Playing With Other Supernaturals Chapter 1009 Decision

Chapter 1009 Decision

"I thought you were sensible, but what are you doing, kid?" Kali scowled at him.

Kisuke laughed dryly and replied, "Compared to everyone sitting, I’m indeed a kid."

"But that’s not the point." Hermes followed up with a frown, "Are you trying to call yourself a ’God’?"

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Loki whistled and Freya just smiled knowingly. Meanwhile, Kisuke continued his dry smile and replied, "A God? I won’t become one even if you paid with all the world’s riches. It sounds more trouble than fun."

At those words, even those Gods who have a good impression of him were a bit offended, except of course, for the four exceptions. However, the three old Gods who were just silently watching things unfold managed to get a hint of what he’s trying to say. Ouranos took a peek at Zeus and Odin and so did the other two, confirming that they’d also guessed that Kisuke knew things that a normal mortal wouldn’t know.

Ouranos then looked at the Goddesses that were close to him and asked himself, ’Did those four reveal the secrets of Heaven to him?... No... If that’s the case, they would have broken the rule and their Avatars would disintegrate. Then how?’

Hermes and Kali were about to say something again and their guards were about to apprehend him when Astarte raised her voice, "You have something to say, don’t you? I’d like to hear it."

Unlike those from Orario, Astarte and her captain, Carys, never forgot him or his group. And even with just their limited interaction, she knew how strange this group was, especially when someone like Medusa was following him, ’If I were to compare him to something... Ah... It would have to be that... From an old story. A being that opposes Heaven. A Demon.’

It was an old story written by the people of the olden times when the Gods had just descended to the Lower World. It was just a normal fantasy story but in it, there was a being that was capable of going against the Gods and was residing at the very depths of the Dungeon. A Demon.

"Indeed." Kisuke nodded at her, "If I were to guess, that’s what this ’Denatus’ is for, it’s probably to force Yoruichi and Serafall to deal with that thing."

The Gods became silent as Kisuke guessed correctly. He thought it was weird for the cheerful Hestia to stay silent when he’d arrived, so he thought that these guys were trying to force Yoruichi and Serafall to do something, while Hestia was trying to figure out how to get out of there without agreeing to any of their demands. And knowing Freya and Loki, they wouldn’t readily extend their helping hand when they too weren’t so sure of how things could develop so they most probably were waiting for his arrival.

Kisuke sighed, ’They’re completely passing this problem onto me... And from Freya, I can feel some resentment... Let’s just ignore her.’

Their children, on the other hand, were also incredibly confused about why the Gods were trying to convince Yoruichi and Serafall, two unknown people, to fight the corrupted Spirit when they themselves could do as much. They still haven’t realized how terrible this ’Spirit’ is.

Kisuke’s eyes sharpened and said, "On their behalf... I refuse!"

"What!?" Hermes immediately reacted, "With that kind of power, it should be doable for them! And where are you going to use that strength if not now!?"

Kisuke watched everyone’s reaction and the majority of the Gods are in agreement with him, "We have our own problems and that takes priority, however, it seems that any words that come from us will just be met with disagreement until we agree to your demands. Too bad, I also don’t see myself agreeing to any of your demands."

Kisuke then stood up from his seat and took back his chair without waiting for anyone’s reply, "With that said, we’ll only be wasting our time here so we’ll leave first."

Kisuke turned around and walked towards the exit and soon after, Hestia, Artemis, Yoruichi, and Serafall followed him.

"W-wait!" Hermes shouted, "Hestia! Artemis! Are you sure about this!?"

Hestia stopped her steps and turned her head to Hermes, "As I’ve said earlier, I can’t agree." After that, no matter what they said, Hestia didn’t turn back anymore and left the house. Although Kisuke and the rest hadn’t really told them about anything, Hestia and Artemis knew that what’s concerning them is not the incredibly weakened ’Goddess’ that’s in the Dungeon but something else, far more terrifying.

While both of them had a guess as to what it was, they didn’t have the heart to ask since they knew that they would be stopping them with all their might once it was confirmed. As much as they hated it, they didn’t want to go against what they needed to do.

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Kisuke’s group left Melen and traveled a few kilometers to the south. Once in a while, they would meet some monsters that were dealt with swiftly and reached deep inside a forest. With Serafall’s help, Kisuke constructed a ’temporary’ house much larger than where the ’Denatus’ took place.

"Byako refuses to get involved." Before Kisuke could ask, Yoruichi answered his question when they finally got alone with just the two of them.

Kisuke looked at her and asked, "But only now? Why?"

"Who knows? The contract probably has a time limit and we’re nearing it. Nothing I could do to delay it any further. What about you? Are you done on your side?"

"For the most part, yeah."

"Then what are you going to do after all of this?"

Kisuke turned to her, "I’m not even sure if we could weather this and you’re already asking that?"

"You’re always not sure of everything. That’s always been how you’ve lived your life."

"That’s true.", Kisuke chuckled before becoming silent for a few minutes, "After this, I’m going to work on making my way to the Soul Society."

"...That’s a bit earlier than I thought."

"Will you be coming with me?"

Yoruichi shook her head, "You know I can’t. While I’m laying low, I could be considered a trump card. If both of us leave, it’s going to be dangerous for everyone else."

Kisuke sighed, already expecting her answer. Although he doesn’t know to what degree, he has a feeling that Yoruichi was not very far from his own full capabilities. He’s focusing on his own strengthening, but Yoruichi is also working towards ’Transcendence’ as both of them promised each other and she might have already found a clue on how to get over that figurative ’Dragon Gate’ after coming to this world.

"Who are you bringing with you?"

"If possible, Claire and her group, including Ophis, Lilith, and Flana."

"Then bring Serafall with you."

Kisuke tilted his head in confusion, "Serafall? Why?"

"You need another adult to look after them, and out of everyone, I have a feeling that she’s going to help you the most, including me."

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