Rebirth In the College Entrance Examination: Making a Fortune with a Rough Man Chapter 23: 23 Yuzhi Advised Deng Mazi, and the Wu Family Came to Find Faults

Chapter 23 23 Yuzhi advises Deng Mazi, and the Wu family comes to find fault

Wang Xinfeng and Sangshen also looked at Yuzhi with inexplicable faces, why are they so polite to such a thing.

Yu Zhi smiled, not caring about the surprise of the three of them, and said, "Uncle Deng, Cui Xue and I have been friends for over ten years. I don’t know her very well, but I have nine points. She is cruel enough. Poisonous enough, but also tolerant. She can endure anger, humiliation, and hatred that ordinary people cannot bear."

"She will wait for the opportunity, like a poisonous snake, waiting for the opportunity. This time, she will not be locked up for a long time. After she comes out, she will definitely become a family with Uncle Deng. At that time, Uncle Deng must be careful, especially sleeping in the middle of the night. After I catch it."

Yuzhi is not alarmist. In his previous life, Sang Dazhuang asked Deng Mazi to marry her in order to trap Cui Xue.

Cui Xue endured for many years, and finally one night, Deng Mazi killed him and escaped after he was asleep.

This is what Cui Xue said to her personally. Because of the imprisoned marriage these years, Cui Xue blamed everything on Yu Zhi and hated her to the bone. Therefore, before Yu Zhi died, all kinds of taunts, insults, Torture, in order to vent the anger that has been silent in my heart for many years.

The three of them...can say such things, they really understand.

Deng Mazi thinks that Lao Sang’s family is really good. It’s not that the whole family will let him marry that poisonous woman Cui Xue if he doesn’t enter the house.

Although, marrying an educated youth as a wife does have face when going out, especially that **** Cui Xue.

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When she becomes his wife, she can clean up whatever she wants, which is beautiful when she thinks about it.

The point is that you have made that **** so terrible, how can you let him marry? He has the heart, but not the guts.

"I said the eldest niece..."

"I don’t want my tongue anymore, who should I call my niece?" Wang Xinfeng almost poked Deng Mazi’s eyes blind with his wooden stick.

Deng Mazi backed away in fright, and looked at Wang Xinfeng speechlessly. They called him uncle, but he called out what happened to his eldest niece?

"Yes, yes, from the Da Zhuang family, what do you mean? Why don’t I get married? In fact, I don’t want a wife that much."

Yu Zhi smiled and shook her head: "It’s okay not to marry. Uncle Deng cheated Cui Xue this time. She remembers you. If you don’t marry, when she turns around, you will be the first one to clean up."

"Whether it is a dangerous person or a person you like, you have to keep it under your nose to be at ease, Uncle Deng, are you right?"

Deng Mazi was numb from Yuzhi’s smiling eyes, why did he feel that everyone in Lao Sang’s family was so evil?

This is a must to marry, the reason is this, but he panicked.

"Big Zhuang, what can you do, I have to sleep?"

Yu Zhi nodded in agreement: "Of course not. How can a person do without sleep, but people don’t have to walk or use hands, as long as Uncle Deng doesn’t mind marrying a burden. Women, mainly have children, and Uncle Deng needs them most. Yes, it’s not just a blood child."

Deng Mazi, who was still a little bit laughing, suddenly turned cold. The most poisonous woman’s heart, he can see that this is for him to **** Cui Xue.

Yu Zhi kept an innocent smile, letting Deng Mazi’s eyes change.

"Uncle Deng, I’m just an outsider. I’ll give you a suggestion. Whether you adopt it or not depends on your own choice. If you think what I said is wrong, just pretend I didn’t say it. Anyway, your fate is yours. It’s getting late, we’re going back, and when Uncle Deng has time, he will come to Da Zhuang for a drink."

Looking for Sang Dazhuang to drink, Deng Mazi didn’t think it was too long, so he responded a couple of times indiscriminately, took the crisp candy stuffed with mulberry, and watched the three of them leave. The whole person was numb and panicked, and he was in trouble.

On the way, Wang Xinfeng hesitated to speak several times.

Yuzhi looked at Wang Xinfeng with a smile: "Mom, do you think I’m too cruel?"

Wang Xinfeng waved his hands again and again, "That’s impossible, my Zhizhi has always been kind and soft-hearted, that’s it, I will do these things in the future, just let Sang Dazhuang go, you don’t need to dirty your hands, it’s not worth doing for that kind of person." .”

Yuzhi’s eyes were slightly hot, and she hugged Wang Xinfeng’s arm and rubbed it: "Mom, you and Da Zhuang have done enough for me these years. I know that Cui Xue has killed me several times these years, if it weren’t for you and Da Zhuang Guard, I died long ago. I was stupid before, I was blinded, I couldn’t see good and bad, it hurt your heart, and I won’t do it in the future.”

"What Cui Xue owes me, I want to get it back myself. She wants my life. I just let her suffer. She earned it. You have given me love, tolerance and compassion. I also want to do what I can I will repay you. I am not afraid of dirty hands, as long as you don’t dislike me."

Wang Xinfeng’s nose was sour, and she patted Yuzhi’s hand: "Good boy, Mom knows you are also suffering in your heart. You were deceived before. Mom and Da Zhuang don’t care about anything else. They just love you. It’s good to think about it now. Let the old ones let you go." Let him go, and our family will live a good life in the future."

"Okay, I will listen to my mother." Yuzhi glanced at Mulberry, and explained a few words intentionally, hoping not to leave a bad impression on him.

But facing Shang Mulberry’s indifferent face like water, and her indifferent eyes, she couldn’t say anything.

She knows that Mulberry is very smart, precocious, and her mind is more stable and mature than adults.

So, she didn’t avoid him in everything she did today.

He also intended to let him see the change in himself, so that he could change his opinion of her, but after doing it, he hesitated, wondering if it was right to do so, he was still only a nine-year-old child.

Sighed secretly, but finally said nothing.

Back home, Yuzhi started to work again. Today I bought a lot of cloth and cotton, and I have to hurry up to make clothes for the family. The old cotton jackets are all worn out and don’t keep warm at all.

Wang Xinfeng had nothing to do, so he and Yuzhi worked together.

In the next few days, Sangshen brother and sister went to school as usual, and Sang Dazhuang went out early and returned late every day. He was busy with Cui Xue’s affairs.

To clean up Fan Jian, Ruan Dahai will do, but for Cui Xue, Sang Dazhuang has to do it himself.

He knew that Cui Xue would definitely be released. After all, those things that are fake are always fake, and nothing can be done. The important thing is not to let Cui Xue die so easily.

So, what he has to do is to shed a layer of skin before Cui Xue is released.

The person behind Cui Xue and the person behind Fan Jian are the same, and the means are really good. But now that two of his people have accidents, protecting whoever is not protecting the other is enough for that person to be anxious for a few days, and it is a good time for Sang Dazhuang to make a move.

It snowed a few more times, and the snow piled up on the ground was up to the knees. Few people visited the house anymore. It was really cold.

Yuzhi is weak and detained at home, unable to take a step out. Yuzhi herself is also a quiet person, so it’s okay if she doesn’t come out.

This day, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were finishing their clothes at home, and there were only two of them at home. The courtyard door was suddenly slammed, and the needle tip of the elm branch was so frightened that it stuck in his hand.

Slightly pink beads of blood dripped down her fingertips. She was not in good health, and her blood was not bright red.

Wang Xinfeng got angry immediately, picked up the broom for sweeping the kang, and rushed out.

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"Which brain is fed to the dog, you don’t lie on your kang in the cold weather, and run to the old lady’s gate to show off, if you don’t tell me something today, my old lady will give you a ride."

The door was torn open, and the fists that were slamming on the door almost fell on Wang Xinfeng’s face.

Wang Xinfeng’s anger rose again. It seemed that the person was unfamiliar, not from the village, and had a ferocious face.

Raised the broom and smashed it up: "Blind your dog eyes, run wild at the gate of my old lady, shake your fist at my old lady, go to ten miles and eight villages to find out if I, Wang Xinfeng, are easy to bully. My old lady escaped with a big belly Here, no one has been bullied to the point of being bullied, and I almost smashed my face when I called you a dog today, what are you, dare to rank with my old lady."

"My name as the widow of the king is not blown out. I have lived most of my life, and I can still be bullied by your grandson. Wouldn’t it be a joke to tell it? If you dare to knock on the door today, will you dare to take a knife tomorrow?" Lao Sang’s family murdered people? You thought it was the first few years when bandits were rampant, so you can endure it."

"Thinking that the old lady can give you two points of face by putting on a mourning face? Pooh, even if you put the dead on the old lady’s kang, the old lady can chop it up for you and feed it to the dog to scare the old lady. Isn’t the old lady scared too much?" Yes. I gave you one or two embarrassments, and acted fiercely under the name of my mother, so as not to let you see how powerful my mother is. I really thought the sun rose from the west, you bastard."

Wang Xinfeng beat the broom without missing a beat. He was in his thirties, and a dark-skinned man ran away with his head in his arms. The man’s name was Wu Shangde, from the Guwu brigade next door.

There is another group next to him, they are relatives of Wu Shangde, and they come to help.

Everyone in the Wu family did not expect Wang Xinfeng’s movements to be so fast and ruthless. The crackling of his mouth was smoother and louder than setting off firecrackers, as if he didn’t even have to catch his breath.

Being dumbfounded by this wave of awesome operations, he stayed where he was.

Wu Shangde’s son Wu Xiaogou, nicknamed Gouzi, fought with Sang Ye a few days ago and lost.

It is common for children to fight, and there are rules among children. Fights cannot be reported. Ask an adult for help, or you will be excluded by all the children.

Wu Puppy didn’t file a complaint, but after being beaten by Mulberry Ye that day, he had chest pains all the time, thinking that he would be fine after two days of pain, and didn’t care.

Unexpectedly, on the third day, I started to have a fever, and I was sent to the commune for antipyretic injections, but it was useless.

The chest hurt more and more, and the high fever persisted, so the family members were anxious and sent them to the town.

The doctor checked and found out that the ribs were cracked.

How could a good rib crack? After some questioning, Wu Xiaogou said that it was caused by a fight with Sang Ye.

No, the Wu family didn’t say anything, so they brought people to discuss the explanation.

The Gubai Brigade and the Guwu Brigade are close to each other. Everyone knows what is going on with each other and who is there.

The Wu family also knew about Sang Dazhuang’s reputation, and they were indeed a little apprehensive.

But thinking that I am reasonable, it will definitely be no problem to make a head start.

Who would have thought that a face-to-face meeting would be a complete failure.

Wu Shangde’s daughter-in-law Sun and old mother Wu Wang were also in the crowd, and they were stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses. They were so full of words that they didn’t use a word, and they were dumbfounded by Wang Xinfeng’s operation.

After regaining her senses, Wu Wang took the lead to rush over with her teeth and claws: "Wang Xinfeng, you wicked woman, your family is a bully, you don’t apologize for bullying people, you don’t care about it, and you are still fighting now, my mother is going to sue you. Don’t you Stop it, stop it quickly."

Wu Wangshi is about the same age as Wang Xinfeng, with a thin body and a prominent frontal bone. She looks a bit mean, and she stretches out her hand to pull Wang Xinfeng’s hair so fiercely, she doesn’t look like an old lady at all, she is very agile.

Yuzhi ran out and saw it, panicked, and hurried forward to stop him.

Unexpectedly, when Mrs. Sun saw Yuzhi’s face, she would be so jealous that she would go crazy, grinding her back teeth, and ran over to make a black hand, grabbing Yuzhi’s hair from behind, and throwing it out.

Yuzhi was caught off guard, staggered a few steps, his feet went limp, and he fell to the ground, his back hit the stone pier at the door, almost gasping for breath in pain, and he didn’t recover for a long time.

"Zhizhi..." Wang Xinfeng turned pale with fright, and ran to help her.

"Zhizhi, are you hurt? Don’t scare mom."

Ms. Sun rolled her eyes and muttered to herself that the elm branch is pretending to be a vixen, and if you pull it, you will die or live, it’s disgusting.

Yuzhi could feel that his internal organs were hurt, and he shook his head with a difficult smile, afraid that Wang Xinfeng would be worried, so he lied casually: "It’s okay, I just flicked my waist, don’t worry, Mom."

"It’s fine as long as it’s fine, it’s fine as long as it’s fine, just sit here obediently, don’t go forward, and see how mom avenges you."

Yuzhi stretched out his hand to stop him, but as soon as he moved, he gasped in pain.

Wang Xinfeng had already rushed out, pulled Sun’s hair, waved his hands, and slapped him left and right.

"A prostitute raised by a bitch, you dare to touch my mother and daughter-in-law, you are a cheap thing, and you don’t urinate according to your own virtue. Don’t you want your dirty hands? If my daughter-in-law loses a hair, my mother Just chop off one of your fingers."

Ms. Sun was beaten and screamed. She was obviously young and strong, but she couldn’t break free from Wang Xinfeng’s restraint.

Wang Xinfeng’s face was so frightening that everyone in the Wu family didn’t dare to come forward to help.

There was a lot of movement here, and soon someone came out to watch the fun. Yuzhi saw Li Jianshe’s family and shouted: "Sister-in-law Chen, please help me, and bring my mother back."

Seeing that Yuzhi’s face was frighteningly pale and sweating, Mrs. Chen was more worried about her than Wang Xinfeng.

"Brother and sister, are you okay, your complexion is very bad."

Yuzhi shook her head: "I just flashed my waist, thank you sister-in-law, please bring my mother back, she is old, don’t hurt her." Yuzhi said a word, took a breath, and his face turned pale again. My heart almost stopped in fright, Yuzhi looked as if she was going to go.

"Okay, okay, I’ll go right away, don’t move."

"Aunt Wang, don’t fight, just talk if you have something to say, don’t get angry." A few more enthusiastic women came and went up to fight with Mrs. Chen.

Wang Xinfeng’s strength is really great, several women couldn’t pull it away together, and she didn’t let go until Sun became a pig’s head, her masculine face was full of anger, and anyone who saw it felt a little guilty.

The Wu family and the relatives who came to help swallowed their saliva and lowered their heads, fearing that they would be the next one Wang Xinfeng would clean up.

"What’s the matter, why did the fight start? You are from the brigade next door, what are you doing here?" The brigade leader who arrived late, before he had time to catch his breath, pointed to Wu Shangde and asked.

Captain Li Wangmin, in his fifties, with wrinkled face, unshaven beard, tall and thin, with dark skin, looks very old.

Wu Shangde was beaten by Wang Xinfeng until his whole body ached, his face lost the fierceness he had seen at the beginning, but his face was not in a good mood either, he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

If you can’t beat Wang Xinfeng, you can’t scold Wang Xinfeng, so he just reasoned with them.

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