Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 3 Chapter 113 - Gremory VS Phenex Rating Game Part 3

Volume 3 Chapter 113 - Gremory VS Phenex Rating Game Part 3

Issei and Koneko left the gymnasium while their opponents were incapacitated. After a few seconds, Akeno arrives, bombarding and annihilating the whole gymnasium with lightning along with Riser’s servants.

"Three of Riser Phenex-sama’s ’Pawns’ and one of his ’Rooks’ have been retired." Grayfia’s announcement echoed throughout the whole battlefield.

"It’s just like what Kiba said before… It makes sense that Akeno-san is called ’Priestess of Thunder’…" Issei is in awe at the sight of destruction Akeno casually concocted, ’Amazing… Better remember not to piss off Akeno-san… Kisuke… rest in pieces…’

Issei turned to Koneko and initiated a high-five, "We did it, Koneko-chan!"

"Please don’t touch me!" Koneko took a step back, still remembering his disgusting magic.

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"Hahaha, I’ll never use it on an ally." Issei awkwardly laugh.

"…It’s still a nasty move." Koneko started walking away, but just a few steps, her senses started warning her. She used her inner Ki to cover herself and a large explosion happened in front of her sending her flying to the woods.




"Looks like their plan works," Sona commented after the Akeno dropped her attack on the building.

"Yep. That Fried Chicken is not taking it seriously when it comes to commanding his servants. He’s just that confident to win even with just himself." Kisuke added. Then they witness the explosion which sent Koneko to the woods with unknown faith.




Sona furrowed her brows at this and asks Kisuke, "Is she going to be okay?"

"So that’s how is it… She wants the opponents to think that she’s already taken out." Kisuke muttered, "She’s going to be fine… You see, she needs a lot of alone time to execute her secret technique. This is a good chance to reduce the attention she’s getting."

Sona returned her sights on the screen and focused her attention to Koneko who is lying on the ground, disheveled and ’unconscious’, ’Let me see this secret technique of yours.’




"Well done. Building up that lightning attack takes some time for Akeno, so while we’re waiting for her to recharge, we’ll move on to the next operation." Rias’ voice resounded on their communicator.

"Got it, Buchou!" Issei turned to Koneko and tried to catch up to her, "We’re supposed to meet up with Kiba on the Sporting Grounds, right? Let’s move, Koneko-ch---!" A sudden explosion interrupted his words and he saw Koneko’s body launching away to the woods dropping out of his vision, "Ko-Koneko-chan!!!"

"Take." From the sky, Riser’s ’Queen’, Yubelluna’ appeared. She just cast that bomb magic, "Fufufu~. All your struggles are for nothing. You’ll never beat Riser-sama." She then faces the direction where Koneko was thrown away. She saw her lying on the ground relatively fine, but unconscious. The game’s judge deemed her still capable of combat, ’I used quite a lot of force in that one since Ravel-sama warned me about her. Surprisingly, she wasn’t taken out instantly, but I should finish her off.’

Yubelluna wanted to follow Koneko, but Akeno blocked her way, "Issei, don’t worry about Koneko-chan. She’ll be fine. Proceed to follow Rias’ orders for now." She glared at Yubelluna and also followed her line of sight, ’This is not the end for her… right?’

"B-But--!" Issei still didn’t want to leave just yet.

"Issei-kun." Akeno put more force in her voice, "You have your role to play, and this is mine. Do not fret, I’ll avenge Koneko-chan. I’ll give everything to crush this one."

"Kuh!!" Issei turned around and ran away, leaving the two ’Queen’s’ battlefield which is now filled with explosions.

"Hah…hah…hah…" Issei ran from destructions with all his might and stopped at the corner of the building just before he reached the Sporting Groups.

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As he tries to calm his breathing, Grayfia’s announcement was heard again, "Three of Riser Phenex-sama’s ’Pawns’ have been retired."

"Three ’Pawns’? But Buchou is still in the base and Akeno-san is in the middle of a fight…" Issei muttered when a hand grabbed his shoulder, "!?"

Issei turned around to retaliate but saw it was Yuuto Kiba doing a silence gesture, "Oh… It’s just you." Issei is now trying to calm his beating heart.

Kiba was the one who defeated the three ’Pawns’ and the two talk for a while to rest. After reaffirming their resolves to get stronger, they started to argue who’s going to be on ’top’ which inevitably attracted Riser’s remaining pieces to their location.

"I am Karlamine, a ’Knight’ serving Riser-sama. I’ve had enough of sneaking around and feeling each other out. ’Knight’ of Rias Gremory, come and pit your blade against mine! Knight on Knight!" A young woman with light brown hair and green eyes called out to Yuuto. Her outfit consists of a full set of silver armor with black accents that appears to be a cross between a European Knight (chest plate, gauntlets, and greaves) and a Japanese Samurai (hip plates and shoulder guards), and wears a headband that goes across her hair and forehead. She is equipped with a broadsword and a dagger, both of which are held with brown belts slung across her hip. The broadsword is slung on her left hip, and features a red jewel on the pommel and has bandages across the handle for grip. The dagger, which is located behind her hip, features a gold hilt with bandages on the handle.

Yuuto opened the door of the storage room they were in and accepted her invitation, "Hmmph… I can’t keep hiding after being called out like that." He pulled out his sword from his hip and took a stance, "As a Knight, that is."

"What!?" Issei didn’t know what to do, but he had no other choice other than following him outside of their hiding place.

"I am Yuuto Kiba, a Knight." Yuuto first introduced himself and Issei did the same, "And I’m Issei Hyoudou, a Pawn."

Karlamine chuckled, "Always a joy to meet fighters who boldly step out, front and center. You’re my favorite type of idiots! Hahaha!"

"That’s rich coming from you!" Issei retorted.

"I’ll give you a fight that is anything but ordinary." Yuuto pointed his sword towards Karlamine.

"Well said, Knight of Rias Gremory!" They started their clash leaving Issei gawking at the sidelines.

But he wasn’t alone for too long and the rest of Riser’s servants appeared one after another surrounding him.




"That’s some interesting Sacred Gear. Can he create any sword with any effect?" Kisuke commented on the scenes ongoing on the screens.

"Who knows. It’s said that throughout history, countless variations of this Scared Gear appeared. And each one of those has their own specialties." Sona replied while she rests her head on her hand.

A few more moments, they witness Issei use his ’original’ magic on Riser’s Rook and retired her through the use of an attack he calls ’Dragon Shot’.

Rias is already confronting Riser on the top of the roof of the new school building along with Asia.

"He even has his little sister in his harem!? Damn… I lost!" Kisuke gritted his teeth just like Issei when Ravel reveals herself.

"Why are you competing with him?" Sona gave him another disgusted look.

Kisuke looked at her and smiled, "Right… Why am I competing with him? I already have Sona-kaichou."

Kisuke’s words caught Sona off guard and blankly stared at him. A few seconds later, her face flushed red with embarrassment, "Who’s yours!? You damned pervert!!!"

Sona kept shouting at him but he just enjoyed Sona’s tantrum and embarrassed face.

Issei and Yuuto combined their Sacred Gear to create a field of blades which impaled all of Riser’s servant around Issei and Yuuto, the only one left is Riser’s little sister, Ravel who already healed her wound.

She gritted her teeth and muttered, "Is this also the Dragon’s power?"

Just as Issei and Yuuto are feeling proud of their accomplishments, another announcement from Grayfia resounded, "Rias Gremory-sama’s Queen has been retired." This announcement understandably shocked everyone in Rias’ peerage.

"Just with those words and they’re letting their guard down? It’s not like she’s dead." Kisuke commented, and as he expected, it’s Yuuto’s turn to become charcoal from an explosion while they are processing those words.

"Rias Gremory-sama’s Knight has been retired." Grayfia’s voice resounded again waking them up from their stupor.

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