Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 10 Chapter 608 - Demonstration

Volume 10 Chapter 608 - Demonstration

Seeing the spear that appeared from nowhere reminded the top Adventurers of something, "Sacred Gear?" asked Ais.

Serafall raised her brows and turned towards Kisuke and asked, "They know about Sacred Gears?"

But instead of answering Serafall’s question, Kisuke asked Ais, "Did you hear about it from Hephaestus-sama?"

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Ais nodded at his question. Such a unique weapon, of course, they’d gather information about it and try to acquire it as well. It’s too bad, however, that Hephaestus didn’t want to make it for them regardless of Loki’s offer.

Nonetheless, they didn’t know that the real reason is that even she couldn’t create it easily without Kisuke’s help. Hephaestus could create an appearing and disappearing weapon based on the concept of a Sacred Gear that she acquired from helping Kisuke, however, she felt it would do an injustice for true Sacred Gears if she did that.

Until she could find a way to make this happen without using a Sacred Gear’s concept, she wouldn’t do it.

Kisuke then turned to Serafall and said, "With the help of a certain Goddess, I was able to complete a few artificial Sacred Gears. Well, also with the help of Azazel’s data. If not for that, it would have taken a long time to develop one from scratch."

Serafall’s eyes shone like a child who found a new toy she wanted in a supermarket, "I want one~!"

"…You don’t really need one, though? If made poorly or if it’s even slightly incompatible with you, it’d only hold you back," replied Kisuke with a twitching mouth.

"I want a wand type~!" Serafall didn’t listen and added to her request.

Kisuke could only sigh and said, "Let’s talk about this later."

"I’ll be expecting it~!" With a smile, Serafall turned her attention back to the Loki Familia and said, "You got it wrong. This isn’t a Sacred Gear. This is just a spear made out of ice conjured using my Magic. If we were to compare this to normal weapons, it’s as strong as a good quality steel weapon."

Every one of them immediately got the implication of that and Riveria muttered, "Then all low-level blacksmiths would lose their worth."

But Serafall immediately shook her head to her words, "Nope. To reach this level a certain amount of mastery is needed. Most Magic-Users can only make brittle weapons that could only be compared to the weapons of apprentice blacksmiths."

"But even then, a weapon is a weapon, and as long as you could keep up with its relatively low magic power consumption, you’ll technically have unlimited weapons at your disposal. Right now, I’m showing you that it’s possible to engage enemies in close range if you can also use Physical Enhancement Magic. You’ll only be a second-rate Magic-User if you think you’ll be defeated if enemies cornered you."

Lefiya then raised her hand and asked something that made her interested, "Uhmm, you said Physical Enhancement Magic. Is that a Magic that can increase physical parameters?"

"Yep. Although it is not as effective and efficient as Ki, it’s still possible to strengthen your physical abilities using your Magic Power. In fact, it’s more widely used as it’s easier to do so and less risky than Ki."

As a demonstration, Serafall lifted her spear as she spun it once and aimed at the trees behind the Loki Familia before throwing it while her arm emitted an obvious fluctuation of Magic Power. The spear of ice whistled through the air until it hit its target but it didn’t stop just there as it continued to pierce through obstacles until it reached and stopped beyond a hundred meters away.

"T-that’s like a throw of a full-powered level 3 or 4 and she did it so casually…," murmured Alicia.

Nevertheless, Serafall isn’t done yet, "Of course, there are some advantages to Magic over Ki… Something like this," Serafall then created another ice spear and went into her throwing stance, aiming towards a boulder, a kilometer away from them. But before she released it, multiple blue magic circles suddenly manifested and lined up in front of her.

As Serafall threw the spear, it went through the magic circles she created. Each pass would accelerate the spear’s speed exponentially and as it passed through the final circle, its speed already broke the sound barrier multiple times, creating a sonic boom and whipping through everyone present.

Since even those with the fastest reactions from the Loki Familia could only barely perceive the spear due to the speed it was traveling, they only managed to clearly see the resulting destruction not even a second later.

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The large boulder in the distance was no more and they could only see earth and dust launching to the sky. It was approximately three seconds before they heard the sound of the explosion it caused.

While everyone from Loki Familia was speechless, Serafall stood proudly with both of her hands on her waist and said, "How’s that?" Although in her head, she’s thinking that those kinds of attacks were pretty much useless against top-level individuals.

Nevertheless, they didn’t pay any attention to her as they started talking with each other, "…Hey, do you think Gareth could have done something like that?" asked Tione to Tiona.

But she asked the wrong person as the latter answered, "I don’t know, but I definitely can’t do that!"

"…It’s my fault for asking."

"Uhmm, Riveria-sama… Could you explain what just happened? I couldn’t catch any of it," asked Lefiya with a distraught face.

Riveria’s expression says that she too doesn’t fully understand what just happened so she could just guess, "I think it has something to do with those magic circles. For a brief moment, I saw the spear instantly sped up the moment it passed through one."

Serafall snapped her fingers and said with a happy face, "Correct~! That was multiple stacks of acceleration magic~! It would be hard to do something like that using Ki."

Anakitty then raised her hand and hesitantly asked, "M-may I ask what Level are you?"

To that question, Riveria immediately gave her a glare of admonishment which scared Anakitty.

Serafall, on the other hand, stared at her for a moment before opening her mouth. Everyone from her side knew that she’s going to answer honestly and prompted Yoruichi to take action. However, before she could stop her, Kisuke signaled to her that it’s fine. Although somewhat confused, Yoruichi stopped and decided to watch what’s going to happen, ’Does he intend to come out now? Well, I guess that’s fine since we already gauged the combat levels of the Gods and found our escape route in case something happens. We even have Ophis on our side, making it even easier for us.’

Anakitty was about to apologize since she crossed the line with that question, but before she could do so, Serafall answered her question, "Since it’s my first time receiving a Falna yesterday, I’m Level 1."

Shocked, everyone from the Loki Familia turned to Loki to confirm her words. Seeing the expectation of her children, Loki answered after sighing, "She didn’t lie. In other words, before she even received a blessing from a Deity, she already had that kind of ability."

Loki then turned to Kisuke, "And my guess is that was the same for you."

Kisuke grinned at her and answered, "There isn’t any rule that you can’t get stronger without a God’s help, is there?"

"Ahahaha~! That’s true, I suppose. There’s no one who would stop you from getting stronger without a God’s blessing. In fact, I think that’ll be great news for the Deities who’re starved for entertainment~!"

Ais, who couldn’t believe all of this muttered, "H-how is that possible?"

However, Loki ignored her and looked sharply at Kisuke, "Well, if you don’t mind, could you show us what you’re capable of without the Falna’s help?"

Although this request doesn’t really mean anything and just wanted to provoke Kisuke, she never would have expected to get a nod from him, "Sure~! Why not?"

"You will!?"

Turning to Serafall, Kisuke said, "Wanna spar?"

With an energetic laugh, Serafall answered, "I’ll take you on~!"

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