Playing With Other Supernaturals Chapter 731 Dragon Aura part 2

Chapter 731 Dragon Aura part 2

"Conceptual power? What’s that?" Ais asked with great interest.

"Explaining it is actually useless since it’s a type of power that could vary and each of them don’t follow the rules of nature.", replied Loki while scratching her head, "But to make a comparison, let’s take something simple like Fire Magic."

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"Obviously, Fire Magic is for burning things, however, when you compare it to a conceptual Fire, the fire itself wasn’t important, but the concept of ’Burn’. As a fire should, it burns things it can burn, but a fire with a single concept of ’Burn’, could burn anything and everything in existence."

Riveria and Line were trying to wrap their heads around Loki’s words, but they still didn’t understand what a ’conceptual fire’ is like the rest.

Clapping his hands, Kisuke gathered everyone’s attention, "To oversimplify what Loki-sama just said, a normal fire would disappear if it touches a body of water, but a conceptual fire that focuses on the concept of ’Burn’ would burn even the said body of water no matter how impossible it looks."

Everyone’s eyes widened at such a foreign idea, "What the heck!? How does that even work!?" Tiona exclaimed.

"There’s actually no point in explaining such things logically since it doesn’t follow the rules of nature in the first place. So it just does what it does.", replied Kisuke while shrugging his shoulders, "Even if you ask a wielder of such fire how he does it, the most accurate answer he could give you is he just thinks of burning what he wants to burn and that’s it."

But he himself already analyzed Orihime and Aizen’s unique powers to some extent and made a very imperfect copy of them so his words were only partially the truth. Nevertheless, they didn’t need to know any of that.

Loki then started waving her hand left and right, "Baahh! Enough of that. Even among Gods, a conceptual power is something very unique and very rare! Not to mention, ’Burn’ is a ridiculous power that I doubt will ever exist!"

Kisuke nodded at her, "That’s right. The more simple and broad the concept is, the less restriction and limit it has. So usually, if there are any, the concept is extremely specific and pinpoint."

He then looked down at Lysa and continued, "In any case, that’s the reason why the Dragon race usually takes the top of the food chain. Because their Dragon Aura could evolve into something absolutely terrifying."

They all noticed how Kisuke referred to the Dragons as a race and took that to their heart. However, the idea of a conceptual power scared them.

Kisuke looked back up again only to see everyone except for Loki making worried expressions. He snickered at them and said, "As Loki-sama has said, it’s so rare that it may not even exist. And even if someone possessed it, it doesn’t mean they are strong as it’s still limited to how powerful the wielder is. Going back to the earlier topic, a Dragon is a Dragon because of their Dragon Aura."

"In other words, even if it looks like a weak Goblin, as long as it’s using and producing Dragon Aura from its body, it’s a full-fledged Dragon."

"What the heck?" Tiona muttered but Kisuke ignored her, "In that regard, Wyvern, Infant Dragon, and Valgang Dragons are not true Dragons but just look like one. Of course, the Dungeon could also produce bonified Dragons and Lysa-chan here is proof of that."

"Now that that’s out of the way, mind telling us about your Dragon friends now? I’ve been curious about them for a while now.", Loki demanded while using her arm to support her chin. However, she admitted that the information about ’Dragons’ was incredibly important for her children and she’s truly grateful to Kisuke for sharing this.

"Very well. The reason I’ve told you about the Dragon Aura was not just to give you a much clearer view of what a Dragon is, but also to easily explain the abilities of those two."

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Loki’s mouth twitched, "...I see... So those two have conceptual powers..."

"That’s right. The Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor. They got those nicknames not just because of their strength but their unique abilities."

"The red one has the ability to double his powers every ten seconds without limit until he himself reaches his limit. It has been described as allowing him to surpass the powers of Gods themselves if given enough time."

"Meanwhile, the white one has the opposite of the red, the ability to ’Divide’ the power of its opponents by half after coming into physical contact with them every 10 seconds. The halved powers are then added to his own powers. If the added power exceeds the amount he can safely contain, the excess energy is then expelled out through his wings, which allows him to always be at their highest potential. It can also repeatedly reduce the power of attacks in half. Similar to the first one, it could reduce Gods into mere mortals if given enough time."

Kisuke then happily raised Lysa and said with a smile, "Knowing that, I hope you can develop an ability of your own in the future too~!"

Lysa’s eyes shined and roared cutely, [Aria!!! Protect!!!]

She started imagining two, red and white, Dragons flying across the skies and declaring their dominance to everyone. Little did she know that those two are just hopeless perverts that like boobs and ass respectively.

"Ahaha. You should probably learn a few more words to say soon. Though it’s really amazing you could understand what we’re saying despite that very limited vocabulary."

Meanwhile, the rest of the Loki Familia members were panicking, "Oi, oi, oi... Doubling your power every ten seconds? For me, this is more ridiculous than burning water earlier!" Tiona started shaking.

"And that ’Divide’... It could reduce a God to a mere mortal with a touch?" added Riveria as she was also shaken by what she’d just heard.

A stream of discussion then opened among them regarding the Dragons but Kisuke ignored them and started playing with Lysa. He was letting them digest the information that he gave them.

However, all of a sudden, he remembered something important and placed Lysa on his lap before opening his palm facing upwards. A second later, a black Magic Circle with an infinity symbol in the middle of it appeared on top of Kisuke’s palm, "I almost forgot. Here. It’s transformation Magic for Dragons." The crest flew over and fused with Lysa’s forehead before disappearing.

Within Lysa’s consciousness, the method for transformation appeared. Although she couldn’t use it now, with just a bit of growth and practice on her side, she’ll be able to use it.

"Transformation Magic? What for?" asked Ais.

"A Dragons’ growth isn’t just tied to their age, but also strength. She’s already too strong for her age and she’ll surely continue to get stronger from here on. To accommodate that power increase, her body would also grow accordingly. You wouldn’t want her following you around with the size of a horse-drawn carriage, right?"

Ais easily understood Kisuke’s point, "Transformation Magic to keep her to this size, huh."

"That’s right~! And this Transformation Magic is very special because it came from a Dragon that could sweep the floor with the previous Dragons without breaking a sweat~! Those two wouldn’t even challenge her since there’s no chance of winning for them even if they are together... Wait... Since the white guy is a big battle junky, maybe he’ll do it... But he’ll only end up black and blue."

With Kisuke dropping a sudden bomb, everyone was slack-jawed, " " " "Whaaat!!!!?" " " "

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