Pantheon Online Chapter 209 Clash! A King, A Wizard and the Greatest Knight (Part 1)

Chapter 209 Clash! A King, A Wizard and the Greatest Knight (Part 1)

"Ah, Colt," Jay said with an apologetic expression as he exited the training room. "We have a... difficult... situation."

"What is it?" Colt replied with a frown as the others filed out behind him.

"It seems we have guests." Jay drew the last word out to show that the people were not really welcome. "It requires your attention, as I assume they’re here to speak with you."

Colt nodded for Jay to lead the way. However, he was surprised to see that everyone else joined them. ’I can’t blame them for being interested. I am too.’ Colt sighed as Jay led them to the reception area. Colt’s eyes went wide when he spotted their so-called guests.

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"What are you doing here?" Colt growled at William Gould before he realised who was beside him.

Colt’s mind raced to figure out Camelot’s executive’s motives considering he was the man who had fired him. However, only sadness appeared on his expression when the man next to him waved in a friendly manner. ’Even Arthur is here...’

"Sorry, Colt. But we’re not here for you." William replied with an arrogant expression.

William’s reply confused Colt as he began to wonder if they had come to poach one of his players. ’That’s not Arthur’s style. He would never resort to something like that.’ That thought just made Colt even more confused as the receptionist ended her call.

"Mr Rueben will see you now. I’ll show you to the training hall."

"No need." Arthur smiled as he waved his hand. "Colt here can show us."

Colt did not know what to say. He still respected Arthur, and he was certain he had nothing to do with his exit from Camelot. However, he was concerned about why these two wanted to speak with Paul. ’Are they here to make him an offer?’ Colt sighed, there was only one way to find out!

"Follow me," Colt said as the others wore confused but intrigued expressions. None of them had realised they stood in front of two important members of Camelot.

"So, how’s life treating you?" Arthur asked as he quickened his pace to walk next to Colt.

"I’m doing well despite being fired." Colt sighed as he glanced sideways.

Arthur was just over six foot tall, with short brown hair and eyes. He nodded at Colt’s reply with a pensive expression on his face.

"You know, I had no idea about that until it was already done." Arthur sighed as he shot Colt an apologetic expression. "Just say the word and I’ll do everything I can to bring you back on board."

Colt’s expression betrayed his desire for that briefly before he suppressed it. "Thanks, but no. I have a new family now, and I plan to do everything I can for them."

Arthur smiled at that response and nodded happily. "Then I can only wish you all the best. Just be sure not to get buried under the pressure. Running a team and being its Captain are two totally different beasts. If you ever need anything, let me know."

"Wouldn’t that piss Mr Gould off?" Colt chuckled.

"Don’t be too hard on him. Merlin’s done and sacrificed a lot for the team over the years." Arthur said before laughing at Colt’s expression. "Yes, William here is Merlin. So I’m sure you understand he’s no pushover and is just as ruthless in the game as he is in real life."

Colt glanced over his shoulder at the man wearing the stiff suit. He did not look like a gamer at all! ’I can’t believe I never knew that!’ Colt wondered what other secrets Camelot still had when they reached the training hall.

"Colt, no matter what happens here, I want you to pay attention and not interfere." Arthur’s expression turned grim, and determination flashed in his eyes as the group entered the hall. Paul stood in the centre of the mats, still wearing his training gear as he smiled at his guests.

"It’s been a long time. How are you, Arthur?"

"I’m fine, Paul," Arthur said with a sigh as William and himself advanced on the mats.

Colt and the others lined up against the wall to watch whatever was about to happen between these three. Leggy could not hold it in anymore as he turned to Colt.

"Who are those guys?" Leggy whispered. Colt and Arthur had been quiet enough that nobody had overheard them.

"That’s Arthur. The founder of Camelot. The other guy is Merlin." Colt’s expression turned grim as he stared at the three figures.

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Gasps sounded among Ragnarok’s officers as they perked up. Intrigued by these two gaming legends and what business they had with Paul.

"You know why we’re here Paul," William said with a carefree expression. "We can’t have you teaching your techniques to this team."

Paul smiled warmly at William before asking a simple question. "Why not?"

"Paul," Arthur said as he shook his head. "You signed a contract. You’re breaching it now."

"No." Paul chuckled. "I’ve already had it checked, and I’m free and clear of any wrongdoing."

"What do you mean?" William asked as his eyes narrowed. A flash of outrage appeared on his face as he studied Paul.

"The contract stipulated I could not compete against Camelot in any game. I’m not breaking that clause. Although, I still have to thank you for the very generous severance you gave me William. Your timing was spot on too. You didn’t want the other members of Camelot to learn what I taught you, and later Arthur here."

"You’re competing by training this team!" William growled as Arthur wore a reluctant expression.

"Well, you should have stipulated that I couldn’t act as a trainer." Paul laughed as he saw the ugly expression on William’s face. "Take me to court if you want. But I guarantee you’ll fail."

"Paul, if you knew you could get around the contract like that, why didn’t you do it sooner?" Arthur asked as he cocked an eyebrow.

"I never really found an apprentice that I thought could master it. That was until you released your Excalibur from your service." Paul grinned. "So what shall it be boys? I’m willing to have a friendly bet."

"What are the terms?" William asked as some hope appeared on his face.

"Simple, we’ll have a spar using the rig here in this hall. If you two win, I won’t argue about any amendments you want to make to my contract." Paul shrugged as he wore an aloof expression.

"What if you win?" Arthur asked before William could say anything.

"Before you say anything, we won’t allow you to enter the game." William quickly said before Paul could state his answer.

"You guys are no fun. It reminds me of the old days." Paul sighed. "Ok, then I want you to strike my name from Camelot’s roster. The guy you replaced me with doesn’t deserve the name."

Colt frowned on the sidelines as he listened to the exchange. ’Paul was a member of Camelot? Was it back in its early days before they became a pro team?’

"You have a deal," William replied as he scanned the weaponry. "I’ll take a staff."

Arthur moved to pick up a sword, and the pair from Camelot put on the headbands. Merlin moved to the console that controlled the rig and entered the stats and spells they had from Pantheon. Colt and the others grew excited when they realised the trio were going to fight.

’Arthur is bad news on his own. Now he has William’s support as Merlin. But he said he trained both of them and he looks so relaxed.’ Colt’s mind raced as he tried to guess if Paul could overwhelm the twin powerhouses. ’But this isn’t in a game so Paul should have the advantage. And if he trained them, then he should know their moves.’

A health bar appeared above Arthur’s head with his in-game name. Which was exactly the same as his real-life one.

Apparently, nobody had told him it was bad to use it while playing games. The name Merlin and a health bar appeared above William’s head as the pair settled into fighting stances with grim expressions.

Paul laughed as his own health bar appeared. Along with his last used name inside a game. Colt gasped when he read it and so did the others. Everyone recognised that legendary name from Camelot. ’But, it can’t be!’ Colt was too stunned as he compared Paul to the guy who used the name now. ’Paul’s right. He’s more deserving of the name than anyone else.’

"Lancelot!" Leggy whispered with awe as everyone focused on the trio.

The beep sounded to start the battle and Colt gasped! Paul moved faster than he had ever seen as he rushed towards William. The latter fired off golden arrows while running in the direction of his teammate. Arthur performed a lunge that shot a golden beam to intercept Paul.

’This is nuts!’ Colt thought as Paul cut down three arrows with his left blade and angled his right one to deflect Arthur’s lunge so that it would cut off William’s route to Arthur! Everyone from Ragnarok could not believe what they were witnessing as the three founding powerhouses of Camelot fought!

’This explains why Arthur always felt out of reach.’ Colt had a look of regret on his face as he realised his mentor had never taught him everything he knew. However, Colt’s determination to master those techniques surged when he realised he now had someone willing to teach him what had always been kept out of his reach!

Loud gasps erupted as William launched fifteen more golden arrows as Arthur rushed at Paul. The latter wore an ecstatic expression as he prepared to defend himself...

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