Pantheon Online Chapter 143 - Heroic Task

As Exile entered Eraldsfen, an annoyed looking Ania appeared in his vision as she walked towards him. ’Seems like she’s pissed I didn’t look for her when I arrived...’ Exile let out a sigh. However, no matter how upset she was, he was her god. He could not be seen to apologise to her or even slightly acknowledging he had done something wrong just to keep her happy.

His expression turned solemn as he stared at her. Startling her slightly. ’Sometimes I think she forgets I’m a god...’ Exile sighed as they approached each other.

"Lord Exile..." Ania let out a tense smile as she bowed slightly, catching the attention of the villagers nearby. "What can I do for you?"

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Seeing Ania talking to empty air caused a bit of a ruckus as the villagers stopped their work to come over and listen to what she had to say. None of them was devout enough to be able to see or hear Exile. But it was moments like this that helped to solidify their faith in the gods being real.

"Ania, bring me to Harik and Bjorn. You should hold a meeting that involves everyone in Eraldsfen. I’ll need you to relay my words to those who can not hear me." Exile replied with a grim tone, making Ania concerned about what was going on.

"As you wish, Lord Exile." Ania nodded while staring at his seemingly cold figure. ’He seems so far away from us now...’

"People of Eraldsfen! All of you must come with me. Lord Exile has words to impart on everyone." Ania was clear as she loudly made the statement. Leaving no room for anyone to argue with her.

As she turned to head towards the area that had been marked out for the new Eraldsen home, or rather, a fortress. She could hear the excited whispering amongst the villagers as they sent people to gather everyone. After all, it was not every day that a god would take the time to talk to them. From what they knew about gods, they were supposed to be aloof and hardly interact with anyone that was not counted amongst their most devout of followers.

Meanwhile, Harik turned to face Eraldsfen as he oversaw the layout for the footprint of the fortress that was to be his home in the future. He had just sensed Exile’s presence when he suddenly saw a huge crowd headed his way.

"It seems like something big is happening..." Harik hummed as he noticed that every villager seemed to be headed his way.

"It would appear so..." Bjorn frowned from beside him. ’Maybe Lord Exile can tell them I’m not crazy. That it’s not just a story that I made up...’

The pair watched the steady approach of the crowd, with Ania at the forefront. Slightly behind her, they could see the figure of Exile. Although they were already aware of his presence, the sight of him caused them to hold their breath in anticipation.

They could see the solemn expression on his face. Bjorn’s first thought was that they had done something to anger him, but Harik had a different idea. ’Something is wrong with the war and the refugees.’

Harik sighed as he took a seat on one of the nearby frost ridden boulders. Bjorn shot a curious look towards him before doing the same. They could tell that whatever Exile was here to say would take a while.

Eventually, Ania nodded as she took a seat beside them and the villagers spread out in a circle looking towards the centre. The atmosphere became tense as those who could see Exile stared at him. Waiting to find out what he wanted to tell them.

"You should be aware of the blockades around Yugrund. These have been put in place to stop the refugees from reaching us. This is entirely unacceptable!" Exile’s tone was full of anger and power as he delivered the first part of the speech he prepared. "I descended to take a look at the mortals who dare to stop my followers from gathering together. However, what I witnessed instead angered me."

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Excited chatter broke out as the villagers wondered if Exile had chosen to smite their enemies on the spot. Many of the villagers had to glance towards Ania as she relayed the words for those who could not hear Exile themselves. The nodding heads of those around them who were devoted to Exile only helped to solidify that what she was saying was the truth.

"Even though they are our enemies, they are still warriors. A warrior deserves a glorious end for their courage in fighting for what they believe in and what they want." Exile continued to a few subdued cheers. "One of our enemies was suddenly killed. By a bear that gave him no opportunity to defend himself. His end... Was pitiful for a warrior. Entirely undeserving of such a brave soul."

Exile shook his head slowly as he gave his theatrical performance. Holding up a hand to silence the surrounding crowd. ’Good, they’re lapping it up. Nothing seems to get to them more than the fear of being killed without being able to do anything about it.’ Exile chuckled to himself while maintaining his solemn mask for the crowd. ’They’re even feeling sympathetic towards their enemy...’

"The bear ran in fear of the other warriors after making its kill. This... I could not abide. So I gave chase to the animal. Through the frozen forest and cornered it! For its transgression of killing a warrior without him having the chance to earn glory in his own death, I cursed the beast!"

Shocked cries responded as the crowd’s eyes went wide. Even Ania seemed troubled by this development, but Bjorn was hanging on every word. ’This will have to be entered in the book! It’s the story of a creature being cursed by a God! And we’re hearing it directly from Exile himself!’

"This beast’s name is now Skourj! A bear with fur as dark as midnight and crazed eyes! I have cursed him to never know peace! For running from the other warriors who tried to avenge their comrade, Skourj can never run from those who harm him!"

Many shouts of approval came from the crowd as they listened with rapt attention. Completely enthralled by the tale that Exile was spinning for them.

"But! That is not all. Skourj must be eliminated so that the souls he has taken may rest, having been avenged. So! I say this! Whoever slays this beast shall be a Hero! Know this! Skourj’s fur is as tough as iron! The strength of a man is nothing compared to his might! He will not rest until either of you dies! Who among you has the courage to take on this heroic task?"

The crowd held their breath as they glanced at each other. This was the chance of a lifetime! A heroic task had been put to them by a god! If they succeeded in it, then their name was bound to be remembered for eternity! They could imagine it now! Every Skardian would know of their great deed and their name would be spoken in the heavens by the gods themselves!

A few brave warriors quickly digested this information and began to raise their hands. But, someone beat them to it! Bjorn’s hand rose into the air as he stood up. A determined expression was steady upon his face. ’This is my chance! I can become closer to the gods if I succeed! Perhaps this is why the beast in the cave saved me! Maybe, this is my fate!’

"So be it! I hereby put this task to Bjorn! He shall have no help with this challenge from anyone else! However, several of you must accompany him and witness his efforts!"

Several old warriors who knew Bjorn well threw up their hands, followed by some of the younger generations. Everyone wanted to witness the birth of a hero! Exile picked out a mixed group from the volunteers. That way, nobody could claim that Bjorn’s victory was false or fabricated by his friends. After all, not everyone could hear Exile, so for all they knew Bjorn, Harik and Ania could just make up a suitable story.

"Good! You should all go prepare! Bjorn, come with me. We should talk before you set off." Exile nodded before he turned and moved away from the crowd. He passed through them as if they were not even there, but the crowd parted as Bjorn walked towards them.

Ania’s face scrunched up in a look of jealously. She felt like Exile was hardly paying any attention to her these days. It only lasted for a moment before she wiped away that selfish thought.

As they reached a safe distance from the crowd, Exile turned to Bjorn, who bowed his head to receive Exile’s wisdom. "Bjorn, you are a brave soul. I thank you for taking on this task... I can not directly interfere with something like this. It is a trial for you mortals to overcome on your own. Proving your worth to us gods. However, I can give you some advice. Aim for the eyes and may you strike true..."

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