Perfect Avatar Chapter 61: The Hero Never Fails: Leon vs. Dora

Chapter 61: The Hero Never Fails: Leon vs. Dora

The sun was high in the sky, as was the tension in the air as a hero prepared to face a monster on a plain. Everyone was gathered in a corner, and several meters in front of them, the 2 founders of Shining Sword were facing each other.Kraim stood in the middle and was about to give the signal.

"Very well... So this is a battle to determine the future of the Shining Sword team. If the gray-haired snake wins, Shining Sword will be dismantled, the false hero will retire, and many dreams will be crushed... If only someone with just a little compassion, a little love, and a human heart, would certainly have mercy... But who am I kidding?"

"Indeed." Dora nodded indifferently.

Kraim sighed and glanced at Leon with annoyance.

"Well... I’m not a hype man, but it really is suicide. The rules are the same as a traditional mock battle, you use everything in your power, and kill if you want to live a life in prison... Well, even there, the law is fine for royal knights, so... Begin when I’m far enough away." He walked away en trainant le pas.

All eyes were on the two adversaries, Leon with his fierce posture and Dora looking at him curiously.

"Let’s fight fair and square, with honor."

"... You call this a fair fight?"

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"Haha, yeah, an avatar is always an advantage, but mark my words: Heroes never run away in front of a challenge."

A white aura emerged from his body and he rushed towards Dora, the echo of his words ringing in Hope’s ears.

"Take th-URGHT!" He suddenly froze in mid-air, as if he had crashed into a wall.

"That’s why they always die in the end."

Dora snapped his fingers and Leon’s body rose at high speed into the air and stopped before precipitating to the ground and crashing, creating a small crater.

"... Ridiculous."

Dora turned his back on him, under the stunned eyes of their audience.

He took a few steps when a blade of air brushed his shoulder. He stopped for a moment and turned, only to see Leon getting up.

"Aaah... Aah... Where... Are you going?... I didn’t hear any bell."

Dora stared at him, looking very surprised, and suddenly started laughing.

"Ah, yeah... I didn’t use my body so of course you didn’t break... Ok, I’m taking this a little more seriously now."

He stomped the ground and a black pillar emerged from the ground, under Leon, and hit him right in his stomach.

Leon rose into the air, coughing saliva but quickly regained his composure, took hold of the pillar, and launched himself at Dora.

"Body enhancement!"

He was surrounded by a red aura as he approached Dora, swinging his sword. Although it only lasted for a moment, it was not enough to catch Dora off guard. However, the young boy chose to stand still instead of dodging the attack.

"I wonder if can tank it..."

He put his arm in opposition to block the blow and a shock wave spread upon impact.

"AAAAARH!! AHT!!!! AHT!!!! It hurts! It hurts!!!!"

The sword had penetrated half of his arm and blood was beginning to flow.

"What the..." Freya frowned.

Everyone was surprised, even Leon looked incredulous.

"... that’s... That one was for underestimating me!... So what? Is it still funny?"

"Uh!... It’s barely a scratch..."

"Good, now I’m going to be more serious, body enhancement."

A red aura covered him again and he pushed to cut Dora’s arm, but his sword disappeared.

"Damn- UGH!!!!"

A powerful slap threw him onto a tree further away. He crashed painfully and crouched, slightly dizzy.

"... Hm? Oh, my bad, it’s not fair if you’re not armed."

Dora made his sword reappear in the air and threw it at him, the speed of the sword increased gradually and pierced the tree, next to Leon’s head.


"What? Need help getting up too?"

Leon growled and lunged at Dora, his fist pointing forward, but as soon as he touched him, Dora’s body exploded into black spikes, seriously injuring Leon.

He took a step back and flew into the tree without explanation. Mercy frowned.

"S’that... Gravity magic?"

But Freya shook her head.

"I don’t feel that kind of power, it must be something else, anyway, Zuri, maybe you should ask him to end it now, I can’t see the idiot giving up."

"... No, if this is his last fight, let him enjoy it." She took a bite of the sandwich she had brought.

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Freya sighed and watched the fight as Leon lunged at Dora again before getting slapped hard on the ground again.

"You know I only use slaps because I don’t know if my fist could kill you?... Haha, just kidding, it’s only because I know it hurts more."

Leon got up with great difficulty.


"Hm? He? Heal? You want me to heal you? Why? You won’t have to fight after this anyway... Unless you’re just a big talker."


He jumped on Dora and hit the invisible wall again.

"On the bright side, no one expected you to win, on the sad side, I’m not even trying."

Leon’s body rose into the air and fell.

"For everyone’s sake, don’t get up this time!"

He pointed at Leon who was falling and a luminous explosion occurred directly on the hero. He fell heavily, unconscious, his armor partially destroyed.

The others were stunned for a moment and most of them lowered their heads.

"As expected." Freya crosses her arms.

"It’s sad, I wanted Dora to beat him bloody for threatening me, but I guess a career-ending defeat will be enough." Zuri shrugged.

No one was really surprised, either by the result or by the ease with which Dora had gotten rid of him.

The members of Shining Sword sighed, Sana and Erick unphased.

Mercy clapped her hand lightly.

"I just hope he stays down, t’ll be too dangerous for Dora to go stronger than that if he’s that weak, might really kill’m."

They were about to leave, but someone was shaking slightly.

"Is that... Is that really?" Hope whispered, then took a breath and screamed.


He shouted so loudly that everyone shook.

"Oi? Hope who are you cheerin’ for?"


Mercy shook him to silence him, but the boy remained firm.

Kraim looked at him with disdain at first but ended up smiling, turning towards Leon.

"Hey, are you still conscious? If you can win this fight, I’ll have the guild make you the ace! Don’t let that selfish snake beat you, Hero!"

They cheered in unison, their faith and joy leaving the girls stunned but reaching another man.

"You’ve got him! Look how he’s bleeding, you can get him! You can win, kick that bastard’s ass!" Erick yelled.

Their cheers reached the sky, they stood up with their fists raised and sang until they were out of breath.


And under this cloud of praise, a miracle happened, Leon raised one arm, then another, and pushed the earth to get up.


He stood up, raised his head to the sky, and breathed.

"... Everyone..."

He clenched his fist and raised his sword, the cries of support increased in volume. Leon smiled and looked at Dora whose arm had just healed.

"See, that’s the difference between you and me. You can have the power, you can have all the cheats you want, but you’ll never get it, you’ll never know what it’s like to be truly loved... to be a true hero. It’s just a word to you, but to us, that’s it."

He pointed his sword at the spectators.

"These are the real heroes, they are the ones who make up our power, the power of each person! The power of our bond! We are family! And we will stay together no matter what, burn that somewhere in your brain, monster !"

He pointed his sword at Dora, a white aura emanating from his body. Dora, until then amused, stopped smiling for the first time.

"Crushing your body will be the second most violent act I commit today, preceded only by crushing your dreams... Polymerization."

A powerful wind picked up and swept across the scene, converging on Dora and swirling around him taking on a black and yellow hue.

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The others gazed at him with unease. Even the supporters lowered their hands and Leon sheathed his sword.

The storm dissipated and the one in front of Leon slowly raised his head, opening his yellow, luminous irises with a mischievous smile.

"So... You asked for a monster?"

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