Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 2 Chapter 48 - Devils are the Bad guys?

Volume 2 Chapter 48 - Devils are the Bad guys?

Everyone, who is sitting on the dining table saw their interaction and don’t know what to say. Yoruichi who is on the coach approached the dining table, more specifically, Sakura and asked, "Mom, can you prepare a cup of milk for me?"

Sakura was startled when somebody with a manly voice spoke to her and calling her Mom, she panicked as she thought that she had another son she didn’t know. She looked around and only saw girls looking at her with a weird expression and the black cat, who’s been a family for a decade now, Yoruichi is also looking at her, "Who spoke just now?"

"It’s me," Yoruichi answered her, She really likes the expression on Sakura’s face right now.

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"Y-Yoruichi? You can speak?" The revelation just now is the most shocking of all the revelation for Sakura.

"Yes, Mom." Yoruichi wanted to laugh but stopped herself.

"M-mom!? Ahem… For how long have you been aware and can speak?" Sakura shouted but recomposes herself and asked. It rare but there are cases that animals who became self-aware may be able to speak. The exact reason is unknown, but it has a strong correlation with Mana, that’s what the scholars believe anyway.

"Since the first time I got here," Yoruichi answered.

Sakura held her head and released a large sigh, "Whatever, you said you want a cup of milk? Warm or cold?"

"Warm please."

’As expected of the mother of that Kisuke, she sure can take it well. I have to do better.’ Aika can only think of that for now.

Kisuke continued to feed the little girl while also taking a bite for himself from time to time, "Now then, how should I explain this?"

Everyone on the dining table looked over at his direction, especially Aika and his mother, Sakura.

"For starters, let me ask something first. Mom, you know about the supernatural world, right?" Kisuke faced his mother and asked in a casual tone.

Sakura put down her chopsticks and sighed, "So you really noticed. That’s right, I know some things. How did you know anyway?"

"Well, from the way you act, your aura and your heritage as a Devil. Although I’m not sure how much Devil’s blood you have and but I’m sure I’m your real son and a pure Human." Kisuke looked up and thought for a while.

Sakura’s eyes widened in shock at Kisuke’s words. Same with Aika and Sona while Yoruichi continues to relish her milk.

"H-how did you know!? I’m very confident that I masked all of my devil’s aura!" Sakura stood up agitatedly. Even those high ranking Devils that she came across several times didn’t realize anything wrong about her, yet her son, who she thought that didn’t know much, was able to tell that she is a part Devil.

"Oh… Well, you see, I’m very sensitive to auras around me. I don’t really know how to explain it further." Kisuke is now playing around letting the little girl chase for the food.

"Waitwaitwait! D-devils!? You mean those bad guys!? Aunty is a Devil!?" Aika caught up and asked hastily.

"You got it wrong Kiryuu-san." It was Sona who disagreed with Aika’s remarks, "Devil is a race, and like Humans, a person can be either good or evil."

Aika kinda gets it, but still couldn’t remove the image in her mind that devils are those who do atrocious things.

Sona knew what she is talking about and sighed, "Urahara-kun, please let me explain a few things to Kiryuu-san here before you continue."

"Sure, go ahead, Kaichou-san" Kisuke smiled at her and kept playing with the little girl. The little girl is also starting to enjoy their little game of ’chase the food’.

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"Kiryuu-san. I don’t what is Urahara-kun is planning, letting you chose whether or not letting step in this world, but I’ll explain to a few basic things to you for you to understand what we are talking about." Sona faced Aika while fixing her glasses.

Aika imitated her and also fixed her glasses, "Please." She gulped audibly.

Sona then proceeded to lecture Aika about the Three Factions. It took fifteen minutes for Sona to tell the basics and Aika is not slow enough to not understand it. The food is about to get cold so they ate as they talk.

"So you mean to say that Angels propagandize that the Devils and Fallen Angels are the bad guys to get the support of the Humans for the Great War?" Aika poses a question based on her understanding.

"Propagandize is a strong word. The Devils of that time indeed want to destroy the world to create a new one based on their desires and the Fallen Angels want to remove the Angels and take Heaven for themselves, the Angels just spread those words and it became the basis of what the normal Humans’ belief today." Sona corrected Aika.

"What about now?"

"After the Great War between the Three Factions, the Devils’ population plummeted to dangerous levels and their leaders were all killed, but the supporters and loyal followers of those leaders still want to continue the war and that became the foundation for a revolution led by Anti-Satan Faction.

"The Anti-Satan Faction won the civil war, but the damages worsen the condition of the Devil Society and the chosen new leader established a new government. Noble Houses still exist, but the highest position, which is the Devil King is elected and won’t be passed down to his or her descendants. The Devil King also has to leave his clan and take a new name."

Aika is trying to digest everything she learned just now, ’So the so-called Devils have a world and society of their own and I shouldn’t judge them based on my preexisting recognition of them. It like seeing a bald man full of tattoos and thinking of him as an ex-convict when in fact he is one of the better people in the world.’

While Aika is deep in her thought, the rest finished eating their food and Sakura went back to the kitchen to serve some warm tea. Kisuke and the little girl also finished their food satisfied. Although her attention is now focused on Aika which sent Kisuke into wracking his brain for possibilities.

Aika looked up and stared at Sona, "May I ask another question?" She gulped waiting for a reply.

"Go on." Sona took a sip of the tea served for her, ’This is delicious.’

"How did you know all of this?" Aika focused her eyesight on her.

Sona first looked at Kisuke and saw him nodded and lay her eyes back to Aika, "Because I’m a Devil." From her back, a pair of bat-like wings appeared, which naturally shock Aika.

"K-Kaichou, You’re a Devil?" It took Aika a few seconds to ask this question.

"Yes, I’m a proud one." Sona just smiled at her question as she already expects it.

Aika stared blankly at her wings for a few moments. She then hardened her expression and said, "Then how do you expect me to believe everything you just said? There might have been a grain of truth from what you said, but since you’re a Devil yourself, you could have a very biased opinion about your race that might not be true from an outside perspective. I don’t even know if you’re manipulating everyone here with the magic of yours for your own convenience. Although I’m very sorry if I’m wrong about everything, this is what I truly believe."

Aika is very scared right now. If she’s right then Kisuke’s family and her are in grave danger and there is nothing she can do about it as she doesn’t even know the limits of ’magic’ and the Devil’s other methods, but she at least want to voice out her concern to disrupt Sona and find an opening to do something.

Sona stood there blankly looking at her. When Aika saw this she immediately prepares to make a move, but something hit her forehead before she can make her move.

Aika crouched down in pain holding her forehead, she then looks at the source of the unknown object, Kisuke, "What are you doing!? Are you really controlled!? Dammit! I’m correct after all?"

"Ahahaha, I like your guts, but whatever you’re thinking of doing, stop it." Kisuke smiled at her.

Sona also finally recovered and smiled wryly, "I can’t refute everything you just said as I don’t have any evidence to disprove you. Also, Devils like you describe also exist. Although I don’t have any persuasion power here, I can assure you I haven’t cast even a single magic since stepping in this house."

Aika calmed down. She thought about it again and understood that if she can control everyone in here, then she wouldn’t even need to explain anything. But she’s still wary of her.

"Great, that’s the right response. Although even Kaichou wants to do just that, she won’t be able to because of this little girl’s presence." Kisuke nodded in satisfaction at Aika while patting the little girl.

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