Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles Chapter CHAPTER 68 – SEVEN DAYS WAR V

The Blouse clan is one of the five leading great clans in the De Morgal Kingdom.

Their source of wealth is a garnet mine which you could even say as world class.

At present, the one protecting the town of Blouse is the second son of the clan, Rene Blouse.

(TLN: Could be Rune or Rene but Rune is usually ルーネ;ルーン while this one used ルネ)

The current head and the eldest son are part of the main army attacking the Rosyth Kingdom.

“Sigh, I also want to participate in the war. If I did then I’ll be able to bring down an enemy commander like that Almis with my invisible slash.”

Rene talks in disappointment.

To that his subordinate answers:

“Isn’t that why your esteemed father left Lord Rune in charge of the rear? He has high hopes for Lord Rene.”

“Right? As I thought, you agree with my skill!!”

Rene gets into a good mood.

For the time being, there’s no problem in currying favor with Rene.

The subordinate knows that.

Honestly speaking, Rene has absolutely no aptitude for martial matters. Furthermore, he’s not a great fighter either. Thus, his father did not bring him along to the battlefield.

However, it’s not like Rune is completely incompetent.

It’s just that because of his timid character and prudent personality, he’s not fit to be a soldier.

He’s showing promise, instead, in bureaucracy.

That cautious personality is contributing greatly in the safe expansion of the Garnet mines.

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Eight years ago, in order to stop the violent cycle of famine raging the land, Rene suggested and pushed for using the profits gained from the mine to procure cattle and horses to improve agricultural production.

Because of that, the Blouse territory’s agricultural production has greatly increased since then.

The domestic merchants of the garnet trade didn’t only profit from the great clansmen but also from selling to other countries such as the Equus tribe and by expanding the market.

One thing or another, everyone came to recognize Rune’s ability as a statesman.

The person himself, however, wants to become a soldier.

It is that Rune who will receive the following urgent report.

“It’s terrible!! We’ve been surrounded by the Rosyth Army!!”

“Ahaha, what a funny joke. I just got a message from father via falcon courier last night that the Rosythians are still holed up in Fort Terrier….

Eh, really?”

Rene feels a cold sweat form in his forehead.

“Lord Rene!! Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to show what Lord Rene’s invisible slash can do?!”

“No no, that was a joke. Hmm, hmm, For the meantime, let’s negotiate. No, before that confirm the enemy’s number and type!!”

The town of Blouse is a walled town.

The wall they built using their assets is second only to the one surrounding the De Morgal Capital in height and strength.

From it’s top, Rene looks down at the enemy army.

They couldn’t see much of the enemy’s forces because the sun has already set.

And since the enemy seemed to have extinguished their bonfires, their numbers can’t be clearly made out.

However, if you consider how they managed to destroy the De Morgal army and invade up to this town, then at the minimum they should have 5000 soldiers and above.

Rene unconsciously gulps.

The Blouse town’s garrison number around 200 soldiers. From the very beginning, they did not expect that the enemy would be able to invade this deep into De Morgal territory.

You simply cannot win in this situation.

“Oh Lord of the town of Blouse! Listen well!!”

A man’s voice resonates.

Rene replies.

“I am the one entrusted with the defense of this town as representative of my father, Rene Blouse!! What is your intention with our town!!”

The man answers back.

“We have your town completely surrounded. Be obedient and surrender! Should you surrender and vacate the town castle, we shall guarantee your life as well as the lives of your citizens and soldiers.”

“Le, let me consider your proposal!!”

“D, do we have no choice but to surrender?”

Rene asks his subordinate.

The subordinate quietly nods.

“Although I’m bothered by the fact that neither horse nor falcon courier reached us….we would have no choice but to consider that the De Morgal Army lost in battle. The enemy was able to invade up to here after all. Although I couldn’t understand why, they have given us very tolerable terms. Let us just accept them.”

“U, understood. Then let’s accept them and surrender.”


Although Rene and his subordinates had no way of knowing, a pony express reporting the fall of the town of Dress did actually leave but was intercepted by the Rosyth Army.

There were two roads between the town of Blouse and the village of Dress which the horse couriers could’ve used at full speed. Of the two, the shortest route was used by the Rosyth Army and thus unusable by the courier.

Therefore, he had no choice but to take a detour using the second route.

However, the Rosyth Army also knew about that route.

Falcon couriers might have been more useful in this situation. However, sorcerers were precious existences ((in high demand)).

They were only deployed in the most important regions of Dress village and Blouse Town.

“Wow, to be actually surrendering….”

Raymond is bewildered while looking at the town gates opening.

The Rosythians only have 500 soldiers so holding the fort down should be a viable strategy for the Blouse garrison.

Well, the Rosythians do have ballistae and bomb spears so it wouldn’t be that much of a problem to bring down the town gates.

“Isn’t this actually a trap?”

Muzio also shows a bewildered expression.

“It probably is a trap. Surely they’d be showering us with arrows the moment we enter the gate.”

Roswald agrees in the trap theory.

“Sigh, what cowards. Fine, then I’ll go first and confirm.”

Virgar takes several of his men and enters the town.

He then shouts from the inside.

“It’s clear!”

With that, the Rosythians confirm their safety and proceed to enter the town.

“Damn it…..To think they only have 500 men….it’s a blunder of a lifetime….”

Rene’s face warps into regret while he’s tied up.

You can see tears in his eyes.

“Don’t be hard on yourself, we all make one here and there.”

Raymond consoles Rene.

He’s feeling a little sorry for him.

“Uwaa! Amazing, how much garnet do they have here!?”

Muzio excitedly starts plundering.

Since the two hundred soldiers entrusted with the defense of the town are all tied up, they couldn’t offer any kind of resistance.

The Equus tribesmen started pillaging money and goods from the merchants and from the town’s influential people and clansmen who could do nothing but scowl from a far.

They managed to obtain a lot of spices, goldware, glassware, and various luxury goods.

It’s literally a mountain of treasure.

The only ones who felt relief were people of the middle class and lower. They have nothing to be plundered but wheat, salt, and their daughters after all.

Naturally speaking, even a people as uncivilized as the Equus tribe wouldn’t purposely steal wheat and salt from poor people before a mountain of treasure. Or perhaps I should say that it would only be a waste of time plundering those.

Besides, the town of Blouse is a mining town.

In other words, the miners are causing huge activities. Relaxation facilities are being established just for them…..In other words, there are a lot of prostitutes in the town.

The Equus tribesmen intruded upon the brothels which were forced to announce they’d give ‘free’ service to them.

And thus, the Rosythian occupation of the town of Blouse, save for one part, became a peaceful and reasonable affair.

“Commander! I’m happy to be able to serve under a commander like you!!”

Virgar speaks to Roswald in good humor.

He has a heap of treasure in both of his hands.

He’s wearing a crown of gold. He’s also wearing necklaces to the point that you yourself could feel its weight on your shoulders just by looking at him.

He’s also wearing a beautiful red silk robe in place of his hemp clothing.

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Although he does look like a great clansman or an upstart merchant going by the looks, because his unfortunate face and ambiance quite rightly makes a mess of his image, he only gives off an impression of a pirate that found treasure. While it’s not unnecessarily wrong, it’s still a sad point.

Virgar and the others are in a very good mood simply because with this much money, they could finally buy themselves out of slavery. They can even build a big house with the leftover money.

Virgar couldn’t help but fantasize about a rose-colored life in his head.

It’s probable though, as one would expect, that Virgar doesn’t know that he will use up all the treasure he plundered if he were to buy a huge plot of land and a big house.

Furthermore, a Germanis from the sticks, frowned upon by the Adernians, like Virgar wouldn’t know anything about land prices anyway.

“This is commander’s share of the loot.”

“No, I’m fine…snatching away people’s belongings is……”

Virgar forcibly put the loot into Roswald who tried to refuse.

“Aren’t you marrying the little miss (Lia-chan) after this war? If so, you’ll be needing money, right?”

“Yeah….Well then, I guess I’ll take it then.”

Roswald got readily dazzled by the glittering treasures.

Humans are this kind of beings.

“By the way, commander, what are you doing?”

“I’m gathering documents – like those which could tell us the position of each village and the names of each chief. The annual tax records, too. Theirs is quite accurate although not to the extent like ours. There’s a person here with the same idea as older brother, you see. It’s honestly amazing.”

“Ah no, please, you flatter me.”

Rene lights up into a smile.

Roswald approaches him.

“My name is Roswald. I’m a retainer of the Ars Territory’s Lord Almis. There’s something I would like to know but……could you possibly tell me where the register of this territory’s retainers is?”

“Eh? What will you use it for?”

“We’ll be using it for recruiting talent.”

Rene raucously laughs at Roswald’s honest answer.

“No, no, there’s no way in hell I’m gonna tell you, right? Do your best and find i……”


Roswald draws his sword and threatens Rene’s neck with the blade.

“On the third drawer from the top in father’s room!”

“Thank you very much.”

Roswald elegantly gives his thanks then heads for the room of the master of the house.

Meanwhile, Soyon has restrained the sorcerers stationed in this town. The women weren’t able to send owl couriers. It’s because they wouldn’t be able to escape death if their body gets killed while they’re in the air.

That being said, Soyon couldn’t have peace of mind so she had them restrained one by one.

“Alright, this girl’s the last one…..Now then, shall we immediately go find some treasure? Let’s go, senpai!”

“Ah, no, snatching away people’s belongings is……”

Dora forcibly holds Soyon’s hands as she tried to refuse.

“What are you saying! These things are stolen by these people from the earth. What’s wrong with stealing stolen goods? Besides, everything in this town is ours now, you know. Also, aren’t you getting married soon? With Chiliarch Ron?”

“Eh, well, when this war ends…”

“Then you’ll be needing money, right?”

Soyon gets talked into plundering by Dora.

Sometime later, Raymond sent notice that the happy plunder time is now over.

It’s now time to decide on the fates of Rene and the captured soldiers, bureaucrats, and sorcerers.

By all rights, this should have been done immediately but the Equus tribesmen seemed unable to hold themselves back, so it got put off.

“The new king sees the need to dispatch bureaucrats to directly collect taxes. That’s why it’s imperative that we obtain talented people that could read, speak, and write the Cretian language.” (Raymond)

“I have something to ask regarding that. I, too, am intending to push such a policy. So does this mean that you want to take away these bureaucrats with you?” (Rene)

“That is correct.” (Raymond)

The physical persuasion immediately begins.

It’ll be complete if they attach chokers, shackles, and handcuffs on them.

First, it’s decided to turn 20 people into slaves.

In war, it’s only natural to think that all prisoners would fall into slavery. However, the Rosythians wouldn’t be able to carry a lot of them.

If they made them walk, then they risk getting the slaves killed by the horse’s speed.

They planned to load them into wagons and transport them like goods.

“Well, don’t worry much. We’ll guarantee you a wage better than the one you had working for the Blouse Territory.”

Roswald tells them in advance since it would be a problem if they caused a revolt.

With this, they’d probably pacified those thinking of running away.

“Umm…what about our family?….”

“It’ll be fine if you exchanged them for this, right?”

“How dare you refer to me like an object!!”

Rene raises an objection, but everyone ignored him.

Next are the sorcerers.

Sorcerers are unusually troublesome beings. The highly skilled sorcerers that could perform soul-riding are able do to several other actions despite, for example, being bound in chains.

That’s why it would be impossible to forcibly drag them from here.

Therefore, they had to officially invite them.

The Rosythians called them into a private room one by one, interviewed them, and asked them to come along with them. Naturally, they baited the sorcerers with more than double their current salary.

Including the ones from Dress village, there are about ten (10) sorcerers that got interviewed who could soul-ride. However, only three decided to come with the Rosyth Army.

They then received advanced payment in the form of garnets.

Well, since even with this the Rosythians couldn’t have peace of mind, they had each sorcerer under surveillance by several soldiers just in case.

The others refused because they’re married and have children.

Even if they got reassured that their family would be exchanged with Rene, a change of environment is still not good.

Next are the relatives of the Blouse Clan including Rene.

It’s been decided that all of them would be taken. They’ll be valuable as ransom and negotiation material after all.

At any rate, the Blouse Clan is one of the five leading clans in the De Morgal Kingdom. They probably sent a considerable number of soldiers for the war effort.

They will take down with them a considerable number of soldiers should they pull out of this war. Even if they weren’t persuaded to pull out of the war, it would still raise suspicions that the Rosythians and the Blouse clan are connected.

The garrison soldiers were so troublesome that all of them were sent to jail after their equipment were confiscated. While it would be fine to just kill them all, Raymond and the others just found it unnecessary.

Unless you kill them, there’s a possibility they’d just rearm and go back into circulation.

However, since the Rosythians already settled with the policy of not killing them, they judged that they might as well push through with it to the end. Doing thing’s half-heartedly is not good.

Besides, it’ll be convenient one way or another if it becomes well known that ‘your life will be spared should you surrender to the Rosyth Army.’

“Now then, Lady Soyon. If you could, would you please send an owl courier?”

“Understood. Almis will hear of the good news by tonight.”

Soyon runs off after saying so.

There are no creatures that would attack an owl in the dead of night. Midnight owl couriers are the safest means of communication.

“Now then, sleep well tonight and recover your energy. Tomorrow, we’ll have to crush the enemy soldiers rushing from Dress village. Then once again, we shall re-occupy that village. Afterwards, we’ll adapt as per Lord Almis’ instruction and as how the situation develops. Have a good night.”

Afternoon of the second day.

The one who took command of the forces that recovered Dress village was Blouse…..In other words, the Lord of the Blouse Territory. He’s Tonino’s representative to probably seize the geographic advantage.

Blouse first sent cavalry to confirm the situation at Dress village. He then made the foot soldiers march faster.

“What? The Rosyth Army has left? Their objective must be……The town of Blouse!!”

Blouse again makes the cavalry go first to the town of Blouse. The town has only two hundred soldiers defending it.

He let the two thousand infantry who were forced to march rest a while in the village. Although Blouse wanted to march through the night, it’s quite reckless to do so plus the soldiers won’t have the strength to go on anyway.

Blouse is disheartened at the prospect of fighting 500 enemy cavalry and could only pray that they could perform a pincer against them using just his 200 cavalry.

To adopt a poor plan that disperses his fighting potential is one of his worst as a general.

However, it couldn’t be helped. His family’s lives are on the line after all.

You could say that Tonino chose the wrong representative.

However, it would also be a stretch to put all the blame to Tonino. No one could have predicted, after all, that the enemy would have done such a bold move.

Furthermore, no one could have also predicted that Rene would surrender that quickly.

However, Rene was a person with no aptitude on martial matters. Besides, you could even say his decision was the best one given the amount (or lack) of information he had. It would be best to minimize casualties if you were to surrender anyhow.

All of this were just because of a series of bad luck plus them playing into the Rosyth Army’s hand.

Thus, the one week war turns into its third day.

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