Playing With Other Supernaturals Chapter 831 Behind His Amazing ‘Luck’

Chapter 831 Behind His Amazing ‘Luck’

Within the main house of Belial, everyone from Kisuke’s team, Cleria, and Sakura are having a rest within the living room. But in addition to them, Ophis’ other half, Lilith was also present, silently munching on snacks while sitting on Kisuke’s lap.

"No one’s gonna help you when Ophis and Lilith start fighting for that spot.", reminded Sakura.

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"...I’ll do something about that when the time comes."

Not being able to contain her curiosity anymore, Seekvaira asked Kisuke about the earlier match, "Uhmm, Kisuke-san... Was it all just a lucky coincidence?"

With a smug look, Kisuke replied while feeding the humanoid Dragon, "What do you think~?"

She wanted to believe that no one was capable of drafting such a chaotic event but there were so many strange points beyond him being safe from all the falling debris. The magicians being unable to cast Magic properly, their strange movements during their escape, and the fact that it shouldn’t be enough to retire them by just simply throwing rocks at them.

Genshirou and Nyx also had the same questions and were waiting to see how this would unfold.

For the remaining two, they had an idea since they were watching his actions closely.

"It wasn’t a coincidence.", voiced Tiamat.

"Nor was it remotely lucky. Everything that went down was his clever manipulation from the few seconds he was trapped in that ice.", added Athena, "It was obvious that he intended for that to happen, but as for how... I doubt you could see it from the replay, but he had been picking up pebbles from the road before they even arrived at the building.

"Before they could even bombard him with spells, Kisuke distracted one of them by flicking two pebbles at one of them, one slicing the left cheek and one hit the shin. This resulted in that rogue spell that hit the other spells and caused chaos. After that, Kisuke strategically hit the pillars and ceiling with pebbles, cracking them before they even went down."

"Aside from creating a safe spot for him, the debris was arranged to fall in a way that would block the magicians’ movement and get hit badly on their heads so that it was enough for them to get retired."

Tiamat saw Seekvaira and Genshirou browsing through the video file of the match but they couldn’t find anything that Athena just said, "Give it up. The moment he entered that building, he never used an ounce of Magic Power nor Ki so it wouldn’t be visible no matter how you look through those lenses. And since it’s just the preliminary rounds, you won’t find any higher-frame rate recording device being used."

In other words, this can only be seen by those who can directly observe the situation and one has to have very keen senses to even attempt to guess what happened.

"I understand it now..." Genshirou muttered under his breath, "No wonder Sona-kaichou wanted to defeat you to the point of obsession last time. She must have always lost miserably against you and she just couldn’t accept that with her pride."

"...S-seriously?" Seekvaira looked towards Kisuke but the latter was busy feeding the Dragon so she turned her head towards Sakura.

Sakura met her gaze and stopped eating and said, "This is coming directly from me, but he’s really weird." She knew that he was hiding many things from her but she was already at the point where she stopped questioning it and just trusted him while waiting for him to confide in her.

Seekvaira looked at Kisuke once again, but this time, in an entirely different light.

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Because of her own shortcomings, she decided to join Kisuke’s team and ask him for his guidance because she came to know that he’s the main reason why Sona’s former peerage members could stand where they are now. Not to mention Genshirou Saji, who can match the Red Dragon Emperor in a fight, everyone else also made a name for themselves and are currently the Underworld’s rising stars, just below the prominent names.

In addition to the sleep disease’s cure that had plagued the Devils since its inception, they are also the reason why the Sitri House was able to gather so much authority.

However, more than strength, Seekvaira favored ’technique’ and ’intellect’ a lot more. Out of the four Devil Kings, she admired Ajuka Beelzebub the most because of this, and among the four Rookies, she looked up to Sona the most for the same reason.

Seekvaira opened her mouth but Tiamat beat her to it, "Save it. Something like that can’t be taught if that’s what you’re about to ask him. And even if that was possible, you’d have to have a similar mindset to him, which is already out of question. He suffers from the same problem as most geniuses and that is that there is no way to make sense of what they are trying to do."

"That’s right." Kisuke interjected, "I can share my way of thinking, but I have no way of teaching it to others." 𝒻𝓇ℯ𝘦𝘸𝑒𝑏𝓃𝑜𝓿𝘦𝑙.𝑐𝑜𝓶

Seekvaira looked down and clenched her fist before looking up to him once again and said, "Then please allow me to watch you closely."

"Hmmm... I guess that’s fine. But only after your training with Nyx. As thanks for filling up a slot, I’ll make it worthwhile for you."




The next day, Urahara Shouten participated in another match because Kisuke asked Tiamat to get them as many as possible.

Many were puzzled by yesterday’s match and wanted to watch their team perform once again. Nevertheless, none of them were a fan of their team looking down on the other by obviously not participating properly.

However, some of the audience were ticked off when Urahara Shouten didn’t appear complete as Seekvaira and ’Goddess Bishop’ are both absent from their lineup. And the same as yesterday, Tiamat flew towards the highest place and closed her eyes while ’Goddess Knight’ began to roam around as if she was a tourist. Genshirou also gave with a big sigh and decided to be ’Goddess Knight’s’ guide since he knew the Underworld quite well, leaving their ’King’ alone once again.

This time, their opponent was a lot stronger than yesterday’s in terms of firepower and the map was an open field, so most of the audience thought that there was no way for Kisuke to ’luckily’ win anymore and placed their bets on the opposing team.

But after running around for more than an hour, narrowly dodging fatal attacks multiple times, Team Urahara Shouten won when one of the opposing team’s members made a mistake and ’accidentally’ took out their King, ending the game.

Naturally, almost everyone was aggrieved by the result, and those who bet money cursed at the hateful ’King’ for winning through luck once again, gaining a lot of heat and hate, just as Kisuke intended while watching his bank account rapidly grow in size.

For the next few days, the number of viewers in Kisuke’s matches increased exponentially which made his wealth also explode by winning with ’luck’. Of course, all of these increases were proportional to the hate he’s receiving since he’s also receiving a lot of ’fan letters’ that couldn’t be shown to children.

Finally, that hate hit the peak when it was announced that Team Urahara Shouten’s next opponent is the Team Trump Card of Heaven led by Dulio Gesualdo. Many celebrated since they could finally see Kisuke beaten up and also gain their money back, only for a moment, however.

Team Trump Card of Heaven won, but it’s because Kisuke instantly announced their surrender the moment the matching came up.

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