Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 8 Chapter 435 - Jetpack

Volume 8 Chapter 435 - Jetpack

Another two days had passed and it was just two days before the big day of the expedition. Kisuke and Hephaestus finally came out with happy expressions, "You don’t mind if I watch how these things settle in their hosts, right?"

"We’re done with two but I need to make more adjustments to the other four, which includes mine. I don’t know how long that would take since three of them are very troublesome, so please just watch Sona and Koneko." Although the remaining gears would need adjustments, Kisuke chose to slow down so that he wouldn’t have to do it in front of Hephaestus because of its troublesome nature.

Just Medusa’s gear was already troublesome enough, as Kisuke intended to implement Medusa’s Harpe’s properties of ’immortal-slaying’. More so, Kisuke’s and Yoruichi’s gear had to be integrated with their Zanpakuto.

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"That’s fine. By the way, is it actually fine to include my insignia on those gears? I barely did anything."

"Of course it’s fine! I wouldn’t take it the otherwise. You were a big help, especially on some really important points of the gears. Without your help, I couldn’t have finished this so easily and without much problems."

Hephaestus chuckled, "Well, I’m honored." Her expression changed into a serious one, "However, I do have a… request."

Kisuke’s expression also became a bit serious. He already had an idea of what she wanted to ask, "Please tell me."

"Please, don’t ever mass produce these things, or give them to just anyone who wants them."

Kisuke solemnly nodded, "I know. These things, although they are not so powerfull in the beginning, in the hands of the right person, they could potentially reach the level of a Divine Weapon. Just the thought of that would make some of the Gods panic and scramble to eliminate everything related to it, even if they were to be sent back to Heaven."

Hephaestus smiled, "Good thing you know what these things could be in the eyes of Gods. Although the ultimate goal of an Adventurer is to get closer to the Gods, most Gods wouldn’t actually allow a mortal to step onto their plane."

"I’m fine with all of this because, first, I’m the Goddess of Smithing. I can’t miss something like this. And second," Hephaestus first looked into Kisuke’s eyes before continuing, "I’m Hestia’s good friend."

’I have to treat Hestia-sama properly, huh. I’m fine with that.’ Kisuke thought before replying, "I’ll remember that."


Afterwards, they reached the girls who were sparring which included Ais, while Riveria was reading her book on the side, taking a bunch of notes. The first one to notice them was Yoruichi, who greeted them, "Welcome back~. How was it?"

"Great~!" Kisuke replied with a smile. Riveria and Ais wanted to approach him for different reasons, however, Kisuke first called the two he needed, "Sona-chan, Koneko-chan, come with us for a sec."

Sona stopped concentrating on her magic and Koneko separated from Kuroka. The two of them looked at him curiously, but didn’t ask any questions and just followed him and Hephaestus quietly towards the building which could block magical and spiritual signatures.

The rest only looked at them leaving and resumed what they were doing after they left their vision. Although curious, Riveria and Ais couldn’t ask anything. On the other hand, Aika and Yoruichi knew that they would see it sooner or later. So aside from a bit of anticipation, they didn’t have much of a reaction, which prompted Riveria and Ais to think that it was nothing important.

After separating from the others, Kisuke sealed the building, and Hephaestus couldn’t help but comment, "You’re one ridiculous guy. No one could have done this with the current magic knowledge. Well, this should be nothing after creating those gears."

Ignoring Hephaestus’s comments, Kisuke took out a white orb around five inches wide and faced Koneko, "Koneko-chan, drop a bit of your blood on this."

Koneko nodded and approached Kisuke. using the dagger in her pouch, Koneko punctured her finger and let it hover on top of the orb, dropping several drops on it.

After a few seconds, the white orb shone and disintegrated into a glittery dust before entering Koneko’s chest.

Koneko checked her chest and everything about her body but she didn’t notice any difference. Although the orb suddenly disappeared inside her body, shewasn’t worried, as it was Kisuke’s creation and she would be willing to take any risk to receive it, "Kisuke-senpai, what was that?" Koneko asked.

"Something similar to the Sacred Gear," Kisuke revealed it and Sona and Koneko’s eyes widened.

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"Y-you finished it?" Sona asked in shock. After all, the original creator of the Sacred Gears was the Biblical God. Even Azazel, who created a working prototype, took centuries of research to succeed.

"Yep~. Thanks to Hephaestus-sama’s help, I was able to complete it sooner than I expected. Now then, Koneko-chan, the gear is already inside you. You just have to think about it to manifest it."

Koneko nodded excitedly and closed her eyes. A few seconds later, a blue light shone from her back, and a mechanical and angular white box with blue light outlines materialized and hovered an inch from her back.

Koneko tried to look at it, but the box just kept following her back, however, Sona could see that it was somehow familiar and that it came from a certain pop culture "Uhmm… A Gund*m jetpack module?" she muttered.

It was Kisuke’s turn to be surprised, "You know about it?"

Sona nodded, "My big sister, aside from watching Magical Girls, she would also watch other anime, she would often drag me to watch them with her."

’So that strange design is not his own but an inspiration from others? Why haven’t I heard of this kind of design or anything even remotely close to it?’ Hephaestus thought to herself as she listened to them talking.

"How do I use it?" Koneko asked again.

"Ah, right. Let me explain it first. This gear’s main ability is ’absorb’ which is similar to your ability. It absorbs energy from its surroundings for you to use. It’s second main ability is management. Since your flame is too unruly, this gear will help you get used to it and use your flames for various applications."

After listening to Kisuke and recalling Sona’s words, Koneko got an idea of how to use her gear. Without waiting, Koneko activated her gear and just as Kisuke described, it started to passively absorb both Mana and Ki through its holes.

Kisuke, on the other hand, stopped speaking and didn’t stop Koneko and just let her experiment with it.

Koneko immediately replenished the Ki she was missing from sparring earlier and the absorption stopped. Then, she activated her flames. The moment her ears and tails caught on fire, white flame sprouted from the same holes of her gear which looked as if she had two pairs of wings, one big pair on top and one small pair below.

Although it looked cool, Koneko still couldn’t see any difference. Her Ki was being depleted by very small amounts due to her activating her Sage Mode, but it was all being replenished immediately thanks to the gear.

Not being content with such small flames sprouting, Koneko immediately strengthened her flames and it instantly grew larger as she expected. However, she didn’t expect the propelling force it could give and she uncontrollably flew off and hit the ceiling of the building. With a large bang, Koneko dropped down and Kisuke immediately caught her.

Thanks to the protection currently active within the building, it didn’t sustain any damages, but in return, Koneko received a small lump on her forehead.

Koneko saw Kisuke’s grinning face while she nurses her forehead, "How was it?" He asked.

Koneko smiled excitedly and replied, "I want to play with it!"


The Talkie Corner~:

Goyya: So much possibility with the evolving jetpack~.

28th00: So, I assume it’s going to evolve into having giant Mechagirl fists like Strength from Black Rock Shooter and Hibiki from Symphogear? Except, more fire. A lot more fire. Ragnarok levels of fire. Maybe the fists are MADE OF FIRE?! So many possibilities.

Garan: I can totally see Koneko when she gets back to DXD making a giant fly swatter or pile driving her enemies and(perverts issei ) into next week

Alexander: Now, we only need a big ass gun for the fatality move. As for the ammunition, it should contain warheads with a kitty face painting. That should make her even happier then some beginner-rank bazooka.

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