Re: Apocalypse Game Chapter 187 Fifth Night

Chapter 187 Fifth Night

"Mr. D, where are we heading?"

Instead of heading south back to Fort Sterling, Alan had chosen to lead the group of 30 riders northward. There were a dozen abandoned villages scattered between them and their base to teh south, each likely infested with tens of thousands of undead.

While they had the advantage of riding on horses, Alan knew that marching through those hordes would result in too many casualties they couldn’t afford. Additionally, Alan was not prepared to abandon the quest they had undertaken.

He followed the map he had acquired from the Britannia knight, a parchment with intricate markings that indicated the location of the fey village. Alan believed that this quest held a key to unraveling the mysteries and finding a way to combat the undead menace more effectively. Thus, despite the dangers and uncertainty that lay ahead, Alan made a calculated decision to press on.

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"Undead ahead!!" shouted Rose, her keen eyesight allowing her to spot potential threats in the darkness much earlier than the others. Alan had wisely placed her at the front of the party to lead and avoid as many unnecessary battles with the undead as possible.

The journey was fraught with challenges, and they were forced to engage in multiple skirmishes with small hordes of undead skeletons along the way. They fought to eliminate the immediate threats, gaining valuable experience and loot, before swiftly retreating from the area to avoid attracting more undead.

Most of the players in the group were not accustomed to fighting from horseback, and the battles were not as smooth as they could have been. This only reinforced Alan’s decision not to take unnecessary risks in their quest.

After three hours they several of their horses and were forced to share a ride. Both the players and their mounts were on the brink of exhaustion, and rest was urgently needed. Fortunately, they had finally reached a location where they could take respite from their arduous journey.

It was an old watchtower standing atop a small hill not far from the edge of the ominous forest. while showing the scars of time with a broken door and weathered walls, it proved to be the ideal refuge for their small party. Alan led the way, guiding them with caution as they climbed the creaking and worn-out stairs to reach the top of the tower.

As they gathered within the confines of the tower, a sense of weariness and relief washed over them.

"We’re going to hide here," Alan declared, his gaze sweeping the surroundings one more time to ensure that none of the undead were following them.

Poe, one of the convict leaders, voiced the concern that lingered in the minds of many. "I don’t think we can hide for too long; they’ll find us soon enough."

Alan nodded in understanding, his expression reflecting the gravity of their situation.

The group huddled in the dimly lit watchtower, their faces etched with concern and uncertainty.

Milo, breaking the silence, addressed Alan with a question that weighed heavily on their minds.

"What should we do, Alan?" he inquired, his eyes searching for guidance in their dire situation. Before Alan could formulate a response, Kenny, displaying a solid understanding of the game’s mechanics, guessed Alan’s plan.

"We are resting the horses and hold out until more undead march to the south. That way, our path back will be much safer," Kenny said, drawing a nod of approval from Alan. However, there was more to Alan’s plan.

"I plan to give it another shot," Alan announced, referring to his intention to reenter the ominous forest that had confounded them earlier. His declaration sparked mixed reactions within the group.

"Now?, on this night? Are you sure, Mr. D?" came a voice of doubt from one of the group members. Some wore expressions of uncertainty, while others, like Milo and Rose, were ready to follow Alan into danger.

Alan paused, taking a moment to address their concerns. "No, I am going alone," he stated firmly.

The group’s reaction was swift and unanimous. "What!? By yourself?" they protested, rejecting Alan’s decision outright. Daniel determined to accompany him, voiced his willingness. "Mr. D, let me follow you. I’m not afraid of death, and I have enough survival points to escape it."

Alan shook his head, appreciating the offer but explaining his reasoning. "It’s not that I don’t want to take you," he clarified, "but there’s a reason I have to go alone." He proceeded to share the lore provided by the champion knights, emphasizing that the forest had been a mystical place accessible to the Kings and Queens of Britannia for centuries. Even though he was not a monarch, Alan believed that wielding the [King’s Sword] was the key to entering it. "Hence, I believe I need to try entering it alone," he concluded.

Alan sought Kenny’s opinion, as he had a deeper understanding of the game’s mechanics. Kenny, after considering the situation, concurred with Alan’s assessment, believing that it was indeed the most promising course of action.

His primary concern lay with the safety of the group within the watchtower. He feared that it might not provide adequate protection, and he didn’t want to jeopardize their safety. Alan made it clear to the others that if danger were to approach, they should not wait for him. He even decided to leave behind the two champion knights, despite believing that they were the only ones capable of accompanying him.

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Knowing her character, Alan locked eyes with Rose and spoke with stern determination. "I must go alone, or I will fail the quest."

Without hesitation, Alan mounted one of the horses and ventured further into the forest. The dense foliage and eerie atmosphere of the woods surrounded him as he rode deeper into the unknown. Within just a few minutes, he began to sense the presence of figures nearby. To his astonishment, the figures were not living beings but rather undead creatures—zombies and skeletons were scattered throughout the forest.

As he delved deeper into the woods, the density of undead increased, and soon enough, he found himself surrounded by skeleton warriors. Their bony forms emerged from behind gnarled trees and tangled roots, brandishing rusted weapons and tattered armor. Fighting on horseback within the confines of the thick forest was proving to be extremely challenging. The close quarters, dense underbrush, and uneven terrain made it difficult for Alan to maneuver effectively.

Realizing the limitations of this approach, Alan made the swift decision to dismount from the horse. He knew that he needed to fight on foot to navigate the treacherous terrain and engage the undead more effectively. With sword in hand, he braced himself for the impending battle.

[Stabbing: Inflicts 134 damage]

[Stabbing: Inflicts 136 damage]

[Stabbing: Inflicts 132 damage]

[You received 200 Survival Points, 400 XP]

The battle within the forest was intense and unrelenting. Each of the skeletal warriors required three or four strikes to be defeated. Combating multiple of them simultaneously was a daunting task, but on foot, Alan could maneuver more freely amidst the dense undergrowth. With determination and the application of all the combat skills at his disposal, he fought fiercely, striking down the undead foes while constantly moving through the forest.

After pushing deeper into the woods for half an hour, killing more than three dozen undead in the process, Alan finally sensed the presence of multiple figures lurking in the shadows around him. Determined and emboldened, Alan raised his [King’s Sword] high into the air and boldly declared, "I am the King of Brittania! Grant me an audience with your chief!"

At his proclamation, the multiple figures that had been hiding began to emerge, cautiously approaching him. Alan could feel the palpable tension in the air as he awaited their response, hoping that this encounter would provide the answers he sought on his quest.

They were humans adorned with blue tattoos on their bodies and had animal heads, although, upon closer inspection, Alan realized that the beast heads were just elaborate masks or carcasses. One of them, a beautiful woman, approached him with a keen interest in the sword.

The woman gazed at him curiously, and Alan soon received a notification:

[Your relationship status with NPC has increased from Neutral to Friendly]

[Guinevere - Champion]

[Type: Human]

[Rank: C-]

[Status: Friendly]

Guinevere and the other figures guided him deeper into the forest, and Alan began to notice more pairs of eyes watching him from the shadows—dozens of them.

After a trek that seemed like a journey into a different world, they finally arrived at the concealed village. Alan’s in-game interface promptly updated with a series of notifications:

[Quest completed: You have found the hidden Fey village]

[You received E rank reward x1]

[You received 1000 survival points, 1000 XP]

The significance of his achievement filled Alan with a sense of accomplishment. With half of the hidden quest completed, Alan shifted his focus to the main goal—inquiring about the legendary Sword of Light

x x x x

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