Playing With Other Supernaturals Chapter 681 Choices

Chapter 681 Choices

The Expedition Team, along with Yoruichi and Kuroka arrived at the ’camp’ and was greeted by Kisuke, "Travelers, welcome to our humble inn~!"

However, no one could respond to his greeting as they were still currently processing what they were seeing.

Kisuke knew that they wouldn’t be responding anytime soon so he just went beside Yoruichi and scooped her into princess carry and started walking towards the back of the lobby.

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"Wait! Are you going to just leave me, nyaa!?", called Kuroka out.

"Of course~ Give them a tour."

"So when you gave us a tour when you usually just ask us to explore by ourselves, it was in preparation for me to give new guests a tour!? You already knew that this would happen, nyaa!?"

"Of course not. I just thought that it would be convenient to leave it to you, if something were to happen to Yoruichi. I’ll leave it to you~!" Kisuke then disappeared from Kuroka’s sight and the latter could only sigh.

Arriving at the 63rd floor which was designed as a medical ward, Kisuke placed Yoruichi on the bed and said, "You really pushed yourself this time."

Yoruichi smiled lightly and replied, "I also didn’t expect the power I was able to pull out. Though thanks to this, I realized something important and I was able to deepen my bond with Byakko."

While hooking her up to the diagnostic machines, Kisuke said, "Looks like you’ll need a systematic training or upgrade to properly use Byakko."

"I understand training, but upgrade?"

Kisuke sat down beside her bed and started explaining, "You see, thanks to Akeno-san and Irina, I was able to advance my Gigai technology using Great Red’s flesh and Ophis’ power as the basis."

Yoruichi’s eyes widened in surprise and carefully looked at the serious expression that Kisuke was making, "A Gigai using Great Red’s flesh and Ophis’ power? What for?"

Kisuke became silent for a few moments before answering, "I want a Shinigami of at least Captain level to have a physical body that allows them to use their full power and affect the physical world much easier."

It was Yoruichi’s turn to become silent. A few minutes later, while looking up to the ceiling, she asked, "Are you preparing for a war? A war that encompasses different worlds?"

Kisuke rested his chin on his hands and answered, "The way things are going, there’s a small chance of it happening. You know how different war is compared to individual fights. No matter how strong one becomes, they could be overcome by numbers. Not to mention, this upcoming war might involve beings on Ywach’s level."

"A small chance, yet you’re planning for it. Well, I can’t really say anything regarding that habit of yours as it already saved us countless times. Your cautiousness is what also gave us a fighting chance against the Quincies."

Yoruichi then looked back to Kisuke’s eyes and asked, "If you’re already developing the Gigai, does that mean that you’ve found the way to our old home?"

Nodding, Kisuke confirmed it, "Indeed. It’s very faint, but I found a lead towards that world."

"Then I guess I have to work really hard and prepare myself for the inevitable."

The diagnostic beeped several times signifying that it was done with its check. Kisuke went over to the terminal to check the findings while saying, "Don’t get me wrong. I’m not asking you to get a body modification. I’m just giving you a choice. Ultimately, it’ll be up to you and Byakko to what path you wanted to take."

"...We’ll think about it."


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An hour later, Kisuke left Yoruichi to rest after giving her treatment. It was also to give her the time she needed to contemplate.

Returning to the lobby, Kisuke found the executives of the three Familias who were sitting in the waiting area with tired expressions while the rest of the Expedition team were outside roaming around, still checking everything out.

Kuroka, on the other hand, was sitting with the executives with a gleeful expression. ’I can now somehow understand why Kisuke wants to mess with people.’, she thought.

Approaching them, Kisuke greeted them for the second time, "Once again, good day to everyone. Did you enjoy your tour?"

Hearing his voice, except for Kuroka, everyone immediately jumped out of their seats and looked towards the man who created this impossible construct with a mix of fear, awe and intrigue.

The first one who responded was the Captain of the Astarte Familia. Offering her hand, Carys introduced herself while intently looking at Kisuke’s facial expression, "I’m sorry for ignoring you earlier. We were too occupied with what we were seeing. Nice to meet you, I’m the Captain of the Astarte Familia and the leader of this Expedition Team, Carys Cattell."

By doing this, Carys would be able to figure out how Kisuke viewed them. Although he has the power or knowledge to look down on them, Carys would want to deal with him for doing so. Not just for their pride and dignity, but also for the safety of their Familia, ’People drunk on power would not hesitate to use others for their goals.’

Since she didn’t know what Kisuke wanted for showing something as grand and unbelievable as this place, she first wanted to ensure the safety of her comrades.

But although Kisuke would indeed use others unhesitantly for his own goals, unless they were his enemies, he wouldn’t go as far as using them to death. Aside from that, he never looked down on anyone as part of his innate cautiousness.

On the contrary, he admired those who’ve reached their high levels because of their willingness to bet on their lives and those who worked towards the unknown and uncertain paths that no one else was willing to take, just because society deemed it to be impossible. In other words, he admired those who were reckless and idiots in the eyes of many.

Kisuke grabbed her hand and introduced himself with a large smile, "Nice to meet you~ The name’s Kisuke Urahara, the owner of this place and its creator."

Carys was shocked at Kisuke’s firm reaction but she still hadn’t let her guard down and she never showed anything on her face.

However, Kisuke correctly guessed what she was thinking and continued, "Being careful, are we?"

In an instant, Carys frowned.

Kisuke chuckled and took back his hand, "I understand what you’re feeling, and even if I say that you don’t have to worry about anything, that’ll only backfire. So how about this, I swear on my Falna that I won’t put anyone in danger today."

Carys smiled, "Just for today, huh."

"Of course. I still want to retaliate when you suddenly become hostile."

"Fair enough. Well then, let me get straight to the point since it seems that you don’t like gauging each other out. For showing all of this, what do you want from us?...", Carys then suddenly shook her head and changed her words, "Or rather, what can we do for you?"

"Hoho~ You’ve become enthusiastic, I see."

Shrugging her shoulders, Carys replied, "We’d like to have the benefit of cooperating with someone like you first."

Hearing this, Urdor and Chris looked at each other before simultaneously saying, "I’d like to join these talks."

Kisuke nodded and replied, "Very well, everyone, let’s go to the meeting room."

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