RE:BORN Zombie Chapter 124 A Quickie II

Victor appeared close to one of the locations where a government laboratory was, and without wasting any time began his operation. After setting the ground work and was about to infiltrate the facility, Victor suddenly felt a spike of familiar energy. Without anyone explaining to him, he could tell that what he just felt was holy energy, the same kind he felt from the Ann girl the day she attacked him after falling from a plane, or so he chose to remember.

‘It must be there then. I wonder what’s here that’s also top secret.’ Victor asked himself as he slowly shifted his attention to the energy spike. If there was any other thing happening, the vampires would inform him, so he wasn’t bothered. To create a little commotion to use as distraction, Victor left Shanok in this lab to keep them busy for a while. If anything happened, Shanok had escape methods, so it wouldn’t affect him.

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Victor himself left using teleportation and appeared in the place closest to the happening. From a first class view, he noticed something was off about the entire scenario. From what he could make out, it was either the girl Ann and the government had some kind of falling out, or she was going insane due to all the power.

The place Victor was in at the moment was a bit outside of the city to the south, and on a normal day, one would expect to see nothing but barren land in the area, but the day wasn’t normal. Some couple tens of metres away from the city, the ground in that area had caved in it seemed, and the hole was reasonably big too.

It was clear who had caused the ground to cave in, but Victor still had t go in to know, right?

From the start, Victor’s major objective was to gain evolution material from the girl, and he didn’t plan to waste time at all. If he could get the girl’s evolution material and assimilate it into himself, he would be able to eliminate the nasty weakness he had to things like holy and healing magic. Victor came prepared for a very brief confrontation.

After dropping down the whole, Victor fell straight into an area that resembled some kind of stage. At first glance, it looked like a mini coliseum, but given the state of the place, Victor could immediately tell that this was a training ground where the girl most likely trained to control her new power. If that was the case, then maybe the fact that she went out of control with the powers was a more plausible conclusion.

Victor had changed slightly in appearance after his latest evolution, so normally it would be a bit puzzling for someone to recognise him off bat, but with his signature tattoos, it made things very easy. Now though, the lines that ran across his body burning, had more of an artistic feel to them, as their arrangement had also changed after the evolution.

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The moment Victor dropped and the girl, Ann, saw him, she instantly recognised who he was, and for that reason, she completely lost it and her power started raging and thrashing around. It seemed like holy energy turned people blond, as Ann’s looks had completely changed. Now that her power seemed to be going on overload, her hair began shining a certain goldish colour, and her eyes turned completely with as bright golden white light was being emitted from them.

Victor couldn’t understand this kind of reaction at all, as it was just doing too much. He understood that humans still had emotions and all, but even he while he was on earth won’t behave like that, he was at least sure of that.

The people around Ann seemed to be trying to calm her as her power got more chaotic, but as things would happen, it was completely useless. Having the single man she gave her life to take revenge on before her was a way stronger cause than anything else. The thing she failed to see was how vulnerable she was at that moment.

Victor on the other hand just stood still in the same place he landed. The whole scenario almost looked staged and fishy as he saw things. For him, he had gotten into the facility way too easily, and from what he saw, there wasn’t as much security outside as he would expect, or maybe that was the idea of even calling it secret to begin with?

‘It doesn’t matter now. I will just have to kill her as fast as I can and move out.’ Victor concluded once more in his head. Messing around with someone with holy energy wasn’t something he planned on doing.

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With his mind set, Victor took the first step towards Ann, but the moment he took that step, as though he was being monitored using motion detection, spikes that seemed to be made out of a golden material began shooting out of the ground towards Victor, and their speed was no joke either. Of course, to Victor the spikes were slow and he could see the whole thing, but to an average S rank hunter, it would be almost untraceable. It was clear that the spike were a manifestation of the holy energy, so Victor avoided them completely and just went for Ann.

As though sensing that her attack would fail, Ann launched a bunch of other attacks towards Victor in quick succession, and also, the same golden materials seemed to be forming something around her. As the spikes passed without getting their target, another wave of projectiles came raining down towards Victor, and this time he had to do more than just walk towards the girl as the projectiles covered a large area.

In a split second, Victor moved from where he stood just moments ago and appeared before Ann, or at least that was what she saw. Victor made sure to stay out of range where the streams of energy thrashed all over.

It didn’t matter that he could get too close, all he needed to do was get within range. ‘While don’t I test that while at it.’ He said to himself, before he activated a skill.

“WHY DON’T YOU STOP THIS FOR A MOMENT.” Victor said, not shouting, but enough for Ann to hear what he said, and her face only grew more spoilt after that.

She was about to do something as her enemy had brought himself so close, but the very next moment after voice came from her enemy, she felt an immerse pressure come over her, and the power that was thrashing around almost uncontrollably stopped, then she fell to her knees with eyes wide open as she stared down in terror.

Victor had used his skill, Dominate.

The problem with those using holy magic was that negative energy didn’t work on them, and they can’t be affected by mind control and such. Basically, she automatically blacked most of Victor’s skills. Of course, he still had numerous skills to use if he wanted to kill her, but that was the thing, he wasn’t aiming to kill her, or obliterate her.

Luckily, the Dominate skill seemed to have effect, as it wasn’t really mind control, maybe that was why it worked, Victor wasn’t sure. The key point was that it was effective. For him, taking a bite out of someone like Ann who had been drenched and wrapped in holy energy was a no no, and besides, Victor had been searching for a way to make the eating process easier for himself. He even considered making his second form that of a snake so that he could just swallow everything whole, but later reconsidered. Now however, Victor had the perfect tool to use.

“Blood Drain.” He said, as he looked towards Ann.

From where ever, blood started leaving Ann rapidly under the effects of the skill, and in under ten seconds, she was completely drained of blood leaving not even the obscure single drop behind. Before the skill could activate and carryout to its second phase which was to give the blood to Victor which he would then use to revitalize himself, he sent the blood straight into his blood bank to store it. Nevertheless, the blood still flowed into him.

As he looked down at the girl before him, he could hear faint words coming from her. He needed not be told what these words were, as Ann pleaded for her life to be spared. Her body had become thin and as almost as pale as Victor’s, which said much in itself. The only thing that was left was her golden hair that still shown a dull light.

“Don’t worry, I can send you to meet your lover really fast. However, I hope your transition will be great.” Victor said, as moments later Ann lost her vision and was no longer in the world and all was done.


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