Re: Apocalypse Game Chapter 109 Missions Objectives

Chapter 109 Missions Objectives

At the close of the prison rescue operation, the chilling reality of the game’s progression unveiled itself: the second wave of the round was activated. This wasn’t a mere troop reinforcement, but rather a massive influx of Nazi forces. The streets, alleys, and strongholds within the city of Calumet brimmed with their ominous presence. The previously clandestine operation had now grown into a full-blown invasion, with the Nazi forces amassing a staggering 20,000 soldiers.

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The scale and gravity of the situation weren’t lost on the players. The air grew thick with tension, as strategy sessions were called to determine the best approach to ensure survival.

[Main Quest: Stop the invading Nazis]

[Secondary Quest (Optional): Take control of Calumet]

[Bonus Quest (Optional): Discover and neutralize the WMD]

The main mission’s parameters were straightforward: prevent the Nazi soldiers from expanding beyond Calumet, and the players would successfully navigate this round. But with the sheer number of enemy forces, and the city’s intricate layout, this was easier said than done.

Some players, operating on various servers, contemplated the idea of laying siege to Calumet. Their plan hinged on bottling up the city and engaging in intense urban warfare. With sufficient firepower and unity, such a bold maneuver could indeed fulfill the primary objective. Yet, there was an underlying peril in this approach. The overwhelming force of the Nazis, nearly five times their number and further bolstered by a fleet of armored vehicles, posed a significant risk. This tactic could result in catastrophic losses for the players.

Unbeknownst to many, there was a hidden layer to the enemy’s strategy. Should the players opt against besieging Calumet, the Nazis had a fallback plan: dispatching dozens of patrol squads per day, to relentlessly hunt for player bases and encampments outside the city. This ploy was something Alan had learned and subsequently shared with Colonel Weeber, who relayed it to Captain Carter.

The counter-strategy they devised was to withdraw all player forces from direct confrontation and engage in guerrilla-style skirmishes. This would gradually wear down the enemy’s numbers, setting the stage for a climactic battle on the last day with the odds skewed more favorably for the players.

To ensure coordinated efforts, even the militias, who had disbanded earlier, were looped into this intel network. They were entrusted with [Military radios], vital communication tools that would keep them abreast of evolving strategies and updates. The hope was clear: even if they didn’t actively participate in the skirmishes, they would at least be prepared for the looming showdown in six days’ time.


After a period of rest, where players took the time to rejuvenate and steel themselves for the challenges ahead, Alan convened the group. The rustle of leaves, the occasional chirping of birds, and the distant murmurs of conversation created a contrasting atmosphere to the gravity of the situation they found themselves in.

Merle, with a gruff voice and battle-hardened gaze, stood at the forefront.

"Alright, Alan, What’s the plan?"

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Facing an eager and expectant crowd of over 60 players, Alan began to articulate his strategy. His voice was calm and assertive, lending an air of confidence to his words.

The twenty members of the support group would dedicated to crafting more swords, shields, and leather armor. They would delve deep into mines for precious ore, chop down the towering trees for their valuable lumber, and hunt game for their sturdy leather. The finished products wouldn’t just be hoarded; they’d be sold to other players, providing a steady influx of survival points which could be crucial in the coming days.

"As for the combat team, which includes the remaining 40 of us, our objective is twofold. We engage in skirmishes for experience points and simultaneously gather essential supplies to sustain our efforts."

A murmur of agreement echoed among the players, each processing their roles and responsibilities.

Alan’s next decision let them deeper into the vast forest adjoining their farm. As the forest swallowed the group, Alan halted, his gaze sweeping over the combatants,? he began. "Before we dive into actual skirmishes, we need to be adept in our tactics. Training is crucial."

Within the heart of the forest, Alan promptly divided the combat group into two distinct units. Each had its own unique composition, but both boasted twenty members.

Unit One was spearheaded by Merle. This unit, predominantly comprised of his trusted band of rugged rednecks, brought with them raw and unrefined energy.

In contrast, Unit Two was placed under the command of Vicky. This group was a mix of skilled players like Milo, Daniel, Rose, Kenny, and Izzie. Their diverse backgrounds and experiences meant that their approach would be more varied and flexible.

Alan’s innate ability to teach, honed over countless experiences, now took center stage.

He stressed the essence of guerrilla warfare. In such combat, the power wasn’t always in numbers. It was about swift, unexpected moves, exploiting the terrain, and maximizing damage while minimizing exposure. Such tactics were unfamiliar to many in the group. They were not soldiers, after all.

Throughout the afternoon, the forest echoed with the sounds of practice drills. Alan meticulously taught them various strategies. They practiced ambushes, utilizing the forest’s dense foliage for surprise attacks. They simulated hit-and-run scenarios, striking quickly and retreating before the enemy could respond. Then there were decoys and diversions, meant to confuse and split enemy forces.

They analyzed their successes and learned from their failures. It was an exhaustive process, but the benefits of these hours of practice were evident: the group emerged more synchronized, aware, and strategic.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, exhaustion became evident on every face. They trekked back to the farm, yearning for a well-deserved rest. The day had been intense, both physically and mentally, but they were better prepared for what lay ahead.

Under the cloak of night, while the group trekked back to their farm for much-needed rest, Alan’s enhanced stamina was evident. While others sought reprieve, he was embarking on another task—a personal solo quest that beckoned him.

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