RE:BORN Zombie Chapter 102 Meeting II

(Sorry everyone, my PC might be planning to leave this world. I did take it to the doctors, and they are still running tests on it, so we don’t know yet. For now, I’ll be writing on my phone, so please understand if there’s anything unusual about quality-)


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The moment they entered the school premises, Victor almost couldn’t take them seriously from then on. The reason why such a strong race would go to a school environment of all places to take as their home… Victor couldn’t imagine it, but it was right before him.

He followed them through never the less, and as they walked pass the hallways, Victor began to notice how few the number of vampires was. It could have been possible since Vampires weren’t born but made, but Victor still had other possibilities thought up in his head that could happen.

After close to minute, and a number of turns, Victor saw that they had actually reached what he would call the extreme end of the school building, and they had to descend a bit. ‘What’s going on here?’ Victor thought to himself, as the door was opened by two vampires from within, and the vampire leading the way stepped in, followed by Victor before Cassias.

“This way please, we will now enter the castle.” The vampire leading the way said to Victor.

Victor couldn’t understand how where they were was the castle at first, but after something close to a trap door was drawn open and Victor saw the stairs that led downwards, he immediately understood what might have happened to the vampire castle that he expected to see in all its glory, standing tall within the city that had been over thrown and run by them.

“Really, to think the castle will be spawned underground, under a school no less.” Victor said, this time out loud to the hearing of both vampires that were with him. None of them gave a response to his words, and surprisingly for all their pride, Victor didn’t perceive any negative response from their body language or anything. ‘It’s either it’s not something that bothers their ego, or they are incredibly well trained… Or maybe my stereotypical analysis of how they are to behave is only based on the things that came with me from earth.’ Victor said in his mind as they kept descending the endless plight of stairs.

After several minutes of what felt like a loop, Victor was tempted to just jump down and get to the bottom of the stairs, but he had to maintain courtesy. The entire place, and Victor was guessing it went on like that till it got to the bottom, was lit with very dim lights. If one couldn’t see in the dark, they wouldn’t be able to walk down without falling. The vampires must have kept the brightness just high enough for their night vision to function.

For Victor who had skills that improved his night vision and boost his sight, he was surprised that he couldn’t see the end of the stairs. It would seem that the range his skills allowed him to cheat the world didn’t reach that far.

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‘Fuck it, this ain’t me.’ Victor said in his mind before abruptly stopping. “Is our immediate destination from here the bottom of these stairs?” Victor asked, with his voice sounding ever so cold and lifeless.

The vampire ahead of him did not stop and just kept walking while he answered Victor’s question, “yes.”

Receiving the confirmation he needed, Victor placed a hand on the rail, and the next thing both vampires saw was that he had jumped off the rail and within minutes disappeared into the darkness. Both vampires, after seeing Victor’s action were stunned for a second before they came back to their senses. Even the one leading the way that had maintained a straight poker face throughout broke character for a second there before coming back to normal. They both looked at each other as if to confirm their next course of action, and with a nod, both men followed after.

At the bottom of the stairs, Victor had landed safely and unhurt. Currently before him was an empty corridor the size of a basketball court in width, and the ceiling was at least 20 metres in height. ‘Always having these extravagant houses.’ Victor thought to himself. While he moved around a bit looking around, he was waiting for his system map to scan the place. Around three seconds later, the entire map of the palace appeared in his system, and with it were the positions of all the creatures. “That’s quite the number… It’s like a fucking cooperate building.” Victor said to himself before moving along.

He could wait for the two vampires, but-

From the map he had, Victor could see just how big the house was. It was like putting two football fields together and stacking them on top each other ten times, a really good base. Just in case the vampire following him jumped after he did, Victor reached into his inventory and brought out a sword. He could see from the map that the hall before him continued for quite some distance, so he threw the sword forward with enough strength to get it to the other side of the hall, and a second later, he was no longer standing on the spot he was a second ago. At the other side of the hall where a stray sword just flew by, Victor appeared out of nowhere and caught the sword by the hilt before putting it back into his inventory. ‘This should be far enough.’

From there on, Victor chose to head towards the closest vampire. Some minutes later, Victor would open a door and head inside like an invited guest, walking into what seemed to be a vampire tea party. The vampires there looked a bit young, but whatever-

“Who here can point me to the direction of the Vampire Lord?”

After about some minutes had passed, Cassias and the vampire leading the way for Victor landed at the bottom of the stairs. Unlike Victor who jumped directly down, they would have sustained injuries if they did, the entire flight of stairs was that long. By the time they had reached the bottom however, Victor was no where to be found. Without any words, both vampires looked at each other and then turned back their faces just before they both disappeared from the spot they stood.

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