Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 10 Chapter 592 - Strange Kid

Volume 10 Chapter 592 - Strange Kid

"Huh? Gigolo Master? What’s that?" asked Serafall with an amused face.

"You don’t know, miss?" asked Anya as she approached their table, "Green Crusader: Gigolo Master, nya~! It was the Alias that was given to him after the Gods figured out that everyone from his Familia were his lovers, nya~!"

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But as soon as she said that, she suddenly shuddered but didn’t know where it came from. Nevertheless, the ignorant cat continued, "Though it’s such a funny Alias compared to the rest, it’s strange that nobody is talking about it, nya~!"

The moment Anya mentioned them being lovers, Sona became incredibly nervous due to her sister. However, a response she wasn’t expecting came out.

Serafall proceeded to give Kisuke a dirty look, "Heh~? Everyone’s lover, huh? Aren’t you pretty good?"


But Serafall just closed her eyes and said, "Don’t worry about it. Everyone from our hometown was already aware of it, including Mom and Dad, that this guy bribed."

Sona’s eyes widened for an instant before a large smile appeared on her face. All this time, she was a bit worried that she and Kisuke would clash because of her, but it seems that her worries were misplaced. Sona didn’t question Serafall’s words about Kisuke bribing her parents because she knew that this was within Kisuke’s range of strange actions.

’So she’s Sona’s older sister…’ Thought Anya as she gathered everyone’s order. She still wanted to talk, but she could feel Mia’s threatening glare from behind which was making her instincts scream.

But as she walked away, she stepped on a puddle of water which made her slip, "Huh?"

Anya didn’t know where the puddle of water came from because she’s pretty sure she cleaned the floor earlier. But as a high-level Adventurer, she instantly reacted and regained her balance. ’Unfortunately’ for her, however, another puddle of water was present where she stepped her other foot and completely lost her balance, "What, nyaa!?"

And too bad for her, a ’conveniently’ place chair was in the trajectory of her fall and hit her head on it, breaking it, "Unyaa!!!!!" shouted Anya in pain.

"What are you doing!?" yelled Mia.

Since she’s durable enough, she didn’t actually take any damage but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt, "M-Mia-san, nyaa… I slipped, nya! I don’t know why there’s a puddle of water here, nya!"

Hearing this, Mia just sighed, "Whatever. Just take their order to the kitchen and clean up the mess. By the way, you’ll be paying for that broken chair. I’ll deduct it from your pay."

"N-no way, nyaa…" Anya became deflated as she went towards the kitchen.

On the other hand, Mia took a peek at Kisuke, who was currently playing with the black-haired little girl, ’That magic power, was it just my imagination?’

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A few seconds later, Ryuu came out with the utensils and set them on the group’s table, "I apologize for Anya’s conduct."

But Kisuke just shook his head, "Nah, it’s fine. I already knew that she was the type of person that can’t keep her words to herself."

Ryuu sighed, "Still, I’d like to apologize and please enjoy your stay," She then went to the kitchen to help out.

It was only a few minutes later that the first set of dishes were done and it was brought out by Ryuu and Syr, "Oh, you’re really back, Kisuke-san! Just where did you go? The cola was about to run out so I was a bit worried that I won’t have any before you returned!"

"Ah, Syr-san. Long time no see~. I just went home for a bit and just returned now. I’ll bring the next supply of cola along with others tomorrow so please wait for it."

"I look forward to it~" She then looked towards the new faces, "So these people are from your hometown too? Nice to meet you, I’m Syr Flova."

"Nice to meet you too, Syr-san. I’m Serafall and we intend to stay here in Orario for some time," After that, Akeno and Irina also introduced themselves while Yoruichi introduced the two kids who were already busy with their meals.

Syr immediately noticed something amiss with Ophis and muttered while watching her gouge her very spicy meal, "What a stoic child."

Although Ophis could read the menu, she just randomly pointed at something and ordered it. And since Kisuke and the rest were curious about how she would react to the spicy food she ordered, they didn’t stop her. However, they were disappointed to see no particular reaction.

"She’s just a strange kid," replied Kisuke with a gentle smile.

But the moment Syr commented on Ophis, the latter’s attention was also put onto her.

Ophis stared at Syr for a few seconds and Syr became unnerved by those jet black eyes. Kisuke was about to ask what’s wrong Ophis suddenly spoke up with sauce still on the corner of her mouth, "Twisting your own fate… Why do it if it makes you weaker?"

Although Syr smiled wryly on the surface, her heart jumped a few times. Ever since she took this form, she had never been as surprised as today. Thanks to that, however, she didn’t notice Kisuke and Yoruichi’s reaction.

Instead of confronting Syr, Kisuke immediately stopped Yoruichi from what she’s about to do and signaled her not to do anything. He then, with a big grin, patted Ophis’s head and ruffled her head while saying, "Told you~ She’s a strange kid. Because she keeps muttering nonsensical stuff, she doesn’t have many friends aside from us."

"I-is that so?" replied Syr with a not so obvious fake smile, "Well then, please enjoy your food. I won’t be bothering you."

Ryuu noticed that something is wrong with her but didn’t voice out any of her concerns in front of Kisuke’s group, "Please enjoy your meal," she said and retreated back to the kitchen to prepare the rest of the order.

After sending a telepathic message to Yoruichi that they shouldn’t talk any of that right now, the group had an overall pleasant experience and the newcomers enjoyed the ’exotic’ ingredients.

Although throughout their stay, they didn’t see Syr come out of the kitchen again.

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