Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 4 Chapter 177 - Fight

Volume 4 Chapter 177 - Fight

Dennis drew her rapier and dashed towards Kisuke’s direction. However, before he could travel half of their distance, the maid from his back intercepted the enemy like a loyal retainer defending her master.

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With daggers attached to a chain in both of her hands, Medusa met Dennis’ blade with ease. Seeing that he can’t overpower her anymore like the last time they met, Dennis frowned, but smiled after a few seconds, "Nice to see you alive and well, monster. This time, I’m going home with your head on my rapier."

"Such bad taste. No wonder nobody likes you." Medusa’s cheap provocation instantly enrage the muscle head.

"You dare insult me, Medusa!? Fine! Before you disappear in motes of Mana, I’ll let my subordinates do whatever they want with your headless body!" Dennis took back his rapier and thrust it in a different angle, using the full force of his body strengthening to speed up his attack.

Waiting for this moment, Medusa flicks her left arm and the chains attached to the dagger danced and coiled around Dennis’ arm which is holding his rapier. With another flick, she changes the trajectory of his arm and used his own strength to throw him away, "What!?"

Medusa just exhibited speeds that they never saw before and now they knew that she’s almost back to her full strength with just a few days of her going out of their radar.

Dennis flew like a baseball who was just struck and landed on the audience’s stand near his own house members creating a crater and spreading clouds of dust and debris, "Gah!!"

"Dennis! You useless son of mine!" Dennis’ father went after him to check his state.

Medusa didn’t watch this though as her attention is on Kisuke because Dennis just called out her real name. Peeking a glance at him, she noticed that his expression didn’t change despite being covered by a mask. She smiled and sighed in relief, feeling a large boulder disappearing from her shoulders which she has been carrying for quite some time.

Medusa then looked around the saw a blindfolded and tied up girl. She is Ana, the one who took care of her a few years ago for several days. Medusa doesn’t know how they find her, but it’s probably because she left some clues or maybe a god is watching her back then and gave this information to them. Either way, it’s her fault why she landed in this predicament and she would even give up life just to save her. Life is a cheap price for her anyways.

Medusa dashed towards her but stopped by a whip and a spear coming after her. She jumped back a few meters before taking small jumps back to Kisuke’s side who is currently enjoying the show while petting a black cat in his arms.

Medusa gritted her teeth and glared at two people who appeared beside the bounded girl, Petter, and Theodore.

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"Petter… Looks like your bait is really effective. I’m sorry if I doubted you before, but could you let me have a go with her first?" Theodore said to the man who took back his spear.

"I can’t let you do that. I want to enjoy a show, and it seems that she recovered quite a large amount of her strength so this is good timing… Men, bring it out." Refusing Theodore, Petter commanded the handful of his subordinates who are present to proceed on what they planned.

Theodore’s brows furrowed even more as this is contrary to what he wants to do just a few days ago. He looked at his mother and both of them nodded at each other before Theodore decided to back away without a protest. He slowly walks towards his mother to regroup. He also partially already gave up on the Clan Head seat due to the weirdness of the situation and chooses to just watch from the sideline. Theodore also grabbed and dragged Elexa who is strangely quiet but also very flustered at what is happening. This is also one of the points he is suspicious of, but he can’t ask her directly because he has a feeling that something will go wrong if she answers him honestly, and he trusted his instinct in times like this more than his reason as it already saved his life multiple times in the past.

Medusa ignored Theodore who is moving away and kept her sights on the man with a spear, "Release her! She has nothing to do with this! Your goal is met, and here I am."

"I want to fight you in your full strength, but after thinking for a bit, that’s too dangerous. It seems that you managed to gain some of your powers when you’re being hunted by a multitude of heroes. Although I can fight you in that state, I want to see what you can do about these guys first." Petter snapped his fingers to signal his subordinates to do what they agreed earlier.

From the numerous entrances of the arena, a large thud was heard along with clashes of chains. A few seconds later, a creature came walking and roared to the sky with its three heads. This is a being that is an amalgamation of goat, lion, and a snake… A Chimera. It has a lion’s body with two heads, a lion’s and a goat’s. Its tail is a large serpent that is longer than its body. While the lion head doesn’t seem to have any special ability, it’s in full control of the body except for the head and capable of using its strength to full potential. The goat head has red eyes and it’s spewing bits of fire from its snout while the snake tail mouth is releasing venomous fumes. All of its eyes were focused on Medusa with its full-blown hostility.

"What!? Why do you have something like that!?" Medusa took a step back. She started thinking of the strategy to fight it.

"It’s something that Athena lends us. As for where it came from, I don’t know, but you’re to play with it for a bit." Petter sat down back to his chair dragging along the unconscious girl, "If you were to win, I’ll give this girl back to you unharmed."

Medusa was about to dash forward to meet the bizarre creature, but Kisuke stopped her by grabbing her shoulder, "You don’t have to meet it alone~. I’m going to help~." Yoruichi in her cat form jumped down from his embrace and went to a shadowy corner to watch.

Medusa hesitated for a bit. She could deal with the Chimera, albeit with some difficulty. But she needed to stay alert against the man with a spear’s other plots so having him as a back up is a big help, "Thanks."

"You’re welcome~." Kisuke then took out a katana. It’s Benihime but he let her took the form from when he was still an active Captain of the Gotei 13 instead of a cane, "Though if things got too dangerous, I’m going to escape by myself, okay?"

"That’s fine… That’s what I hope for you to do…" Medusa nodded and agreed with his words, but deep inside her, she’s feeling a bit lonely that he could readily say something like leaving her behind. She tossed those thoughts in the back of her head to focus on the upcoming fight.

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