance, a deep sense of caution enveloped me. The trauma from past encounters lingered in my mind, causing a subtle tremor in my body—a subconscious reminder to remain vigilant and not underestimate these apparitions’ power.

But then, something changed.


In an instant, the five enemies altered their tactics. They became faster, stronger, and more relentless than before.

’H-hold on!’ The room seemed to shrink as their assault intensified, closing in from all sides.

My skill expired, leaving me without the advantage of heightened speed. The seconds ticked by, amplifying the pressure and my dwindling energy levels. The familiar calmness of also faded away, leaving me disoriented and vulnerable.

’No... no...!!!’

Desperation surged within me as I realized I couldn’t rely on to predict their next moves. My energy reserves were dwindling, limiting my options.

Yet, I refused to surrender to panic. I concentrated on survival, evading their strikes and searching for an opening.

But fate had other plans. In a cruel twist, I found myself surrounded, trapped within a circle of ruthless adversaries.

Their blows rained down from all directions, their precision and coordination offering no escape. Each strike landed with bone-shattering force, sending pain coursing through my body.


Lisa, her eyes devoid of emotion, stepped forward, the same knife she had left behind in the room back then glinting menacingly in her hand.


With a swift and merciless motion, she drove the blade into my side, twisting it with sadistic delight.

"GUAAARRRGHHHHH!!!" Agony seared through me, my vision blurring as the world spun.

All five of them struck me simultaneously, sending me hurtling away like a worthless piece of garbage.


Crashing into the wall, debris cascaded around me, leaving me defeated.

My body felt heavy and unresponsive, each breath a laborious effort. Pain radiated through every fiber of my being, a testament to the ruthless nature of my adversaries.


{You will soon die…}

Darkness crept into my consciousness as I succumbed to the weight of defeat. It clung to me like a shroud, a chilling realization settling in.

"Am I... going to die here?" I whispered, my voice feeble against the encroaching blackness.

In that final moment, bitterness and regret mingled with the pain. I had fought with all my might, but it hadn’t been enough. The taste of failure was bitter on my tongue.

’No... please...’ I couldn’t do anything but think desperately to myself. I begged the universe for mercy.

’I don’t want this. I don’t want to die now! Not now! Not yet!’

Memories of past failures haunted my mind as I slipped into unconsciousness, my body broken and motionless. Each mistake, each missed opportunity, they all danced before my fading senses.

’Anything... anything but death!’ The words echoed in my mind, a final plea as I surrendered to the abyss.

[You Have Died]

{Interference has been detected. will not be activated}

{Exclusive Skill: has been initiated}

[Nightmare will now commence]





Mikey In

The next chapter is going to be bone-chilling epic!

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