RE:BORN Zombie Chapter 62 Zombie Drake

‘Now, while there’s still time, tell me about what happened.’ Victor said.

‘Right. Since the negotiation is through, we can move on.’


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After listening to Ramok’s story, Victor was quite pleased about how things turned out. Truly, if he wasn’t in the dungeon, Victor wouldn’t have stood a chance, not even in the slightest.

Ramok is originally a creature from another world, as he put it. It all happened suddenly while he was with his master on the great mountain peaks, on the day he was supposed to achieve his transfiguration. The journey took some days, but finally on the third day, they arrived at their destination.

The world where Ramok came from had magic and various mysterious powers, and just like Victor was already aware of, he was a Drake. Victor might not have known this, but dragons are a very prideful race, just like any other powerful race, they valued their own more than any other. With the various creatures walking around with mixed bloodlines, the dragons refuse to recognise any race or creature with mixed dragon blood in them as one of their own, so Drakes like Ramok have to live a solitary lifestyle as they are not many to begin with compared to other races, and didn’t enjoy the luxury of family and things like that..

In other to perfect himself more, Ramok went on a journey to purify his dragon blood, and sure enough there was no other way to do it than to battle against dragons and kill them, then use their blood and essence to advance his evolution. The only reason Ramok was able to kill so many dragons that were supposed to be stronger than him was because most of the new generation dragons had no experience when it came to fighting as they just relied on their natural born abilities. To a creature like a drake whose lives are filled with battles and struggles at each turn, such dragons are easy meat.

After a long time of living this sort of life and always running from the stronger dragons in order to keep his life, Ramok had only gotten so much further in his goal to achieve a perfect bloodline. There were no changes that could be noticeable, it was like the world was telling him to give up. In these sorts of times where he was at a low point in his life, the cause finally caught up to Ramok, and he was found by a dragon, the same ones he had been avoiding for so long. It seemed this was just a fated happening, as Ramok did not even resist.

“You are…” The dragon that found him said, as it muttered some words which Ramok barely heard.

‘Huh? Take me already or just kill me. I’m fed up with all this anyway.’ Ramok thought in his mind. All his efforts had been useless up until the last moment. Even after the various years, it was like he had done nothing.

“We are alike in many ways. How about you follow me. The dream you have and the sole goal you wish to accomplish, I will help you do something about it.” The Dragon said.

Ramok didn’t know why, but he just couldn’t refuse or bargain with the dragon and agreed. From then on, they walked and travelled together, and experienced many things together through tens of years of travel.

Around this time was when the dragon, Ramok’s master decided it was time for him to take Ramok to the mountain of transfiguration, he was ready.

On the mountain of transfiguration where Ramok was supposed to undergo transfiguration, just when they both were about to reach the actual place was where everything happened.

Suddenly, the entire space in the surrounding area and space seemed to have warped and was distorted at the same time, and without an opportunity given for them to even resist, he and his master were consumed by whatever this thing was, and when Ramok opened his eyes, he was in this room.

Ramok tried to break free from this strange place, but he soon realised how futile his efforts were, as all the strength he once had was now completely gone. If he was to compare, he would say he had returned to how he was in his age of adolescence. This didn’t stop Ramok though.

Even though he knew it was futile to try and power his way through, Ramok thought of other ways that wouldn’t require him using his strength as much, if at all, and his biggest motivation for this, was that he could still feel his master’s presence. Surely though, all attempts failed, and after some weeks must have past, he was forced into a state of rest where he had little to no connection to the world around him, but at the same time wasn’t completely unconscious.

What seemed to be controlling his body after he was shoved behind was this second head which he had magically gained after waking up. This was the first time he regained full consciousness, and before he entered that state, he was sure that there was no second head attached to his body, but he was actually quite relieved that it wasn’t his master’s.

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“Even in that state, I could still sense my master’s presence, though it kept on getting weaker and weaker as time passed. He was a strong dragon that had been alive for hundreds of years, to think even he was unable to break out till now.” Ramok said.

Ramok was not certain, but he believed his master was also in a similar place as he is right now. Victor would have to fight and kill his master in other to set him free. The fact that his master had not escapsed until now proves that he also lost most of his original power, and with that even Victor should be able to defeat him.

“My master’s name is Garmorock. Find him, and when you are able to talk to him, speak to him my name. He will understand.”

“Hmm. Guess that’s all huh? You can rest in peace now.” Victor said, while heading towards the corpse to eat the drake’s flesh now.

“Sheesh. So impa-‘ Ramok’s voice was cut short, and with it followed grunts that sounded like he was truly struggling against something.

“Hey! Boy! SOmeth-‘ Again, his voice was cut short, and before Victor could respond, the corpse before him was engulfed in a purple and dark illumination that encapsulated it almost.

Victor seeing this could immediately tell that nothing good was going to come from it, so he jumped backwards to get out of the way of possible attack. The light sipped into the drake’s corpse, and just then the corpse jerked hard and stood up. Without any warning or sign, it dashed forward towards Victor and swiped it’s claw in attempt to snag him in half, but Victor’s reaction was just fast enough for him to avoid the surprise attack.

‘A zombie drake corpse? How is this even happening? Such a shitty dungeon.’

Seeing the change in it’s skin and the obvious change in it’s motion, not to mention the overly familiar feeling got from the drake now, it was clear that a zombie drake was what stood before him. It had not been revived normally but brought back as an undead.

Victor had some fire skills that would work well against undead which are weak to fire, but that was also if the Drake was some low level undead.

Victor immediately asked his system to identify the drake again.

[High-rank Zombie Twin Headed Drake ‘Ramok – Level 105]

Seeing the information displayed by the system reassured Victor that he still had a chance to win against the monster before him. Since it was only a high rank zombie, it’s weakness to fire was still present, and it’s level had also dropped, but for it to become a high rank zombie after being turned…

First of all, simply using his skill excavate will not be as effective, seeing as zombies don’t feel pain, and the fact that it has a regenerative ability just worsens things. The only other way was to fight till the drake’s total HP was zero, and the best way to damage zombies was their head.

First off, Victor levelled up his skill Infernal Ring to level 4, which caused 310 coins, leaving him with just 80 coins remaining, but it was worth it.

Knowing of a good plan, there was no need to even allow the zombie drake attack, so Victor started his own attack with his excavate skill, cleaning off the drake’s two heads in one go. After he did this, he followed up the attack with his infernal ring, and seeing as there was only one big target, what seemed like all the fire power gathered from the skill, and from below an immerse uncontrollable pillar of fire shot out from the ground and engulfed the drake’s entire body.

Victor was sure that this attack would do plenty enough damage, and as the intense fire weakened the zombie drake while dealing damage, it would also weaken his regeneration, giving Victor sometime to plan his next move, and more time before it can regenerate and function again.

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