Playing With Other Supernaturals Volume 9 Chapter 524 - The Return

Volume 9 Chapter 524 - The Return

Immediately after arriving in the Dimensional Gap, the hole which Kisuke created instantly disappeared and he started to appropriate his energies towards healing his crumbling body, ’That was way worse than I expected… I almost died back there. Just a bit longer and I’d be a goner, literally.’

But thanks to this experience, Kisuke would be able to create proper countermeasures to survive the pull of the chaotic void, ’Now then, where’s the signal from Benihime?’ But before he could focus on the activated Benihime again, he noticed something else.

Great Red was floating through the Dimensional Gap in front of him. But what actually caught his attention were the three girls on his back, ’Ophis?… And Himejima-san and Irina-san?’

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Ophis also noticed him but Kisuke didn’t haphazardly approach them due to Great Red. When he took a look at the True Dragon God, however, Great Red was also looking at him before bobbing his head. Kisuke had a feeling that he was telling him to get on.

Betting on this feeling, Kisuke slowly approached Great Red but even though he got near him, Great Red didn’t look at him again. After confirming that it was safe, Kisuke landed beside Ophis and greeted her, "Yo~, Ophis-chan~. It’s been a while~. Looks like a lot of things happened."

While repairing his body, Kisuke took a quick glance towards the two unconscious girls, ’They’re alive but not far from dying. For starters, their bodies are no good anymore. Their souls are safe thanks to Ophis, but that won’t last long, and they would need a new body on top of that. Just what happened here? And why are the two of them with Ophis and Great Red?’

However, Ophis replied with something else, "I shall defeat Great Red.", and resumed smacking the red ground while muttering, "Hit. Hit. Hit."

’She is currently way too weak, and all of her remaining power was battling the ’invader’ inside the girls’ bodies. It seems that she also prioritized protecting their souls.’ Kisuke then sat down beside the girls and checked their situation in greater detail.

’This is…? One of the components of that poison?’ After checking what was wreaking havoc inside their bodies, Kisuke immediately noticed that it was one of the main components of the poison which hit Sona, Yoruichi, and him in that ritual site, ’So is this Hades’ thing again? That guy… Seems that I need to smack that skull head for a bit.’

Kisuke then turned towards Ophis, who was still hitting Great Red, and said, "Ophis-chan. Help me out a bit. Please push back this poison away from their souls. An instant is enough."

Hearing his instructions, Ophis stopped what she was doing and stood up. She then pointed her palm towards the girls and the snakes inside them started moving aggressively. Using that chance, Kisuke took out two specially made glass containers for souls before pulling their souls from their bodies.

Since he needed to be careful with their souls, Kisuke immediately removed the Evil Piece and Brave Saint Card which were attached to their souls in order to avoid any complications. After putting them away, Kisuke took out more containers to get some samples of their flesh and of the poison.

After he was done, Kisuke signaled Ophis to take back her snakes and after she did so, Akeno and Irina’s bodies instantly melted into puddles of black smelly goo.

Kisuke checked Benihime’s status again just to make sure that everything was going to be fine, ’Looks like Benihime still has some leeway, so I should focus on these girls first. The longer they don’t have any vessel, the more their soul will deteriorate.’

Deciding his next course of action, Kisuke turned towards the head of Great Red, "Hey Great Red-sama. Mind if I do a little experiment on your back?"

Great Red immediately responded with a loud roar. However, Kisuke didn’t understand him so he turned to Ophis and asked, "What did he say?"

Ophis pouted before giving a reply, "He said he’ll help."

Kisuke was confused, "Hmm? Help? He only needed to agree or not agree… What did he mean by help…?" His words trailed off when a small part of Great Red’s scales fell off along with some flesh and blood and floated towards Kisuke.

Kisuke immediately understood that this was Great Red’s help and took out another set of containers to get the scale, flesh and blood of the True Dragon God, ’I don’t know why he wanted to help, but this little experiment became a little fun thanks to this gift.’

Ophis then tugged Kisuke’s tattered Shihakusho and said, "I shall also help."

While staring at Ophis’s rare competitive expression, Kisuke thought for a moment before saying, "I’ll need some snakes. I don’t need those that give strength. Just pure snakes which don’t do anything."

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Ophis then manifested a number of small black snakes that didn’t radiate any kind of power and passed them to Kisuke. If he wasn’t in his Vasto Lorde form right now, his mouth would be seen grinning from ear to ear.

’Don’t worry you two. I’ll make sure your souls are safe, so let me do all sorts of things as I recreate your bodies… For Science!’ Kisuke’s bad habit would never change. He would forever be chasing knowledge and mysteries.

Kisuke then deployed a fairly strong barrier, so that his activities wouldn´t be interrupted by the pull of the Dimensional Gap. Thanks to Great Red’s wide back, he was able to place down all of the equipment he needed to start his ’fun’ experiment.



A whole day later, Akeno’s and Irina’s new bodies were floating in containers full of clear blue liquid. Appearance-wise, there was nothing different from their previous bodies, except for the unstable aura they were emitting right now.

If people like Azazel would see the current state of their bodies, their jaw would fall off in shock. Even though the Brave Saint Card and Evil Piece weren’t present in their bodies, Irina was emitting the aura of an Angel while Akeno was emitting the aura of a Devil. Without using the reincarnation system developed by Ajuka, he was able to preserve their Devil and Angel identity.

Besides, even if he wanted to use the Brave Saint Card and Evil Piece, they already disappeared through forced summoning half a day ago. Kisuke thought that it was such a shame, since he could have studied them in greater detail. Little did he know that it caused big waves to both Heaven and the Underworld when just Akeno’s and Irina’s pieces returned. Well, even if he was aware of it, he couldn’t care less.

Another shocking part was the fact that their bodies were also emitting the auras of both Great Red and Ophis. However, the most shocking part was not that, but the fact that they were also emitting Samael’s aura, something that shouldn’t have been possible.

This caused the True Dragon, Great Red, who knew quite a bit more compared to Ophis, who was only munching on snacks off the side, to take short glances at Kisuke with a little bit of fear in his eyes. If he could mutter something, he would definitely say something like, "Where did this crazy kid come from!?"

Great Red’s reaction was understandable, because no one would have ever thought, or was insane enough, to combine a Dragon with an Anti-Dragon, much less the Ultimate Dragons and Ultimate Dragon Slayer.

And Kisuke’s reason for doing so? Cus’ why not? If he were given a chance and the concept was in his mind, he’d do it for Science.

Thus, this day became the birthday of two impossible existences, because one guy thought it was fun.

’Now then, once I insert their souls into those bodies, the unstable aura should calm down.’ Kisuke thought as he took out Akeno’s and Irina’s soul. Of course, they weren’t perfect bodies, because they would have a lot of defects. However, Kisuke already expected this and would be there to adjust it accordingly. Aside from that, if they wanted to return to their previous body, he could create a new set of normal bodies for them.

’Let me gather a good amount of data before you decide to return to normal, alright?’





28th00: Phis-chama was exactly what I expected her to be, stubbornly insistent on beating up Baka Red. Great Red is there trying to actually help her out, but is very terrified by her best friend/keeper/caretaker who just RIPPED A HOLE THROUGH DIMENSIONS TO COME HERE, without being a Transcendent being. He then proceeds to break all the rules, and makes ridiculous bodies for those two. They did it to save Ophis, so Kisuke saving them is probably a big plus in his books. They got bodies even more ridiculous than Issei got in canon! I wonder how Samael’s powers would work for them? It’d work out for Akeno really well, since that dude is probably the strongest Fallen Angel, not to mention the first one? He was first, right? The poison and anti-dragon parts though… Welp, they got depowered so they can get repowered, Danmachi style! The forced summoning is gonna BSOD the other guys though. Just like Issei’s death did in canon.

Alexander: I read some articles about Samael. He is sometimes depicted as purely evil, but not always. He was a satan, but don´t think of this term in the modern/christian sense. Appearantly, Satan means opponent or accuser in judaism. Basically, he was a prosecutor for Heaven before he became the leader of the rebelling angels because. So in this story, he should actually be stronger than the original devil kings, at least in his hey day.

Goyya: I would not say stronger than the original Devil Kings. He just really have a very strong Dragon Slayer properties born from hate. I think he could be defeated as long as one is as strong as a Devil King and he or she doesn’t have any Dragon properties.

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