Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel Chapter 370 The Fight Begins

Chapter 370 The Fight Begins

In the Vandorian command center, a sense of urgency palpitated through the air as a soldier, breathless and wide-eyed, burst into a meeting of high-ranking commanders and Prince Victor. Without hesitation, he knelt, his voice laced with alarm, "Prince Victor, we are under attack."

His announcement sent a ripple of murmurs across the room. "From who?" demanded one of the commanders, his brow furrowed in concern.

"It’s the core beasts from the mountain. They’re storming the barracks by the hundreds. We’ve erected barricades, but..." The soldier’s voice faltered, his expression a vivid portrait of fear and despair. "...but it won’t hold them back. There are simply too many."

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To his surprise, and contrary to the gravity of his news, the commanders exchanged light chuckles, a response that seemed unsettlingly out of place. It was as though the prospect of such an attack was not only anticipated but welcomed.

The initial stir among them had been merely a reaction to the unfolding of expected events, precisely as Prince Victor had predicted. The Highlanders’ move had been anticipated for some time now by these seasoned strategists.

Prince Victor’s response was a light, almost gleeful chuckle. "Good! Very good!!" He then addressed one of the commanders at his side. "Commander Jov!"

To an observer familiar with the Vandorian and Highlander conflict, such as Chiron, Commander Jov’s face would have been a recognizable one. He was the same commander who had led an assault on the village of the Fear tribe during one of Barbara’s visits.

"Commander Jov, you will assume command. Keep them at bay as long as possible," Prince Victor instructed, his tone imbued with authority as he stood, signaling a shift in strategy.

"Gentlemen, today we claim the Highlands. We march with our finest—Copper-ranked cultivators only." With that, Victor and a select group of commanders exited, leaving a reduced but no less determined contingent with Commander Jov.

Commander Jov, a towering figure with a commanding presence and a mustache that seemed to underscore his every word, stepped forward. "The Prince has spoken. Let’s prepare for a memorable battle. Deploy the Tesseracts. We’ll obliterate that mountain and all its beasts once and for all!"

In the midst of the raging conflict, the Vandorian soldiers stood their ground, a formidable phalanx against the onslaught of core beasts. Clad in their distinctive armor, they were the epitome of discipline and martial prowess, each one a trained warrior adept in the arts of war and spirit energy manipulation.

As the core beasts thundered towards them, the Vandorian soldiers unleashed a barrage of attacks. Swords gleamed and spears thrust, each weapon infused with spiritual energy that gave off a radiant glow.

Those with formidable totems morphed their shapes into similar core beasts.

The air crackled with the power of their spirit energies, hues of blue, green, and yellow, evidence of their cultivation levels, flashing like a storm of lethal fireworks.

The soldiers moved with practiced precision, their strikes coordinated and deadly, aimed at the vital points of the rampaging beasts.

Against these beasts, the blessing of the bear mother was vital and it played a magnificent role in preventing fatal deaths.

However, the power of so many beasts of high ranking a formidable existence even against the said blessing.

After all, if one had overwhelming force of power, even the power of the Bear mother would no doubt prove to be very useless.

In fact, it would only prove to become a problem. After all, the soldiers would be able to see the oncoming attack, but never able to defend against it.

This essentially meant that they were seeing their own deaths with no way out of it.

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Amidst the melee, the Tesseracts came into play, their formidable presence turning the tide of the battle. These colossal machines, marvels of Vandorian engineering, were positioned strategically, their giant barrels aimed at the heart of the beastly swarm. With a thunderous roar that echoed across the battlefield, they fired salvos of blazing blue spiritual energy.


The impact was catastrophic. The energy blasts tore through the ranks of core beasts with devastating efficiency. Each hit resulted in a violent explosion, sending shockwaves that knocked back even the mightiest of beasts. Trees splintered and the ground shook as the relentless barrage of spiritual energy rained down.

The core beasts, despite their fearsome might and sheer numbers, were not prepared for the ferocity and technological might of the Vandorian army. Many fell where they stood, their bodies scorched and broken by the overwhelming firepower. The smaller creatures, caught in the crossfire, were obliterated instantly, reduced to ashes in the wake of the Tesseracts’ power.

Smoke and debris filled the air, the smell of burnt flesh and singed fur mingling with the metallic tang of blood. The screams of the beasts, once fearsome, now turned into cries of pain and fear. It was a scene of unbridled destruction, a testament to the Vandorian army’s ruthless efficiency and the devastating power of their spiritual weapons.

In this chaotic maelstrom of death and destruction, the Vandorian soldiers stood unyielding, their faces set in grim determination. They were not just fighting a battle; they were enacting a calculated and brutal strategy, a display of might and power that would be remembered in the annals of the Highlands for generations to come.

As the battle raged on, the Vandorian soldiers, despite their formidable skills and weapons, were not immune to the lethal might of the core beasts. The chaos of the battlefield saw many brave souls meet their end in various harrowing ways:

A Vandorian soldier, armed with a spear glowing with spiritual energy, charged at a massive core beast with similar looks to a crocodile. As he thrust his weapon towards the beast, it barely pierced its thick hide. In a swift and brutal retaliation, the beast swung its gargantuan tail, striking the soldier with such force that he was instantly crushed against a boulder. His armor crumpled like tin foil, a stark reminder of the raw power these creatures wielded.

Another soldier, skilled in ranged combat, was firing arrows imbued with spirit energy from a safe distance. Suddenly, one of the core beasts, its forehead glowing with a menacing yellow aura, locked eyes with him. In a flash, the beast released a concentrated blast of aura energy. The soldier had no time to react as the energy engulfed him, incinerating him in a blinding explosion that left nothing behind but a charred shadow on the ground.

A group of Vandorian soldiers found themselves surrounded by smaller, yet ferocious, core beasts. Their razor-sharp claws and teeth tore through armor and flesh with ease. One soldier fought valiantly, swinging his sword in desperate arcs, but the beasts overwhelmed him. In a matter of seconds, he was torn limb from limb, his screams abruptly silenced as the beasts savaged him.

A Vandorian commander, known for his bravery, faced off against a charging core beast. The beast, its eyes ablaze with fury, bore down on him with incredible speed. The commander raised his shield, but it was no match for the beast’s momentum. With a horrifying crunch, the beast’s horn impaled the commander, lifting him off the ground before flinging his lifeless body aside like a rag doll.

In a shocking display of the core beasts’ monstrous appetite, a young Vandorian soldier was caught off guard by one of the larger beasts. Before he could react, the beast opened its massive jaws and engulfed him whole. His muffled cries were quickly silenced as the beast snapped its jaws shut, swallowing him in a single, terrifying gulp.

These tragic ends served as a grim testament to the brutal nature of the conflict. Each death highlighted the unpredictable and savage reality of war, where even the mightiest can fall and the line between predator and prey becomes blurred.

As the battlefield descended into pandemonium, Commander Jov remained a bastion of resolve and leadership. His voice boomed over the cacophony, issuing commands to quench the spreading flames that threatened to engulf their positions. Demonstrating a rare blend of courage and might, he took the fight directly to the front lines, where the core beasts rampaged with unrestrained fury.

Commander Jov was not just any soldier; he was a Bronze-

ranked fighter, known for his exceptional strength and combat skills. His towering stature made him an imposing figure, a giant among men. As he made his way into the heart of the battlefield, his presence alone seemed to bolster the spirits of the Vandorian soldiers, inspiring them to fight with renewed vigor.

The commander soon found himself face-to-face with a particularly ferocious core beast, a creature that bore a striking resemblance to a gigantic rhinoceros. Its massive body was covered in thick, armor-like hide, and a pair of formidable horns protruded from its snout, promising destruction with every charge.

In a moment that seemed to freeze time, both the commander and the beast charged towards each other. The ground trembled under their feet, and a cloud of dust rose around them. The collision was monumental, a clash of raw power and primal aggression.

But Commander Jov, channeling his formidable Bronze-ranked aura, met the beast head-on. In an astonishing display of strength, he managed to send the creature flying at the moment of impact. The beast, caught off guard by the commander’s sheer force, was hurled through the air, its massive body tumbling uncontrollably before crashing to the ground with a thunderous thud.

This feat of strength rippled through the battlefield, a momentary beacon of hope and awe in the midst of chaos. Commander Jov stood tall, his figure silhouetted against the smoky backdrop, a symbol of the Vandorian army’s unyielding spirit and might. His actions not only demonstrated his personal prowess but also served to inspire his soldiers, reminding them of the strength and resilience they possessed even in the face of overwhelming odds.

"KILL THESE FUCKING INSECTS!!!" he bellowed loudly and the men screamed behind him with raging desire.

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