Only I Can See The End Chapter 42 New World

42 New World

Tension hung in the air as we all stared at the strange being hovering above us.

Her enormous wings obscured most of her body, but her divine presence was undeniably magnificent.

And so, with bated breaths and racing hearts, we listened attentively to her words.

"[Upon the conclusion of my address, you will all be transported from the Neutral Zone, and you will appear in random locations within the Ground Floor of the Tower of Trials]."

’The Ground Floor? It rings a bell...’

This whole situation felt oddly familiar. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but it seemed like I’d witnessed something like this in my dreams, and it wasn’t a one-time thing.

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I steadied myself and continued to pay attention to her.

"[A total number of 1,234,567 humans have survived the Tutorial and made it here. I extend my congratulations to you all for being among the survivors]."

’What?! Only that many?’

I knew many had become Demons, and only those with the Title were considered for ’Paradise.’

Still, to think that out of Earth’s eight billion people (the last time I checked), just over a million of us remained.

’What in the world...?!’

I didn’t notice it earlier because a million was still quite a large number, and looking at the sea of people around me, it seemed a good number of people had survived.

But to think so many people died...

’That’s crazy!’ My mind whirled with the staggering loss of life.

I didn’t particularly feel bad about their demise.

I mean, it wasn’t like I knew them personally.

I was pretty sure nobody would mourn my death in the same situation.

’It’s just unsettling that so many died.’ And I didn’t expect things to suddenly become easier in this new world.

"[Levels. Stats. Skills. Titles. Currency. It is assumed that you are all aware of their functions, considering you are all valuable survivors of the Tutorial. None of those will be explained here]."

I was certain that not everyone actually understood those things. Even those who did could probably use some clarity.

Yet, the Seraph glossed over it. That was incredibly hardcore.

"[The issue that will be addressed is the Tower Of Trials, as well as the expectations required of you all]."

I had already figured out most of my Status Window, so this was probably the thing I needed to know most.

What exactly did this involve? The fact that an actual angel, not just a random system notification, was here to convey this information implied that it was extremely important.

"[The Tower of Trials has 99 Floors, excluding the Ground Floor, of course. You are all required to clear at least one Floor within a month, else your Tower Pass will expire, and you will be evicted]."

What did she mean by ’evicted’? For the purposes of the Trial and this world’s order, I had to assume it meant death.

’So, if we don’t put in the effort and actively strive to survive this time, we’ll simply die. This will be incredibly tough for those who didn’t do much in the Tutorial...’

If it weren’t for the strange suppression that the Seraph probably used to maintain silence, I was sure many would have erupted in understandable panic and fear.

The weight of her words had cast a heavy cloud over us all, and the sense of foreboding hung thick in the air.

"[The purpose of the Tower Of Trials is to challenge and reward those who are deemed worthy. The ones who refuse to prove their worth are of no use to it. The Tower does not tolerate freeloaders]."

My chest tightened, and I narrowed my eyes, steeling my resolve. The Seraph’s stern demeanor only served to fuel my determination.

"[The Tower Pass (F1) in your possession grants access to both the Ground Floor and the First Floor. Should any of you fail to meet your quota, it will be revoked, and you will be evicted.

The Ground Floor will serve as a home and training ground for you. Compared to the other Floors wrought with danger, it is relatively safe. A perfect environment for growth, albeit limited.]"

’I see. So we’ll occupy the Ground Floor as a permanent residence and we’ll go to work in the upper floors.

However, considering the Ground Floor was akin to a company’s property, courtesy of the Tower Of Trials, failure to make progress at work would result in being fired and losing our company housing.

If I thought of it that way, it made sense.

Unfortunately, this was a matter of life and death, so it wasn’t that simple.

This system was too cruel.

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"[Successes shall be rewarded, failure will be punished. Such is the nature of the Tower Of Trials]."

This wasn’t unfamiliar to anyone here; the concept of reward and punishment existed back on Earth too.

The problem was the stakes, which were too high, often leading to death.

’... It’s too cruel.’

"[A final word of advice. Beware of the challenges you encounter in the Tower. Not all monsters are Demons.

There are natives in the Tower of Trials, particularly on the Ground Floor. Your survival might depend on your interactions with them.

Just as sentient beings take on various shapes and forms, so do the natives]."

’Natives? Ah, that does make sense.’ The Seraph mentioned that we would be scattered to various locations and had to survive and thrive for a month.

That meant this was a very vast world. If it was this vast, then it was pretty reasonable for other beings to inhabit it.

’People other than Users, huh? I wonder what they’re like...’

In my dreams, I had visions of grotesque beings that I eventually found out were Goblins, Orcs, and even Elves.

I wasn’t sure if they were Ground Floor natives or Upper Floor enemies.

’I’ll just have to keep an open mind and stay cautious.’

That was the best I could do, given the circumstances.

And if things took a turn for the worst...

’I always have .’

"[It is pointless to ask why and how this happened to you and your world. You need not fill your minds with useless thoughts and worthless speculation. Focus on what is expected of you, and that is…]"

My heart raced as I clenched my fist and glared at the Seraph. The moment she uttered those words, a sudden rage surged within me.

The one behind the System, this Seraph, who did they think they were to orchestrate all of this? What exactly did they believe our lives were worth?

It was a maddening mystery that fueled the fire of determination within me.

’Her tone just turned condescending. Finally showing your true colors, huh?’

With a bitter smile, I maintained my glare at the angelic being. At this point, all the allure and glory she possessed meant nothing to me.

The Seraph’s grandeur had lost its luster in the face of our grim reality.

"[... Struggle and survive with all your might]."

In the end, we were nothing more than livestock being led to the slaughter.

’But I’ll show you! I’ll prove I’m more!’ My resolve solidified as her words echoed in my mind. I refused to be a mere pawn in this ridiculous game.

"[You will have a grace period on the Ground Floor for a month. Use that time to grow stronger and adapt to this world. The First Floor will be accessible after that]."

A massive circle suddenly appeared beneath me – no, beneath everyone. It covered the entire area where we stood and began to emit a translucent light. The countdown had begun, and the pressure to survive weighed heavily on my shoulders.

"[Farewell. And may fortune favor you]."

The radiant light enveloped us all, and I felt my consciousness fade once more. Everything around me turned blank, and I sensed myself being transported to a different space.

’Looks like this is it.’ My thoughts echoed as I smiled to myself.

[00 Months: 00 Days: 00 Hours]

’... A new beginning!’





And so the story really begins!!!

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