Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 5 Chapter 228 - Instant Kill

Volume 5 Chapter 228 - Instant Kill

"The crest of turbidity, seeping out. An insolent vessel of madness." Once Kisuke started his chant, a chilling atmosphere different from Serafall is releasing spreads. Black films then started to appear all around ’Kokabiel’, slowly building up to enclose him.

"Boiling up, denying, numbness, blinking, obstructing slumber. The steel princess who creeps. The mud doll, ever disintegrating." The black films enclosed ’Kokabiel’ in a cube which befits his size so, from afar, it looks like a pitch-black building. Silence then followed as ’Kokabiel’s’ cries entirely disappeared. The only noise can be heard is the rustling wind and the gulping sound of other people.

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"Unite! Oppose! Filling the earth, know your own impotence!" From the gigantic black cube, hundreds of gigantic sword-like figures sprouted all over its surface. After seeing this, everyone watching already has some idea about how it is going to end.

"Hadou no 90, Kurohitsugi(Black Coffin)!" Kisuke then declared ’Kokabiel’s’ Death Sentence which was clearly conveyed through everyone. After the entire chant, everyone felt a chill on their spine. And as they expected, the swords suddenly shortened, giving an illusion that it’s stabbing the black box.

"…Iron Maiden…" Someone muttered but everyone can tell that it’s modeled after the infamous torture device from the past.

After that, the swords disappeared and the black cube slowly receded, revealing ’Kokabiel’ inside. The baby has hundreds of holes around his body but unlike their previous clash, ’Kokabiel’ is unmoving, as if he was frozen in time. A few seconds later, bits of meat started to drop from ’Kokabiel’ and as time goes, more and more rotten meat is separating from him. However, instead of piling up on the ground, the meat disintegrated in mid-air disappearing in motes of light.

What remained is the skin and bones Kokabiel. He’s still alive and unprecedented rage is still present in his blood-red eyes. Although all he could do is quiver and it seems that he can’t think straight as he kept saying random things like ’kill’, ’die’, and along those lines. Even though he’s technically disabled, he still hasn’t given up on his destructive impulses.

The first one who moved after all that happened is Vali. He started walking towards Kokabiel intending to secure him for questioning as it’s essentially his goal and he’s glad that he can still do it despite everything going against his expectations.

But halfway through, he heard a whistling sound approaching him and he immediately turned around and met the crimson-colored sword arc with both of his hands and used his Divine Dividing until the arc disappeared. He turned his sights towards Kisuke and asked, "What are you doing?"

With a neutral expression, Kisuke replied, "That’s my question. What are you doing?"

Vali thought for a moment before answering honestly, "My first and foremost goal is to secure Kokabiel after he has done something that will endanger the Grigori and he just tried to start a war. And the second goal is to scout the current host of the Red Dragon Emperor and power of the current heiresses of both Gremory and Sitri. I’ve already fulfilled the second one… And I even got some bonus. Now I only have to retrieve Kokabiel to question him."

Kisuke lowered his hat and eyed Vali, "Setting aside the possibility that you might not be able to question him anymore, why did you think I would allow him to get away after what he has done in my neighborhood? And for all I know, you’re just covering for him."

Vali didn’t around in the bush and released his aura, "I don’t care what you think. I only have to retrieve him. If you want his head, why don’t you take it away from me with force? Of course, I won’t go down without a fight."

"Listen here… A lot of things already happened to me today, and I’m already very tired. I don’t have the time to play around with you. And you should really be careful, as I might accidentally kill you." After the cast Kurohitsugi, Kisuke resealed his Reiatsu-Ki and as he replied to Vali, his aura didn’t change but his demeanor became cold.

Serafall off to the side just watched the two. Since her goal is only to keep the younger generation safe, she won’t interfere. But if by chance that Kisuke actually starts losing, she would immediately assist him. Although she doubts that would happen after seeing what he’s capable of. However, she also wasn’t sure to what extent Vali can use his Divine Dividing so everything is possible.

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"Hooh… I’d really like to see that. Come! I won’t allow you to touch Kokabiel as long as I’m still standing!" Vali’s smile under his armor grew bigger and he took a stance while increasing his vigilance. He couldn’t care less about Kokabiel as battling is more important for him.

"Haah…" An exasperated sigh escapes from Kisuke as he touches his forehead in resignation, ’…Let’s finish this… I’m tired and hungry…’ He then removed his hat and passed it to Serafall who is silently watching both of them beside him, "Please hold this for a moment."

Kisuke lifted his right hand over his forehead again, but instead of touching it, he suddenly swiped it down and a white bone mask with green markings came into existence. Changes then instantly happened to some parts of his body, namely his eyes and arms. His eyes’ sclera became pitch black and his pupils became glowing green. His arms, on the other hand, became covered in a bone-like matter and his hands, in particular, changed into something more akin to a claw.

Along with physical changes, his aura was released yet again, but this time, it’s giving off an entirely different feeling from earlier. His aura became malevolent and berserk, closing into the ’evil’ side. Everyone except for Yoruichi and Aika froze and fear took root in their hearts, including Serafall, ’What’s this!?’

Vali, who’s the target of Kisuke’s hostility was stunned at this sudden change but recovered immediately since not doing so could potentially take his life. He’s now taking this battle as a life or death one. However, even though he got ready in time, he still wasn’t able to react in time.

Kisuke suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Vali with his ’evil’ eyes staring down at him giving Vali unprecedented chill. He felt like he’s suddenly dunked in a bath full of ice without any clothes or magic to defend himself. Vali can only hear him say something accompanied by his creepy voice, "Ikkotsu(Single Bone)."

Vali’s intuition and instincts managed to kick in time and he was able to cross both of his arms in front of him. Not even a split second later, Vali suddenly felt something hitting his arms with so much force and it even traveled throughout his body.

As fast as his fastest flight speed, Vali flew back and instantly hit the barrier which is still in place. The barrier is now being taken care of hundreds of Devils that Serafall brought with her. Cleria also already escaped long ago.

When Vali hit the barrier, the shock is so strong that the barrier was almost broken all the Devils were shaken. Some of them were even knocked out. The barrier they are holding is supposedly capable of taking on an Ultimate Class Devils’ attack without much problem but this happened with just a single punch.

Vali’s armor was broken into fine pieces revealing his true appearance. His blue wings are still there but it doesn’t have its former shine and it also has numerous cracks on it. Normally, he would have a very dashing appearance and demeanor but after taking an attack from Kisuke, he kept coughing blood with his face’s other orifices bleeding. Both of his arms were mangled and unusable and his chest caved in. Vali is on the verge of death. A magic circle also appeared below him, intending to teleport him out of the danger.

"Hooh… Still alive I see… You’re pretty tough." Kisuke spoke with his chilling voice. But instead of going after Kokabiel, he pointed a finger towards Vali and from the tip, a green ball of destructive energy started to pool. A few seconds later, it grew to become as big as a baseball.

"Cero." Kisuke muttered and the green ball of destruction became a beam. However, just as he muttered the name of the technique, a panicked voice rang in his head, ’Please don’t kill him! Kisuke!’

This resulted in him flicking his finger upwards and the beam that would take Vali’s life went through the space a few feet above his head. The magic circle then finished its preparatory work and was able to transport Vali away leaving only a pool of blood, ’I expect a full explanation later, Kuroka.’

’I understand… I’ll tell you everything. Thank you for sparing him.’ Kuroka replied in his mind and her connection was disconnected as she didn’t want to risk being discovered.

Kisuke swiped up his hand on his face and the mask disappeared and he walked towards Kokabiel, "Hadou no 54 Haien(Abolishing Flames)." He sent a purple ball of flame and incinerated Kokabiel, not leaving even ash behind.

He turned around and said, "Let’s go home~! I’m hungry!"

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