Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 4 Chapter 140 - Invitation

Volume 4 Chapter 140 - Invitation

Kisuke greeted her mother who also just came from shopping with Yoruichi.

"Make sure you settle things between you and Sona-chan. It’s your fault why this happened." Those are Sakura’s first words when her son greeted her.

"I will…" Kisuke smiled brightly.

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"Looks like you’re fine now, but Sona-chan is not…" Sakura gave him a reprimanding look.

"I’ll properly apologize to her later. But I think that chasing after her right now won’t do me any good. I’ll wait for her to calm down for now."

"… Well… That’s fine I guess. But you shouldn’t do that kind of thing in the future. Rejecting someone is alright, but trampling over the innocent maiden’s feelings are forbidden."

"I know, mom. I understand my fault now."

"Good. Let’s head inside. I’m going to prepare for dinner. Help me with it." Sakura shoved the bags she’s carrying to Kisuke.

"Okay~." Kisuke helped her with the groceries and entered the house.

After their dinner, Kisuke asks Yoruichi, "How’s the three?"

"Hmm? They’re fine. Koneko is healing faster than predicted. Kuroka is still understandably cautious of both of us and Aika is still trying too hard as ever."

"Hmm… Warn her later. Her body could recover easily but not her mental health."

"I intend to. But let her do what she wants for now. In any case, The basic Zanjutsu that she got from getting her own Zanpakuto should be enough for now."

"Great. Now that is out of the way… Mom! I’ll be going somewhere for a week or two. I’m taking Yoruichi with me." Kisuke said to Sakura who is preparing dinner beside him.

"Hmm? To where?" She didn’t look at his direction and continued what she’s doing.

"To Greece."

"…Why?" Sakura finally looked over at his direction with a baffled expression. Yoruichi also has the same expression.

"A friend invited me over for her child’s birthday," Kisuke recalled the contents of the letter he received earlier and stated her reason.

"Who is it?" Sakura went back to what she’s doing and asked casually.

"Well… I can’t really tell as her identity is a bit special and some people are after her. So the fewer people knew about her the better." Kisuke shook his head in refusal to answer, ’I finally remembered her. She’s the Devil with a Priest lover who was hunted down by their own comrades. She’s already thought of as a dead person. I can’t go attending the birthday party of a 7-year-old daughter of 10 years ’dead’ person.’

"… Is that so? Just be careful, alright?" With a sigh, Sakura agreed but didn’t forget to remind him.

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"Got it. Maybe by the time that I return, Sona-Kaichou would have calmed down sufficiently to listen to my apologies." Kisuke chuckled and arranged his plan for the future.

"When are you going?"


"That’s a bit sudden. What about school?"

"I can take care of that later. I don’t need it anyways. I only attended because that’s the most normal thing to do. And now that you know about me, I couldn’t care less about it anymore."

"What about the friends you made there?" Sakura understood his reason. Someone who can formulate very complicated magic without the help of a Devil is already beyond the realm of genius. Someone like that would only need to read some textbooks and reference books and they’ll be done with high school. But school isn’t all about just studying, it is also what shapes the students’ personalities and relationships in their limited time as a youth.

"… I’ll come once in a while." Kisuke remembered the rowdy trio, Asia and finally, Sona. He would like to play with them again to relax.

They finished their dinner and retired early to their rooms. Sakura is now alone because Koneko has to stay with her peerage for two reasons. Koneko can’t go out alone without protection from someone in Gremory House or they’ll risk her get kidnap because of her ability. They locked down the information regarding the Rating Game, but there are no absolutes in this world. They had to be careful. The other reason is that Koneko might inflict harm to the Urahara Household by gathering attention to them and someone might think that they are the reason Koneko gained such power. Kisuke, Yoruichi and Sakura agreed as they also don’t want needless trouble if it can be avoided.

When they reached their room, Kisuke locked the room with his barrier and laid down on the bed with Yoruichi sitting on his chest, "So? Who did you receive that letter from?"

"Cleria Belial… Remember her?"

"…Cleria… Cleria… Ah! That poor Devil with a Human lover who was almost killed by those around them?"

"Yep." Kisuke then took out the letter from his inventory and gave it to Yoruichi.

Yoruichi transforms back to Human and laid down beside him using his arm as a pillow. She took the letter and started reading it. Most of the letter’s contents are thanks and a summary of what happened to both of them. They also now have a seven-year-old daughter and very happy with their current lives. They are inviting Kisuke to come for a vacation in Greece and it’s also their daughter’s birthday. They mentioned in the letter that they kept telling the story of what happened a decade ago to their daughter that’s my she got interested in this ’Big Brother Kisuke’ and wants to meet him.

Yoruichi closed the letter and gave it back to Kisuke for safekeeping, "If this is the normal you, You wouldn’t have accepted this invitation? What changed?"

"Well, I just figure out that since it’s already our second life, we shouldn’t live it like the previous one."

"Hooh? No more being overly cautious and hiding to the best of your ability?"

"Yep. I don’t anymore care if more people were to know more about me. We don’t have an enemy that we must take down and silently plan for everything. Though I won’t showcase my abilities willy nilly and I also won’t cut corners in some disguises of mine. After all, showing everything we got would only attract unwanted attention to us."

"Hehehe… I’m very thankful to Sona for showing you something like that. It woke you up."

"She won’t be happy with your gratitude though."

"I don’t care. Anyways, what are you going to do with her, playboy?" Yoruichi sneered at him.

"… I honestly don’t know. Her feelings were too heavy for me." He smiled wryly in response.

Yoruichi looked at his serious face and thought, ’It’s only heavy because you aren’t carrying it properly.’

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