Ranking System Chapter 294 Complete Takeover (Part I)

Chapter 294 Complete Takeover (Part I)

[Third-Person POV]

"Commander! It’s all gone awry! We’ve been ambushed by those treacherous vermin from the nation of Chrome! Our lord has been slain, and all the soldiers on the frontlines have capitulated!" With the unexpected onslaught from Chrome, a soldier was dispatched as a messenger to relay the dire news.

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"WHAT?!" The news resonated with shockwaves throughout, causing nearby soldiers to cry out in disbelief. The revelation that their homeland had been invaded was nothing short of nightmarish for them.

The majority of the soldiers in the mine had loved ones waiting for them back home. The thought of their hometown being pillaged struck fear deep into their hearts. The grim realities of war meant that their families, especially their wives and lovers, might be subjected to untold horrors, especially when one’s side suffered a defeat.

"Commander! Please allow us to return! We need to check on our families!" The soldiers pleaded with the commander, desperate to abandon their positions and rush home.

The commander, however, remained silent, deep in thought, grappling with the weight of the situation.

"Summon all the squads. We’re pulling out of this engagement." The commander realized that holding onto this mine no longer made strategic sense.

"Yes, sir!" Hearing the command, the remnants of the Gontz forces began their rapid withdrawal.

The commander subsequently dispatched an individual without family ties to the town to inform the rest of the soldiers in the mine. Following this, the residual forces of Gontz advanced to reclaim their homeland.


[Charles’ POV]

Perched atop the previous lord’s throne, I covertly observed the dwindling forces of Gontz. With bated breath, I awaited their return.

My confidence stemmed from one undeniable fact: the people of Gontz had long lost their connection with their deity.

How have I known about this? During my stay in Iris’ realm, I delved deep into the study of divinity and godhood.

After the fruitless talks with the two Gontz representatives, my wanderings through the city brought a startling revelation: the people’s reverence and connection to their god had waned to nearly nothing.

The neighboring nations to Gontz remained oblivious to this spiritual void, primarily because none in those territories had the ability to detect such divine nuances.

Yet, I found myself an outlier. While I couldn’t directly tap into or feel divinity, I was attuned to a peculiar energy, something so profound and intricate that even I struggled to grasp its nature.

This enigmatic energy, although distinct from divinity, invariably coexisted with it. In every instance where I felt this energy, the aura of divinity was unmistakably present. But here, in this city, that energy was eerily absent. This glaring void cemented my belief: Gontz’s bond with their deity had eroded, and their divine protection had likely waned. This insight became the foundation of my strategy.

An hour later, I felt the presence of some individuals approaching the old lord’s chamber. There were six of them, and I noticed a hint of hostility in the majority of their gazes. Among them was Vega, a face I recognized.

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"Vega, long time no see. Who would have thought we would meet like this?" I said, giving him a challenging stare.

Vega remained silent, but his piercing stare seemed as if he wished to throttle me. Unfazed by his intense look, I went on.

"I did warn you that our paths might cross in battle one day. Maybe today’s that day. However, I’m willing to take back what I said and let you serve under me."

"Ha! In your dreams, rogue!" Vega’s retort was fierce, dismissing my words with disdain as if rejecting them was a matter of principle.

"What about the rest of you?" I continued, addressing the group.

William’s commitment to me was immediate, surprising, and welcome. As he announced his loyalty, a voice other than Vega’s rang out in anger and disbelief.

"William! How could you?" Laced with a sense of betrayal, the shout echoed in the room.

"He took down the southern district, demonstrating power and capability surpassing those of our former leader. Why shouldn’t I follow him?" William’s justification was clear, his resolve unwavering.

I smiled, appreciating his rationale. "I respect a man who can recognize a favorable situation. Now, as for the four of you," I turned my attention to the remaining group, "the opportunity to join me remains on the table."

"I, Wendy Axel of the Axel lineage, pledge my loyalty." The girl with the noble demeanor stepped forward next.

In the brief time I’ve been here, I’ve quickly familiarized myself with the key players in this city. At the pinnacle of influence, right beside the city’s lord, stands the Axel family.

The Axel family not only manages significant parts of the city’s dealings, but their immense wealth also places them at the forefront. A small part of me hoped the Axel family would revolt, as that would make it simpler for me to seize their riches. However, given that they are the main pillars supporting the city, it’s best they remain in their current position.

The four left, standing, shot resentful glares at the two they deemed "traitors." With no one else stepping forward, their fate was sealed.

"For the allegiance you’ve shown, I’ll grant both of you a gift." On the surface, they’d feel no change. However, in reality, I’ve cursed them.

The curse I’ve inflicted enhances their sensitivity to pain, but in exchange, they now possess an almost invincible defense.

"Fight your former allies, and you’ll come to understand the boon I’ve granted. While my preference is for you to capture them, should you decide their fate to be death, it would truly be unfortunate."

I stepped back, allowing the two to handle the situation. While I could easily quell the rebels myself, that would take away the thrill of the game.

Initially, the two seemed reluctant to follow my orders. But the scornful glares from the four made it clear that conflict was unavoidable.

The commander who has the most militaristic experience made the first move.

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