RE:BORN Zombie Chapter 146 Seeking Answers

A/N: Reborn:Zombie is fully back now and I will be updating every two days. That’s one day interval between each update. This is for consistency sake, but at least that’s for now.



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“Really? Heh..”

“You weren’t hoping for it to be this fast, right?” Veritas asked.

“Yes… Hand me the details, I’ll head out immediately.” Victor said as he stretched out his hand to receive the documents she had in her hand. She seemed to hesitate for a brief moment, but then handed them over to him.

Victor collected the documents and went through everything in seconds.

“Seems we are in luck. They just so happen to be moving it at this time. ” Victor said before placing the documents on his table as he stood up.

The documents contained information on the job Under Current had received some time ago from the VIM CORP. Even though this was a matter of top secret, everyone trusted Under Current to keep info on jobs private.

Apparently, the technology the VIM CORP has been trying so hard to create was created the week prior to this by some small time organization. They could very much just partner with this organization, but the VIM CORP would rather take all for themselves than form any such partnership. The original request was to steal the technology and terminate everyone related to it, but Victor personally rejected the other part of the request.

Victor left in an instant after dropping the documents as he teleported himself away. He was going to bring himself as close as possible to the site where this technology was. Since it was to be transported that night, he would just hijack it from the transportation vehicle without causing a ruckus.

Just as planned, before the morning came, the VIM CORP had their piece of technology in hand.

“The VIM CORP sends their regards.” Veritas said, as she walked closer to Victor.


“You seem to be worrying about something lately. What is on your mind master?” Veritas asked.

‘This sly…’ “Enough with the master talk…”

To put it plainly, Victor had been thinking lately. He was among the most powerful all around the earth. Though it was something he didn’t really want to acknowledge, he had become so powerful that little was above him. Living around had little meaning these days. He could think of some recreational activity to indulge himself in, but even then, he already knew how he would feel.

Originally it was about survival, then survival, and survival. It was all he had ever known in this new world. Now that he needed not invest much effort, it had all become dull. Maybe all he was looking for now was some kind of stimulant, who knows.

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There were those that were at least as powerful as him, and one of them was the leader of the fanatics that were so obsessed with worshiping their gods. Victor was sure that such a person would have no problem, as he could really be preoccupied with worshiping their gods for eternity.

“I need a kind of cause. I literally have it all. Now, it has become so empty and dull. I feel the need for some kind of purpose. So, I’ve been thinking of something engaging to do, like finding out what the cause of the RESET is or anything related to that.” Victor said to Veritas, as he looked away from her.

There was no particular excitement in Victor’s voice as he spoke these words, but the need for them could be felt to some extent.

“I understand your plight.” Veritas said. Though she was a vampire and they were built to live for a long time and would not be affected by living for a long time, she could understand Victor as they shared a connection.

“But I’m a vampire and all, I know what you are thinking. The thing is, I am not exactly the same as you.” Victor said. Though the majority of his genes were vampire, there were still missing parts.

“I’ll be going out for a work.” Victor said, but Veritas could feel it in his words this time.

“You won’t be coming back this huh?”

“You should also take a break and relax.. I’ll be back soon.” Veritas didn’t bother responding, as just like she expected, Victor teleported the next moment.

There were some believe concerning the cause of the reset. Some believed it was some form of natural selection or something related, but at a universal level, while others like the science faction discredited that notion and believed there was something else at play. This was also the motivation they needed to start focusing aggressively on interstellar expanse.

The fanatics however believed that it was the doing of their gods and that the cause or reason behind it needed not be known by men. They also picked great offence with science faction concerning this particular notion. Being the kind of people they are, the only thing stopping them from matching for the destruction of all science related organization was the fact that the science faction wielded great power in machinery and weaponry. If the one at the top, the leader of the Razhin faith was to move, the science faction would probably not stand a chance using just weaponry, but he hadn’t.

Victor however, had some thought concerning the matter, as anyone would. For him, there are two possibilities, the universe was either at play, or some kind of higher power or civilization was behind it.

Being influenced from his former life, he was more inclined to believe in the supernatural and paranormal. If there was one thing he realized after crossing over, it was that this new world focused more and heavily on science and technology. That didn’t seem to be much of religion and any other supernatural activity or knowledge around, and that furthered the case with the introduction of awakeners.

Victor immediately went on some kind of search around the place. He didn’t have any particular destination in mind, but he was sure that where ever the Razhin people had restraints on would be interesting.

The first two yielded no results, and the last one also didn’t.

It had already been close to a week since he set out in his search. “To think they would have nothing.. hypocrites.” Though he didn’t find anything of value to him, he did find out something interesting. Even the Razhin faith were researching technology. Victor couldn’t say if it was shameful or innovative, it just wasn’t expected.

He did capture one of the people there however, and using one of his skills, pried out information from the man before letting him return to his duty without any knowledge of what happened.

The new destination had been determined, and unfortunately, Victor didn’t have a mark around that side of the earth. He teleported himself as close as possible to the location, but that was it. The journey from there on was on foot.

This gave Victor the opportunity to experience actual travelling, after a very long time of just teleporting around the place. He hadn’t expected that there would be some settlements far out from the cities, but there were.

Like a true adventurer, he stopped around some of the cities, solved some problems, slept around a bit, then took off. If Veritas was to find out about what he had been doing, she would definitely be mad, as he had her at home but never agrees to touch her. Victor had a very low chance of impregnating anyone, so he wasn’t the least bit afraid of leaving behind loose ends.

Like so, time was spent slowly, day by day, until a whole month passed. The location Victor learned about wasn’t anything special either. It was some kind of dungeon that had existed since the first world before the resets and never disappeared. It was only recently found and the location was been protected by the fanatics, probably because they planned to explore it, or were in the process of doing so. All these information, Victor got by further prying into the minds of those that were kept to guide the place. Even they weren’t too sure of what was going on with the place, they only knew the general information. Nevertheless, Victor deemed it was irrelevant and continued his journey that he had begun to enjoy. He left a mark behind though, just in case.

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