Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 4 Chapter 134 - Somewhere On the Other Side of the Globe

Volume 4 Chapter 134 - Somewhere On the Other Side of the Globe

Kuroka wanted to remove the fourth and last terms but she doesn’t have any advantages over this deal as long as Kisuke is taking Koneko as ’hostage’.

Finalizing the deal, Kuroka has a bitter face and Koneko comforted her while patting her back, "Now removed what you’ve planted on Shirone’s soul! Everything!"

"Now, now. Don’t be hasty. I’ll be doing it." Kisuke approaches them and puts his hand on Koneko’s head. After a few seconds, a ball of green light appeared when Kisuke pulled away his hand from Koneko’s head. He then crushed it with his hands in front of Kuroka making her sigh in relief.

"Nee-sama… You still don’t know Kisuke-senpai. He didn’t mean any harm."

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"What are you saying, Shirone! All he has done is enough for me to judge him a scoundrel. And why are you defending the guy who’s technically taking you as a hostage!?" Kuroka immediately and angrily refuted her words.

"What do you think he planted on me?" Koneko didn’t back down and continued speaking to her older sister gently.

"Something that can hurt you if you defy him?" Kuroka is starting to have weird feelings about the situation.


"… Then what?"

"A simple protective spell and an alarm spell." Koneko let out the truth. Kisuke told her that he’ll be giving her some memory reading defensive spell and an alarm that would accompany it in case it activated.


"In other words, he just tricked you."

"Y-you…" Kuroka snapped her neck back to Kisuke who is scratching his head.

"All I told you is that I planted something in Koneko-chan’s soul and didn’t tell anything about it being harmful to her. You’re the one who filled in the blanks. It’s not my fault." Shrugging his shoulders, Kisuke denied the accusatory look.

Kuroka couldn’t speak anymore and fell into self-loathe, ’Did I just let this guy trick me?’

"Damn scammer. Couldn’t you live without scamming anyone?" Aika successfully escaped Yoruichi’s grasp and help Kuroka to verbally assault Kisuke.

"Grrr… Dammit! I couldn’t take it anymore-nya! It’s not on our terms that I’m not allowed to hurt you!" Kuroka stomped her foot in fury and rushed towards Kisuke. But just she’s about to get near him, in split second, she tied up in turtle-shell bondage.

"N-not again!"

"Give it up. That guy is stronger than me. And adding his unconventional head, he’ll just annoy you to death." Yoruichi gave her a friendly reminder.

"No!!! I won’t give up!" Kuroka shouted with a flushed face.

The day went by without Kuroka being able to take even a bit of revenge. Every time she would attack Kisuke, there would only be one end, and that is being tied up in turtle-shell bondage. Kisuke even thinks that Kuroka has some weird kink that Koneko isn’t aware of, ’Why am I always surrounded by perverts. What did I do to deserve this?’

Kuroka gave up for today and went away, but not after giving her access to the training ground. She’s not allowed to come to Urahara Shop or his home, just the training ground. Kuroka accepted it since Koneko is always in it anyways.

As for the information she knows, only Kisuke and Yoruichi listened to it and were given a shock at its contents but they didn’t let Kuroka know about it.

After Kuroka left, all of them returned to the surface. Aika still has to go home to placate her father and Koneko with her long-overdue reunion with the whole Gremory peerage. Kisuke and Yoruichi, meanwhile, went back to their room and laid down on the bed.

"What do you think about Kuroka’s information?" Yoruichi cuddled in him and asks.

"More complicated than I expected but still within tolerable levels. Although, I didn’t really expect Ophis-chan to lead a terrorist group." Kisuke yawned as he wraps around his arms on Yoruichi.

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"Someone like Ophis, if it’s the same being, couldn’t possibly lead an organization. It’s probably just a give and take relationship."

"You’re right. Someone as strong as her could easily give power to those weaker than her. And those weaker guys can propose to kick out Great Red out of Dimensional Gap. Someone like Ophis would easily agree to that if that is her goal without thinking much about it."

"Ophis-chan is too innocent. This won’t end well for her."

"As much as I want to help, I can’t do much about her situation. Let’s just prepare to pull her out if something happens. But as strong as she is, I doubt that would ever happen, unless…"

"Unless what?"

"There is a cheating item out there that could actually hurt her. This is the world where you can power up almost infinitely as long as your emotion and body are strong enough after all."

"If you say it like that, then that cheating item really must exist."

"Haah… Let’s stop thinking about this for now. We have enough in our plates. Splitting our focus more won’t do us any good."

"Goodnight." Kisuke used his hand to part Yoruichi’s hair and kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodnight." Yoruichi buried her head on Kisuke chest and closed her eyes to rest.




Aegina Island, Greece.

A modest one-story house lies not from the Aegina’s Port. Living within is a family of three and currently having a nice dinner on their dining table.

"Claire, it’s almost your birthday. What do you want as a present?" The father figure asks his daughter.

The small girl with short shiny gray hair and sparkly black eyes stopped eating and looked up to her father, "Uhmm… Can I ask for anything?"

"You can, but mommy has to agree with it first." The father smiled gently and use his hand to wipe the sauce stuck on her cheek.

"Then I want to meet big brother Kisuke!" With a bright smile, the little girl stated her wish.

The mother and father figure looked at each other in shock and the mother asks her daughter, "Why do you want to meet him?"

"Because you kept talking about him and I want to meet and play with him!"

The father figure sighed and the mother figure chuckled at their daughter’s wish.

If Kisuke were to see the parents, he’ll remember the day when he saved the couple’s life. It’s precisely Cleria Belial and Masaomi Yaegaki. And now they have a very cute daughter after moving to Aegina Island in Greece.

"I’ll right an invitation. It’s also about time to meet and thank him again." Cleria continued her meal as she agreed to her daughter’s demand.


"Alright, finish your veggies. Big brother Kisuke likes obedient children."

"Ughh… o-okay…"

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