Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 5 Chapter 219 - Sonas Side

Volume 5 Chapter 219 - Sona’s Side

The day after Kisuke ’rejected’ her, Sona arrived at school fifteen minutes late and this shock everyone from the Student Council. After all, Sona would always arrive first before everyone else along with Tsubaki, but today, she’s alone and late.

Everyone looked at Tsubaki to get some answers but she only shook her head. Meanwhile, Sona acted as if nothing out of order happened and just went through the whole day normally. They even noticed that Sona started to work harder with her duties and thought that she’s only doing this to make up for her lateness and just let it go.

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The next three days, however, they noticed that Sona kept increasing her workload and the bags under her eyes became more obvious. Saji confronted her about it but she just brushed it off and the next day, everyone was once again shocked when they saw Sona wore a light make-up to cover her haggard face. She ignored their stares and instructed them for the days work and she started laboring through her ever-increasing amount of paper works.




’This won’t do… I can’t let them worry any longer about me…’ Sona thought as she looked out of the window for a brief rest from her work.

’All these paper works is unnecessary, but it’s fun working on them.’ Sona looked back to what she’s working on. Various plans, regulations, and theories on the Rating Game School that she wants to establish, not just for nobles but for everyone regardless of their status to attend in the Underworld.

’But sooner or later, I’ll run out of ideas…’ The real reason why she wanted to serve as the Student Council of the Kuoh Academy is that she wants to experience it first hand how to manage a school and she can do to improve it. But truthfully, she can just hire a professional to do most of the planning for her and she could just change some details that suit her needs. She doesn’t need to plan for the whole school from scratch, hence, this is practically useless as professionally made ones are more beneficial and convenient for her.

But regardless of its utility, it fun for her to plan from scratch all the way up to the operations as this is her childhood dream.

She then remembered why she’s currently working this hard, ’That damn Kisuke! I hope he chokes and mistake soy sauce for some cola and drinks it!’

She knew that getting angry at him for ’rejecting’ her is unreasonable because it’s only natural that the feelings won’t be mutual and he already has a girlfriend, but she couldn’t help herself ranting and cursing at him inside her mind. Sona already cursed and sentenced him to uncountable petty misfortunes.

’…I really like him, though.’ She thought as her tears are threatening to fall again, but wiped it immediately. No matter how angry she becomes, it won’t change her realization of her feelings and it won’t go away easily, ’Dammit! Why did you suddenly leave!? At least try to comfort me a little! Although I would probably listen to you, but still…!’ Since she’s currently alone in the Student Council room, Sona started to act like a shy little girl throwing a small tantrum by biting her lips and stomping her feet.

’And you went on a honeymoon with Yoruichi the day after I ran away crying my eyes out!? I know you have the freedom to do whatever you want with your girlfriend, but if you’re trying to make me jealous, DAMN YOU! It’s a big success! I’m officially jealous!’ Sona wanted to scream out her rants but held in that temptation.

’If I meet you again, I’m going to smack you so hard that you won’t be able to forget about it! For the love of hell! Why do my thoughts keep gravitating towards him!? Sona, wake up and stop thinking about him! It’ll only make you sad and cry!’ To throw away these thoughts, she resumed drowning herself with work, like a broken-hearted adult drowning him/herself with alcohol to forget and escape their problems.

A few more days has passed, and the Student Council members became more worried about Sona. The tipping point for Saji is when she suddenly rejected the tennis match with Rias Gremory as both of them are looking forward to it. Saji confronted Sona once again, but this time, Sona lashed out with her words a bit which shocked everyone. Due to her constant bad mood and tired mind, she unintentionally shouted at Saji in anger when he kept nagging her about taking care of herself and asking what really happened. After calming down for a bit, she immediately realized her mistake and apologized to him and everyone promptly and asked to be left alone for a while. They didn’t know how long is ’for a while’ but Sona only kept the business and work conversations with them since then.

When the exorcists from Catholic and Protestant Churches arrived and requested a meeting with the leader of the town, she didn’t think much of it after making sure that they don’t mean any harm and immediately referred them to Rias.

Soon enough, though, she received another piece of news that one of the exorcists is Kisuke’s childhood friend and is currently staying at his house, ’A childhood friend!? A black cat, a white cat, a pervert, a maid, and now a childhood friend!? Why are there so many girls around him!? And here I am, agonizing over him… Unfair!’ Sona threw another small tantrum when she was left alone after she heard about it.

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A few more days has passed and cursing at Kisuke inside her mind became a habit. It became so bad that even though they are having a formal meeting in the Student Council, Sona would make a very serious or frowning face when in fact, her mind is busy punishing Kisuke in various way and no one knew about it. Although Tsubaki can somehow tell that she’s not paying any attention despite wearing a serious face.

She found a chance to relieve more of her stress when she came to know of Saji’s activities assisting the exorcists by giving him two thousand magical spanks. Although after that, she knew that the situation with the exorcist is more serious than they thought and they might get dragged into it.

And just as she expected, the situation got a lot worse when Kokabiel made his appearance and threatened to destroy the whole town.

Sona wanted to call her sister but decided against it because she knew how her sister would react and things would only escalate from there. She also instructed Tsubaki not to call her before she could do it, though, soon after, she regretted this decision as Aika told her how stupid her decision is, ’She’s right… I could have persuaded my sister to only send some of her forces and reminded her not to come here…’

Instructing Tsubaki to call her sister, Sona and the rest went outside the school to set up the barrier that will stop the damages from inside to go outside.

Even though they are outside, they can all see what’s happening inside through magic. It’s all going great until Valper successfully fused the four Excalibur swords and they had to rush before the residual magic explodes. They can’t wait for the reinforcements anymore.

And everything went downhill when Kokabiel finally made his move, ’This is bad! He’s too strong! A lot stronger than we anticipated!’ Sona started panicking and looked for a way to assist them but failed. Sona is fine, but the rest of her peerage is already tired from powering the barrier and if she leaves, the barrier will disappear in only a few seconds.

Not knowing what to do, she suddenly heard someone calling to her, ’Heiress of Sitri Household, it seems that you need some help. I can take care of the barrier here. But that’s all I can do. I won’t confront Kokabiel.’ A robed human approached the barrier and placed her hand on it. All of sudden, a huge amount of Demonic Power entered the barrier and it strengthened multiple times.

’What!? But I thought he’s a human? How can he use Demonic Power? And this intensity? Above High-Class?’ Sona is, of course, vigilant and could not trust this unknown figure, "Who are you? What’s your goal?"

Cleria in disguise understood her vigilance, ’Hmm… What should I do… Ah. There’s that method. I wonder if it could work?’ Cleria looked at Sona and replied, "I’m Kisuke Urahara’s friend."

"…K-Kisuke?" Sona was dumbfounded when she suddenly heard his name.

’Oh? Did it work? She knows the guy and basing it her reaction, it seems that are not enemies? Though I wonder what happened between them for her to make this kind of reaction?’ Cleria thought as she stares at Sona’s conflicting expression of happiness, sadness, and confusion, ’Looks like my decision to help them is the right one. But I wonder what happened to Kisuke… He isn’t answering any of my calls… I can’t be that he’s really spanking a Goddess ass right now, right?’

Those words are like magic to Sona as she hesitated for a bit before calling out for Tsubaki, "Tsubaki, withdraw for now! Let him maintain the barrier and wait for reinforcements!"

"Kaichou!? What about you!?"

"I still have quite a bit of my power so I’m going to assist Rias."

"Then we’re going with you!"

"You can’t! All of you are already tired and would just be sitting ducks for Kokabiel! I can protect myself! Go!"

"Kuh!!!" Tsubaki wanted to say more, but her master is right that they can’t continue any further and would only hold her back. Gritting her teeth, Tsubaki instructed everyone to retreat. Saji tried protesting but he was dragged away by two girls in their peerage.

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