Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO Chapter 72 - Not Another Kidnapping !

Helios continued to wander around the dance floor as if nothing happened . Ten minutes passed and he was still waiting for the secret personal guards of the royal family . While waiting , Helios noticed that Bekora was coming towards him . When Bekora came near Helios , he passed through him . The moment he passed through he whispered the word ’ danger ’ and Helios whispered ’queen ’ then Bekora left towards the queen’s side , to secure her first .

’ So it’s like that ! ’ thought Helios and then continued to look around . He noticed that two more suspicious people were wandering around the crowd .

While Bekora and Helios were trying to come upstairs without being noticed by the other suspicious people in the crowd , Aria continued to follow princess Klara . It looked like she was tired and wanted to go rest .

" Getting ready for this ball tiring , especially since I didn’t sleep much last night . " said Klara and was heading towards a room . When she entered she left the door a bit opened .

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’ Maybe I think to much ?! ’ thought Aria when she saw that the princess came out of the room and was holding a phone in her hand .

Aria decided to head back at the dance floor since everything looked alright but then she heard a noise . She turned back to take a look and saw that two people had tied her mouth and had grabbed her arms .

" The secret guards of the royal family will notice the princess’s disappearance soon we need to act fast . " said on of the two people in black .

" Yeah ! " said the other ones .

The continued to drag Klara till the went past a corner at the end of the hallway .

’ Oh , no ! They are indeed kidnappers ! Why is are my senses so sensetive ?! How I wished I was wrong ! It hasn’t been long since the last time I involved myself in a kidnapping . If my mom learns it she’s gonna beat me up so hard that I would need at least two months to start walking again ! ’ thought Aria then looked again at those people who were draggibg Klara forcibly with them .

’ I am a bit afraid ! They seem a lot more dangerous than the people who kidnapped Mana . I know my mom will get mad but...I can’t just stand by and watch her like that....Ahh , I truly hate myself for being like this ! ’ thought Aria and started to follow them .

Aria felt a bit of difficulty walking sneakily with that gorgeous dress she was wearing .

’ I knew that dresses aren’t for girls like me ! They get too much in the way , are heavy and I need to be careful when turning so that I won’t break anything on the way . ’ thought Aria with an annoyed expression . She kept thinking for a bit then an idea came to mind .

Aria looked around if there was anyone and quickly lifted the dress up . After lifting it , she unzipped the basket underneath the dress and took it off .

’ Much better ! Now I won’t have to worry about bumping into objects . Let’s follow them and see what they are planing . ’ thought Aria and followed those suspicious men , leaving the dress basket on the floor .

Aria continued to follow them while Bekora and Helios , managed to get upstairs without being noticed by the suspicious men in the dancefloor . Before coming up the stairs , Bekora made sure to inform the queen to get away as soon as possible and Helios went and asked Mana for a dance . During the time they were dancing Helio told Mana to go gather some people and make sure to protect grandma .

" We made it up here without being noticed . " said Bekora and took off his cloak .

" Yeah ! I am curious to know who has the guts to attack within the palace while I am here . " said Helios and Bekora nodded then he took his cloak off .

" You haven’t appeared in public with the title of prince Helios for a long time so it’s normal that people have forgotten your face . " said Bekora .

" The former crown prince Helios may be forgotten but the ruthless and powerfull billionaire Helios still remains know to everyone in the business . " said Helios with a smirk .

" Yeah ! Lately you have been acting like a normal person and it’s been a bit weird . It’s been a while since I saw your merciless , inhuman side ." said Bekora with a smile .

" Don’t worry , you will be able too see it tonight . I am not a person who causes troubles with others but once someone messes with me , he must be prepared for the consequences . Nobody touches my family or my bisiness . " said Helios with a determinded face .

’ Poor kidnappers ! He will show them no mercy ! ’ thought Bekora and followed Helios from behind.

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When they walked a bit more they saw a tulle with glitter . Helios took it to see what it was . When he lifted it up he noticed that it was the a dress basket . Bekora was really surprised when he saw it .

" Who could have left it here ? " said Bekora . Looking at it closely he noticed that this was a material that only Mana used with her ball dresses .

" Yes , it’s from Mana’s collection , but it’s not hers . " said Helios .

" Then.....?! " asked Bekora a bit worried .

" It’s Aria’s ! When she lifted her dress a bit I was able to notice it . " said Helios with a worried yet angry tone . He noticed that the basket dress Aria was wearing had a ribbon embroidered on it and the one he was holding now , had the same thing .

" Aria’s ?! How come it’s here ?! Maybe.....they did something to her ?! We need to find then quickly , we have to save then Helios . " said Bekora worried . He felt too indebt to Aria for saving Mana and already considered her a good friend which he didn’t want to lose .

" If they did do something to her or Klara then I will cut their boddy into pieces , starting with their di**** then feed then to the dogs ! " said Helios with a murderous aura surrounding him .

’ I will make sure to save you ! This will be my way of thanking you for saving Mana . Try to hold on ! ’ thought Helios a bit worried .

When they were walking towards the hallway , one of the secret guards appeared and bowed befoe them .

" News , my lords ! The enemy has been spoted and his underlinings are fighting with us right now . They are indeed strong and their moves are similiar to ours . We have also found princess Klara ! " said the secret guard .

" Why isn’t she rescued yet ?! " asked Helios .

" Currently they are holding her as a hostage and they are armed . We are afraid they may hurt the princess so we don’t dare to attack . " said the secret guard while bowing .

" Was there another girl apart from Klara who was being held as a hostage ? " asked Bekora .

" No , sir ! We only saw princess Klara . " said the secret guard .

" Where have they taken Aria ?! " said Bekora .

" Make sure you dely them . Don’t let them escape and think of a way to drive their attention away from Klara . Make sure you rescue her before attacking them . " said Helios a comanding tone .

" Where are they now ?! " asked Bekora .

" At the hallway with the garden view . " said the secret guard .

" Lead us there ! " said Helios and the three of them went there .

The hallway with the garden view was a bit of traditional structure that linked two buildings and had an additional balcony on the second row within it , just like in the theaters . When the kidnappers went towards that hallway , Aria noticed that there were stairs that lead towards the second balcony and climbed the stairs . She looked around and there wasn’t any chance of following them unoticed and then she decided to see from the second balcony . While searching around for something she could use , a group of people who were wearing black costumes like those secret agents in movies came . The three suspicious people that were holding Klara pressed a button and immediately the black shadows that Aria had seen from the ballroom’s balcony came . A fierce battle started between the two of these groups of people .

’ It seems like those secret agents are trying to save the princess . Should I go back now since the reinforcements arrived ?! No , looking at their moves , they are hesitating to attack more cause the kidnappers have the princess in their hands . This won’t do ! The will lose if they only keep protecting themselves and don’t attack directly ! ’ thought Aria while looking at the whole scene from up the balcony where she was . She saw that the kidnappers were trying to leave bit .

" I need to think of an idea , quickly ! How can I get derive their attention elsewhere ? " said Aria and started to look around for something that she could use . She looked around a few more times and she noticed something that could be very handy in attracking their attention .

’ I need to find a good angle first ! ’ thought Aria with a serious expression .

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