RE:BORN Zombie Chapter 165 - 165 Another Begining I

165 Another Begining I

Soon, the invaders arrived on earth and the war began in full.

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Perhaps, the most disorientating thing was the fact that the invaders looked just like humans with absolutely no difference. There were some that had different and unnatural skin colours and quirks, but that was the most of it.

Those that invaded couldn’t really be referred to as aliens,

He gets exp, but it doesn’t add automatically. He has to allow the system to use the exp to level up before it can. Later on, he unlocks a system feature which gives him the option to select seven creatures(could be people or whatever.) These seven, he can customize through the system and give them things like abilities if the person has a slot, and also share some exp with them, though there’s a limit.

With war progressing as it did over the course of 17 or so days, it was even more of a surprise that the earthlings could hold up for so long. Though they divided themselves, to their enemies, it mattered not who was not human and who was. All they wanted was to eradicate the humans, and that was what they did, to the best of their ability.

The invaders kept pouring in through the earth’s atmosphere like bugs, as their enormous ship hung over the skies like a judge of what was going on.

All together, the invaders that fell to the hands of the earthlings were nothing less than 10,000. Maybe it was only after this much fell that the actual power houses started showing themselves. Also, perhaps, one of these invading space ships would not be able to carry so many people, as that was the logical conclusion. As it would seem, earth’s technology really isn’t advanced enough at the point, as two of the enemy’s ships were able to infiltrate in the earth’s skies without being detected.

In the end, it took about 22 days in total for the invasion to be over, and earth being victorious in the end.

The survivors from the enemy side that were normal soldiers, or had no special role in the fleet were killed and cleared out, while the ones holding high positions and those that seemed to play important roles were kept alive under someone’s skill. The skill would prevent them from attempting suicide, as it places them under a certain level of control and influence, not enough to brainwash or make them spill out info, though.


Their ships and other technological parts were also confiscated, and nobody argued when the science faction requested to keep them. They were the ones well versed in such things, so it was best to leave it to them. Other smaller science organizations that were not part of VIM CORP or their faction have all entered into partnership with them. Things were progressing in a positive direction for once in a long time.

As for the captives, there was only one organization that could handle them best, and better than any other, and that was Under Current. In their case, they were pleaded with to take the captives with them, as Victor was a bit reluctant to do so in the first place, but conceded in the end.

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Picking into people’s memories or getting them to talk was no easy matter, even for skill pumped humans that had the power to destroy mountains. Their skills did provide destructive power, but it wasn’t a common thing to come across skills that were focused on other things outside battle these days. Maybe back before the reset, it would be more common to find low rank miscellaneous skills, but not anymore.

After the battle field had been cleaned out and everything was pseudo back to normal, everyone got back to business as usual, handling different things, and with the new developments, there was work to be done.

The efforts of the science faction almost went unnoticed, as many began seeking out the Razhin faith temple to join them. The prophecy that their god gave to his people about a coming danger overshadowed the fact that the science faction had detected something in the solar system prior, and since people were more likely to believe supernatural things, they were easily captivated by the power of the god those of the Razhin faith serve.

Back at under current, Victor once again left the job of interrogation to his subordinates, as he himself had better things to do. After all, there were many capable of the job. It wasn’t like they needed some scary looking dude to pose as some inquisitor or anything, all they had to do was get someone with the appropriate skill to handle the matter, and that was what happened precisely.

Someone who could charm others was amongst the many in under current, so it was easy from there. There was no violence or anything, just simple questioning. Four of the captives resisted the skill. They seemed to be strong enough to do so. For them, their memories were peaked into by one of Victor’s vampires that were part of his legion. The process this time was not as painless and without side effects like the previous one, so it was clear that those ones could not be made further use of after that. They were discarded in the end. Though, Victor brought them back to life and made them part of his legion. They were quite strong, so it was clear that they will be useful in future, and if not, he could always just throw them away. There was no harm done.

From then on, the world kept progressing forward, and the temporary brotherhood shared by the higher powers gradually faded and things returned to how they were over time. No surprise there.

Victor focused fully on unlocking more of these authorities, but unfortunately, when he went back to the cave to seek the man who thought him, he found that it had collapsed, so he had to find other means to achieve this goal.

Maybe there would be similar caves in other places, as the man mentioned that the cave was special, and it would be almost impossible to get an authority while not under the environment’s effects.

With that, Victor set out on another journey. There were two targets in mind, a place that restricted the usage of skills, or a place where skills worked stronger than the rest. It was the logical thing to do, so he went with that, to see where it would lead him. He was already immortal, so time was not a factor for him at the moment.




Somewhere else in the universe, a group could be seen discoursing some sort of serious issue, and within their midst was the figure and likeness of a man, a familiar one.

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