RE:BORN Zombie Chapter 71 Lizard Men

Victor could almost smell the presence of humans in the fourth floor after he entered. The fact that these team of humans were able to make it this far so quickly only proved one thing. They were either just that strong, or they were excellent at running away from monsters. Victor could guess that they would be of the first type if any of them was an emitter.

This dungeon was a peculiar one. The monsters were well adept when it came to physical oriented things, but once they were in the face of those who use abilities, specifically emitters, they became completely useless. Because of this loophole, it would be possible for any emitter to kill these monsters, no matter the amount of time it takes.

Victor was curious the kind of monsters he would meet on this floor, and he was also curious just how far down this dungeon went, how many floors it had. If on the first floor, he was already encountering monsters with levels of 50, then what would happen in floor forty? If t weren’t for his skills, Victor wouldn’t have dared to even advance deeper into the dungeon, as he would be unable to face the monsters there.

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To advance further, he needed to explore the floor, which was also a cave, but unlike the rest, this one was narrower and quite humid with some water gathering here and there. Victor was a little suspicious, but he was sure that whatever it was that came for him, he would be able to handle without any problems. As he kept going in further, Victor eventually came to a corpse, and it would seem like the monsters in this cave had beaten him in the case and reached the prey first, or more like the prey reached they. In the end both the monsters and the humans were prey before Victor.

After that body, he found two other corpses, and this time he stopped to examine the corpses to see how they died. From what he could see, both died the same way, or rather, they died to similar weapons, or claws. They both had claw marks, but the injuries weren’t too deep. Perhaps if the claws struck the gut or the neck, or even perhaps an artery, then it would be dangerous, but this one didn’t. What seemed to have been the killing blow was a strike to the heart in the second corpses, followed by another stab close to the throat, while the third corpse was a single strike to the head, through, the head. The similarity between these injuries was that it was made by a piercing weapon. If it was a weapon and not magic, then it most likely was a spear that was used, as that would explain the injuries left behind.

Examining the bodies was just like a bit of role playing for Victor, in actuality, he could care less. He could bet on his life that these weapons weren’t some tough diamond hardness weapons, there was absolutely nothing to worry about.

Eventually, after a few more minutes had passed, Victor came in contact with the humans and the monsters. Both sides were engaging in a fierce altercation, and to Victor’s surprise, the monsters in this floor were none other than lizard men. He had read much about them in manga and novels, and although they were always on the receiving side, these creatures were a must face fantasy creature for the protagonist of 80% of the fantasy stories he knew..

‘This explains the structure of this floor and the terrain. Come to think of it, the first corpse had some burns on her body.. Interesting.’

From Victor’s point of view, he had seen a new member to add to his legion. With the right evolution, he could turn these lizard men to something closer to their parent origins, dragons. Of course, they wouldn’t become dragons, but making them dragon newts wouldn’t be impossible.

‘System, identify those creatures.’ Victor said, as he watched both races fight some metres ahead.

[Human Level 70]

[Human Level 85]

[Human Level 77]

[Human Level 75]

[Lizard Man Warrior Level 80]

[Lizard Man Warrior Level 76]

[Lizard Man Warrior Level 71]

[Lizard Man Warrior Level 68]

[Lizard Man Warrior Level 60]

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The human’s seemed to be outnumbered, but they were doing alright holding off the lizard men. While Victor was there, they managed to kill one of the lizard men, and then their numbers were equal, and the playing field was even, at least for a minute.

All, the lizard men had to do was call for back up and it was all over. The human with the highest level was an emitter, and though Victor couldn’t tell what exactly his power was, he was a little sure it had something to do with witchcraft and magic. Saying magic wasn’t really something he wanted to use as a word to describe it because almost everything in this world was magic oriented, so it was kind of like trying to specify a particular shade of green, but then only using the word green to describe it.

The highest level human there used his ability to restrict the lizard men’s mobility, and even though it didn’t last for long, it was enough time for his teammates to land decisive attacks on the lizard men. The more they did this, the easier it got, as the lizard men were weakening. His power also seemed to be draining the life force of the lizard men.

As time passed and the lizard men were dying, one of them let out a cry that travelled through the cave. It was clear what that was for, but at the first moments, it didn’t seem like there was going to be any response. The humans even paused for a bit to see if something would happen, but there was nothing.

“Get one with it and kills these thing before reinforcements come!” The level 85 human barked at the rest while still maintaining the restraint on the monsters before him.

The others came back to their senses, and the one at the front grabbed his sword tightly about to swing it and cut off the lizard man’s neck that was before him, but then he was cut short of his goal as a spear impaled him through the spot just below his neck.

“What was that?” One of them asked.


From one of the routes that led out of the place where, a lizard man came running out of it with the speed of a speeding arrow. The lizard men themselves were already quite tall standing at about two metres tall, but the one that came out just then was at least 2.5 metres in height, and had a more slender body than the ones there already.

The ones Victor saw first, which were the ones fighting the humans were bulky and had defined muscles, but this one had a more slender figure and and its muscles looked less bulky, but more compact and well defined. For one, it’s speed was no joke, and it was able to get to the humans in no time at all. Before they could even react and attack the new enemy, the lizard man was already before the one that had his spare in his throat, and before his body could fall to the ground completely, the lizard man had gotten there and pulled out his spare.

It made quick work of the humans there, but the last one could parry its attacks and defend himself. The only human left was the level 85, and at this point he must have used a lot of his energy, so he didn’t have much left in the bank. The lizard man retrieved its spare and in succession thrust it once again right in the path of the level 85’s chest area, but again, the level 85 raised his hands, and the spare was stopped by an invincible force that shimmered with a rich green colouration every few seconds.

The grunting was real, and the human was clearly being pushed back, but it was one of those fights were both sides had almost equal strengths, so the fight was not going anywhere in particular.

At this point, Victor had seen enough and could no longer wait. After all, he needed to finish here quick and leave this dungeon. If time came for the team stationed outside, who were already dead, to give their report and nothing was relayed back, the human society would send their people to investigate in case of an outbreak. The problem is to deal with such a thing as an outbreak, they would end up sending some of their stronger forces, and Victor wasn’t too confident about dealing with the entire human population at this point. In fact, he was sure, he was sure he would die if such a thing were to happen. He would take countless with him, but in the end his power had yet to become that fierce.

‘It’s time to end this.’ Victor said in his mind.

As he stepped out to intercept the two fighting each other, the level 85 human fell to the ground, and from behind, another lizard man that looked identical to the one that appeared last came into light, while the human laid there with a spare buried in his back.

“Well, I guess that has been taken care of then. System identify those monsters”

[Elite Lizard Man Level 80]

[Elite Lizard Man Level 85]

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