Perfect Avatar Chapter 57: Sana

Chapter 57: Sana

"The healer is the most important role in a party."It’s a teaching I received in the orphanage where I grew up. When I was 14, the director of the orphanage explained to us that the rift situation was getting worse. I never really understood what it was, boys often use that term when playing heroes and monsters, so I just thought it was a childish game, but if the director is talking about that then should that be important?

They called people in black suits, I’ve been here long enough to know it wasn’t moms and dads coming to take us to better places, no one cares about us after all, we get old and then we leave, it has always been like that.

They came with strange crystal balls to search for something in us, I just wanted to do it before lunch, there’s usually not enough food for everyone so you have to hurry, but this day was very strange for me.

People in suits would ask us to put our hands on the crystal balls and then usually say something like fingers or nothing, but when my turn came they looked surprised and said I was a hand. Apparently, that means I’m special since everyone has changed their behavior around me.

Boys used to flatter me, trying to act cool, but most of them were ashamed, it was kind of funny. They thought they were the heroes of their own story and I would be the prize, but it turned out that I was the one with the sword and they were the peasants.

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The director and her helpers have changed too, now they treat me with attention, they pamper me a lot, they give me more food than the others, and compliment me a lot, the director often says how much she considers me as her own daughter, poor thing, I wasn’t your daughter before being appraised? You are all the same, but at least now my life is better.

"A healer is better than the others because they’re not only useful in battles, they can be doctors, they can cure any disease."

"It’s amazing Sana, you can be the best doctor in the world!"

Excuse me? Doctor? Aren’t doctors people who never stop working until they die? How is this a good life plan? I prefer to stay at the orphanage and be the healer for everyone, we can’t buy medicine so you should want me to stay there!

Years passed, and I told the director about my choice, but she wanted me to go on an adventure first, apparently, she would be in trouble if the kingdom found out she kept a healer at home or something like that. Give me a break, it’s not my job to cover for you!

I decided to go on an adventure with another child from the orphanage, Lilith. We’ve never spoken before but I’ve heard that even though she’s also a hand, she’s not very well liked because she can’t put three words together without one of them being an insult.

"Finally free, dammit! These fools can go to hell now." She pouted as she said this, was she trying to be cute or look intimidating? If only she was a boy... I could make her carry my stuff.

"So, what should we do? We need teammates to fight in the rifts."

"The director said we need to go south, there are many E-rank rift outbreaks, and we will find teammates along the way." She says, You have no plan, so why are you so confident?

We traveled for a while but no one wanted to let us join, they said they needed people with more experience or at least avatars, they didn’t mind asking me for my phone number, it was good to pretend I didn’t hear that, I didn’t have a phone anyway.

I was quite fascinated by the type of avatar, I heard that they were so rare and so strong that they would have more opportunities than others. This means that any avatar will have the best future and become very rich. This gave me an idea.

A group of emissaries told us that in a distant village, there was a duo composed of a hero and an avatar. This seems like a miracle, especially since they are both boys. It’s time to work really hard to get the world I deserve.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Sana, I hope we can get along well."

"Ah... Huh... N-Nice to s-see you, I mean meet you too! It’s my honor to have you here." Good, he’s behaving like a good dog, as expected from boys, one smile and they shiver, one touch and they give you the world. This is why I like you so much.

Leon told us that he was the party leader, a hero, a very strong class apparently, but he’s only a hand. I need to see the other one, I just hope his face will make it easier for what I’m going to do.

"Dora, how can you be late? I told you we have recruits!"

"Yes, and I told you ok, what does it have to do with being punctual?"

They started arguing, but I had to remember to keep breathing... Who was he? I heard that they were two boys but, are boys supposed to be this cute? He doesn’t look like someone who fights a lot, there’s no imperfection on his face, and he looks just like a puppy. Is he really the avatar? How lucky I am!

It’s been times after we joined them, Leon decided that our name would be Shining Sword because he is the only one using a sword I guess? How selfish, but I don’t care, Dora is the one who will get me to a glorious life. We got a little closer lately, but he’s very reserved, I tried many things, mixed baths, asking for massages, and feeding him, but he didn’t react at all. I’m not used to seeing boys resist me so much, is he too immature? If this keeps going I’ll have to do something very bold... But I don’t mind with him.

"Of course, your healing is weak because you have a little magical powers, being healthy has nothing to do with it."

"I see, Leon often says that I am very pure and that makes me perfect."

"Leon thinks we can be the best in the world with willpower, and guess who’s been E-rank since he was 12? If you want power, use stones, you also need defense stones since you have to stay safe."

"I see, I see, you are very competent, you are so smart that it makes me shiver, fufu."

"... Oh, even someone who knows how to boil water should be able to think about it... Unless... No offense, but when Lilith calls you an airhead, is she rhetoric?"

Hahaha, funny little bastard, I will see how smart you are when you are addicted to me. A lot of girls joined us after that, I don’t know what’s wrong with Leon, I saw a handsome swordsman the other day who had already entered a rift, why did he reject him? As expected, boys will be boys, just look at him, doing a workout shirtless when we’re eating, trying to show off your abs? Please, it’s mandatory for an emissary.

Dora too has been very different since Marie joined us. Before people said we were dating, maybe I let the word get out but Dora ignored me, but this time he’s acting a little different.

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He asks me if I’m feeling well, and he stays close to me in the rifts, after all this time, I finally see victory. Boys are boys and they will never reject a beautiful girl for long.

"Are you... Are you seriously asking me out?"

"Fufu, you idiot, why would I joke about that? I love you very much, you have always been with me and I see in your eyes that you are not indifferent either, don’t you want to try?"

"... I... I don’t know... I’ve never dated anyone before. I don’t know what couples... Can you let me talk to myself and give you a reply later?"

"You’re so funny, we don’t have to like each other to date. It’s a first impression, but I know it will last forever." Just look at my sexy dressing gown and agree, you’re 16 now, use your hormones!

"I... okay?... But I really don’t know how to be a good lover."

I forgive you for being so cute.

We’ve been dating for a while now, he’s so inexperienced he’s never tried to touch me, I don’t know if I like it, could you at least initiate a kiss? Hm... Do I really want this? I just want him to support me until he becomes rich, then I will have a child with him, and like a good man, he will make me a housewife and take care of me, with a great fortune. This is an incredible plan, I should be patient.

There’s just one problem. He’s too soft, why don’t you train harder? Leon becomes stronger, but Dora does not change. You’re an avatar, you have other things than debuff, let’s be serious.

"Do you really want to leave the village to start a guild?"

"Huh? But that was the plan all along, wasn’t it?" I know we won’t create a guild, Leon is a helpless dreamer, but don’t give me that speech.

"I’ll tell you the truth since you’re nice to me. I think I’ll leave the party. I don’t want to leave my mother and sister alone, there are too many rifts lately, and they won’t leave the village. Someone has to stay."


"But... you’re an avatar! You... We need you! The villagers have guards now, so they don’t need us!"

"It’s not about the villagers... Or I don’t know how to say it... My world is nothing if something happens to them. I don’t care if nothing bad ever happens, all I do has something about them in my heart."

Are.You.Kidding.Me?! What is wrong with this guy??? I did so many things for you, I massaged those fucking shoulders, I gave you every hint I could to make you understand my feelings! Why are you destroying everything now?!

I was wrong, I was terribly wrong! I shouldn’t have dated him, I shouldn’t have made it public, boys are always disappointing! I need... No... There’s always Leon... He’s annoying and I hate the way he looks at my body, he tries to peek at us in the inn baths with his sidekick Erick, but at least he tries to be the best.

I need this, I need someone like that, and he’s an idiot besides. I can definitely seduce him...

I treated him the same way I treated Dora, as expected, it’s easier, look at him drooling all over me, but don’t stand too close, your sweat stinks... If only Dora wasn’t a coward...

I went to his room, it was devastating, but I knew it was worth it, I heard that hero is the strongest class, so he will definitely become a famous man, right?

Money can make the ugliest man a bigwig, so... I’ll just have to be the princess who kisses a toad. He greeted me with his perverted smile, look at him so happy. You don’t mind doing this to your partner, I may be horrible but at least I’m not as delusional. I drank as much as I could only to pass out quickly, this will probably be the worst time of my life. But I will never be hungry again.

After a few weeks, I got used to Leon, he’s not as disgusting as before, but he’s too childish. He and Erick blamed Dora for cheating on me, I doubt this weakling could touch a living girl, but I don’t mind being the victim, and like that, I can officially date Leon.

Dora left the party, it was such a terrible feeling... I could have grown attached to him. Maybe I was hoping he would fight a little so I could switch again, but it’s too late. I hate you so much... But dreams come true.

We saw each other again when we left for the Southern Guild. He apparently decided to be serious. Ahn... Music to my ears, but you’re so slow I might want to slap you again.

I tested him in the car but there was no animosity in his voice. I’m not imagining things, he still loves me, doesn’t he? I still have a chance! And he’s going to be a royal knight, it’s the height of wealth! Why did you become perfect after our breakup? I need to do something with Leon quickly, and maybe Marie and Lilith, he gave her a phone, you know I never had one? Why didn’t you give me something too? I gave you a clear hint!

Afterward, things got interesting, we got destroyed in the rifts, I guess Leon was really a bad choice. Look at him, you tried to impress girls with money and now we’re in trouble because of you.

But that’s okay, I learned that you can lend knights for rifts, so I just have to wait until we’re really desperate and I’ll ask for Dora. When he carries us, no one will want him to leave. But I have serious problems with Marie and Lilith. Lilith pressured me to be a good girlfriend, and even Erick joined in.

It disgusts me but I’m going to have to domesticate Leon from time to time on certain nights. I hate it, but it works better than talking. But it’s Marie that bothers me the most, what is her relationship with Dora? She’s still looking at her phone, is she texting him? She better not keep her eyes on him.

It didn’t last long but everything went as planned... Or almost. Dora is back, but I didn’t expect him to be followed by three other girls. Why does this ghost-looking girl always follow him? And Marie no longer hides her emotions! I hate it, I really hate it... It’s a disaster. Dora is strong and rich, that’s all I wanted, so why can’t I talk to him? I just wish there were fewer girls...

I have one last plan. I convinced Kraim that Dora would be a better ace than Leon, we’ll raid as a team again and he’ll remember how amazing it was so that he’ll join us, and Leon will eventually leave. If he joins us, Zuri will leave, I saw her almost cry about it, so I’m sure that will happen. The only problem is that Dora says he owns her, but I don’t care.

You can say whatever you want, you can sleep with whoever you want, but I’ll be the one who benefits. I’ll be there in the end, no matter what, I bet my whole life on you and I’m not losing.

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