RE:BORN Zombie Chapter 55 Human Usefulness

Though his appearance had not changed one bit, his physique had not followed over at all. Though this body was still tough, it couldn’t even compare to his Zombie form.

Victor took out his clothes and wore them, then remained in the small room until 24 hours passed before he went out. He could have gone out, but the humans roaming around the floor are strong, and without his tough zombie physique, facing them would be dangerous. The danger was miniscule, but it was still present. It was not like his appearance was different, since he will still be suspected a bit, he thought.

Victor came out of the room and with his form changed back to his base zombie form, he felt more confident.

“I should try out my new skills first.”



Passive: All Title, Rot Bite lvl-max, Undead Aura lvl-max, Art of Combat lvl-2

Active: Legion of the Dead lvl-2, Domain of the Dead lvl-1, Touch of Death lvl-2, Negative Burst lvl-max, Fire Breath lvl-max, Inferno Ring lvl-1, Teleport lvl-1, Remote Explosion lvl-1

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The fist one Art of Combat was pretty self explanatory, in fact all of them were, but since this one was a passive skill, he would see the effects later on. The second one was the Remote Explosion. Though Victor knew roughly how this skill worked based off knowledge from earth, he still had to try it out since he didn’t know how it actually worked.

Some place away from the room he stayed was where the fire-imps resumed their territory, and were also a good target. He approached the group and holding his hand out, he commanded the skill to activate.




‘What’s this?’

Clearly Victor had activated the skill, but nothing happened, there was no effect. Maybe he needed a trigger? So he put out his hand one more time and with his will to activate the skill, he snapped his fingers, this time creating and effect, a magnanimous explosion.




“Still nothing.” Victor said while looking at the space before him with lively fire-imps crawling around.

‘What’s going on?’

Victor tried out a bunch of other things, but nothing happened. At this moment, he felt pretty stupid, as he could have just checked for the information before doing anything. He thought he knew a bit about it, but it turned out like this.

Victor forgot about trying it himself and just opened his system panel to check the skill’s description.


[Remote explosion]

Turn inorganic matter you touch into a bomb that can be remotely detonated. Strength of explosion is small.

Level: 1

Mana cost: 10


After seeing the skill’s description, he immediately knew how it worked since he had seen something similar before on earth.

“Let’s see.” Victor said as he picked up a piece of rock. “Since it’s like this and the explosion is small, I could say the size of a grenade?”

Victor held the piece of rock that filled his hand and then activated his skill. Immediately, he could feel a little portion of his mana been implanted into the stone, and after doing so he threw the piece of rock towards the group of fire-imps ahead of him. Victor allowed it to land and roll till it stopped, and then he waited for one of the imps to get close to the stone properly.




Victor looked at the explosion that he had just created, and in no way was it something to be called a small explosion. He thought the size would be like a grenade or similar, but it turned out to be at least eight or ten times as powerful as a grenade.

‘Well, compared to something like a nuke, this could be considered small.’

“But, to think this skill would be so powerful while it’s level is only one, impressive.” Seeing this skill so powerful, Victor wanted to level it up more, as he had just thought of a very interesting use for it.

‘But this…’

Victor noticed something was different about his skill fire breath earlier. Since it was a skill at MAX level, he could fully control the amount of fire he spat out at a given point in time, but he felt like it became more powerful than it originally was. He actually had to adjust his normal output when he was with the human group earlier.

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‘It feels like something changed my skills.’ Victor said in his mind, as he could strongly feel so.

He tested out his negative burst skill then, but nothing had changed with it, but his Inferno ring was now strong enough to severely harm fire-imps which were complete fire oriented creatures. If he could see their HP bar, he was sure that it would be low.

“System, is the increase in the strength of my skills due to the system’s effects too?” Victor asked, a bit curious.

[No, this due to the effects of your ability Infernal Body which increases fire attacks by 500%]

“Hm? I don’t remember this kind of effect though.” Victor said, as he rushed to check the description of his ability.


[Infernal Body]

You have an incredibly high affinity towards the fire element. The energy of fire is around and with your body, and it empowers you. Though you thrive in extremely hot environment and habitat, you are not any weaker outside your natural habitat.

-Immune to heat and fire.

– Increase in attack and defence in hot environment/conditions.

-Natural and high affinity to the fire element.

-500% Increase to fire based skills.

-No weakness to opposing elements equal or weaker than yourself.

-Damage taken from opposing elements only if it is considerably more powerful than yourself.

-Your body is always strengthened and supported by the fire element.


‘I really did change, huh. Or maybe I read wrong the first time, it should be so.’

After testing this skill, the next skill to test was the teleportation skill, as it was the only other active skill he acquired.

As for this skill, Victor didn’t feel too safe using it, as he didn’t know much about how it would work, since teleportation works differently to begin with, so he just checked the skill’s description from the start.



Instantaneous movement one oneself and other things between different marked locations.

Level: 1

Mana cost: 60

Range: Unlimited


“So basically its flying raijin? Not bad at all.”

Victor placed his palm on a wall, and with a thought appeared a marking on it. The mark was small and at most one centimeter on every side. Victor ran far off from it and when he was far enough, he activated the teleportation skill, and immediately appeared before the mark he just created. From his point of view, the space around him just shifted instantaneously. It was like closing your eyes for a second while in the toilet, and then opening it to see yourself in the sitting room. Only that for Victor he didn’t close his eyes.

The skill was just as wonderful as he thought. With this, facing enemies had just become increasingly easier. The only problem now was the cost of using this skill which was a whooping 60 mana points at just level one. Victor seeing this wasn’t alarmed much though. ‘For that guy to be able to use it multiple times like that without tiring, it means the mana cost would definitely reduce as the skill’s level increases.

Next was to test how he would teleport others with him. Victor moved towards one of the fire-imp corpse, and then bent down to touch it. He activated his skill, and just like before he was before the spot where he had marked, but the fire-imp was not with him, and since he was squatting, he appeared mid air sort of, since the spot he marked kept his body’s position a bit above normal.

“Seems that a lot of things are just so so. I need to level up this skill first.”

Anytime Victor killed a human group, he would search for their money, but seeing how nobody brought plenty of money into a dungeon, he was still very broke even after all the groups he had killed.

Whatever their currency was, it didn’t mean much, as when he placed it into the system and it was converted, it would turn into system coins. From what Victor had deduced, one hundred of the human currency was one system coin after conversion, and this amount varied.

“I have gotten only 10coins so far… so poor.”

To think human’s would be this useful, Victor thought. To think he had even left many human corpses without extracting evolution material. When he left the dungeon, he would have to visit a human settlement and get more skills. ‘But then, monsters would not be shying away either, so maybe that would not be necessary.

From what he had learnt from Larry and his group, the world outside was not as he would have ever thought. Firstly, dungeons and gates started appearing about 50 years ago, and after the first dungeon break happened, monsters had began inhabiting some places on the planet. The same thing happened with the gates. Because of this, more than 40% of the planet’s surface became infested by monsters, though, this figure has reduced ever since the hunters began pushing back the monsters and reclaiming lost grounds.

“Whatever, I will deal with all that when I get out there.” Victor said.

From what he was told, this particular dungeon was nearing the time for a break to occur, and since the higher levels actually had monsters as strong as level 60 (the max they had seen at the time), it couldn’t be ignored at all. Though this dungeon was an abnormal one which still hadn’t shown any signs of a break, not to mention the jump in levels, it could still happen anytime soon.

With this, Victor knew of two ways he would be able to escape the dungeon. Either wait for a break when whatever was keeping him inside would be removed, or do what he was doing now and kill the boss monster at the final floor.

“Before revisiting that guy, I should definitely find more humans first.”

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