Rebirth of the Ruined Noble Chapter 117 The Fire Dragon Ugram (7)

Chapter 117 The Fire Dragon Ugram (7)

The blessing of the fire dragon enfolded Eren’s form in a gentle, flickering orange luminescence, a spectacle that resonated with the warm energy coursing through his veins. It was as if the very essence of the ancient creature had intertwined with his being, the sacred pact between dragon and Pendragon now imprinted within his very soul.

The artifact embedded within Eren pulsated in acknowledgment, affirming the successful culmination of the dragon’s blessings.

’This… I feel invigorated, somehow,’ Eren mused, a newfound vitality permeating his senses. The blessing’s potency exceeded its apparent immunity to fire, a mysterious surge of life force infusing him with an unexpected vigor.

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With the fire dragon’s power now safeguarding his path, and a sense of fulfillment in having unraveled some of the mysteries surrounding the dragon’s history, Eren respectfully bid farewell to the guardian of the Pendragons that had granted him its trust.

"Then, I shall take my leave, Sir Ugram," Eren articulated with a respectful bow, his words carrying a sense of gratitude and purpose.

The fire dragon responded with a silent acquiescence, its massive form settling back into its watchful repose, the dragon egg nestled beneath its protective bulk.

Eren’s footsteps retraced the path through the volcanic terrain, a juxtaposition of molten fury and smoldering embers. The way he had entered this otherworldly realm alongside his father had sealed itself, compelling him to navigate through an uncharted course devoid of searing lava. Eventually, his journey led him to a lofty vantage point atop the volcanic peak.


A gasp escaped Eren as the powerful gusts of wind, laden with the secrets of the ages, whipped around him. His raven hair danced in the tempest’s embrace as he stood upon the precipice, greeted by a breathtaking panorama that lay before him - the vast expanse of the Pendragon barony, verdant and untouched, stretching out beneath the canvas of the open sky.

A spectral voice, like a whisper carried by the winds, reached his ears just moments before a figure materialized before him.

It was his uncle, Huges Pendragon. Eren’s eyes met the familial gaze of family, a beacon of warmth and reassurance in this sea of revelations. It became clear that Hubert, his father, had anticipated Eren’s emergence and dispatched Huges to guide him back.

"Let us return home, dear nephew," Huges spoke in a voice that resonated with familial affection. His words carried a comforting embrace that surpassed the spoken word.

It seemed as he already noticed the dragon blessing on Eren as he smiled warmly. With his uncle’s arm draped around his shoulders, Eren embarked back to the Pendragon Barony..

In the midst of this shared journey, Huges asked for the details regarding his encounter with the dragon as he was too curious and Eren recounted all the details as he knew his uncle wouldn;t give up otherwise. Of course, he hid all the conversations regarding him being the regressor, since he didn’t want his family to know that fact.

With a playful banter between the duo, they reached the Pendragon barony in no time.


The days that followed seemed to blur together, time flowing as Eren lingered within the embrace of the Pendragon region. It was as though the currents of time had gentled, a week passing by in what felt like the span of a mere breath. Eren found himself immersed in a bittersweet symphony of family love and newfound hope, his every moment a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

In the course of that week, Eren basked in the warmth of his family’s affection, rediscovering the simple joys that had been robbed from him in his previous life. Laughter intertwined with the tales shared, binding the wounds of the past and knitting together the threads of kinship that had been frayed by time. Yet, amidst the embrace of his loved ones, Eren remained steadfast in his purpose.

Amidst the grand halls of the ancestral Pendragon estate, Eren’s footfalls reverberated like echoes of determination. His hours were dedicated to poring over dusty tomes and deciphering faded scrolls, each page a whisper from the past.

The Pendragon library was very old and was not maintained in its best form as neither his father, who loved nature and nor his uncle, who was a musclehead, had any interest in reading books.

But Eren was now spending most of his time in the same library, where his quest was twofold: to uncover the mysteries behind the fire dragon and to trace the lineage of the Pendragons back to the ancestor who had forged the fateful pact with the fire dragon. The corridors of history unveiled their secrets, offering glimpses into the lives and choices of those who came before him.

As days melded into nights, a peculiar revelation surfaced, one that kindled a fire of curiosity within Eren. The roots of the Pendragon family extended far beyond the annals of the Mauryan empire, a revelation that sent ripples of intrigue through his thoughts.

’Were the Pendragons the vessels of the Nanda Kingdom?’

Eren’s mind wandered down this labyrinthine path of possibility, a question that held the potential to reshape his understanding of his lineage.

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Intriguing as it was, Eren’s focus shifted toward a particular enigma. The records seemed to veer away from divulging any information about the ancestor who had forged the pact with the fire dragon. The omission was conspicuous, a veiled secret that piqued his curiosity.

Nanda kingdom stood stall before the rise of the Mauryan empire which was founded by the first emperor, so if the pendragons had a history longer than that of the Mauryan empire, then he could only speculate that the Pendragons existed as a noble household of Nanda Kingdom, which once again led to many questions like why was the Pendragons left to thrive when the Nanda linage was killed off completely? Did the Pendragons fight against the first emperor of the Mauryan empire? If so, why did the Pendragons become a noble family of the Mauryan empire?.

There were many questions and Eren yearned to discuss this with his father, to glean any insights Hubert might possess.

Yet, before he could voice his queries, a missive, elegantly adorned with the seal of the Frejlord academy, arrived, demanding his attention.

The contents of the letter, though politely worded, carried an undeniable warning. Eren was reminded that his absence from the academy had exceeded two weeks, urging him to return promptly. The urgency was clear, and Eren’s departure from the Pendragon barony became inevitable.

The farewells were tender and filled with a blend of pride and concern.

"Take care of yourself, dear."

Sears said, hugging him. Her embrace held a mother’s worry, her whispered words a promise of prayers and protection.

"Hans will be escorting Eren, so he will be safe. Don’t worry honey."

Hubert said, pulling back his wife who refused to let go of Eren.

"The next time we meet, let’s have a spar. I will be expecting you to grow even more."

Huges said with a smile, ruffling his nephew’s hair.

"Definitely Uncle."

As he bid farewell to his family, the carriage awaited, to carry him back to the life he had temporarily left behind.

Hans, steadfast and reliable butler of the Pendragons, stood by, ready to guide Eren’s journey. The embrace of family tightened for a final moment, love and longing mingling in the air.

As the carriage set forth, Eren gazed out at the peaceful expanse before him. The scenery unfolded like a painted tapestry, each brushstroke a testament to the beauty of the world he sought to protect. In the midst of this serenity, Eren found his heart aflame with determination.

Much had transpired since the day of his regression, and the path ahead was yet untrodden. Lessons had been learned, truths uncovered, and a new mantle of responsibility assumed.

Eren’s identity had transformed, no longer the simple Mercenary Eren, but now the heir of the Pendragons and the apostle of the death god, Eren Pendragon. With resolute conviction, he pledged to shield the peace he had rekindled, to unravel the webs of intrigue that enshrouded his past, and to safeguard his loved ones at all costs.

As the carriage rolled onward, Eren’s gaze remained fixed on the horizon, his spirit aflame with the unwavering determination of a man reborn.


Daily Chapter Release~

End of Volume 01 - Rising Flames and the Haunting Past.

With this chapter the volume 1 of the novel is completed and from the next chapter we will start a new volume, Volume 02 - The Secrets of Yalindor.

(P.S: I understand that the repeated chapter releases may have become frustrating for everyone, and I am fully aware of how bothersome it can be. Being confined to the hospital has made it incredibly challenging for me to maintain focus on the story, and I genuinely appreciate your understanding during this time. Fortunately, I am scheduled to return home tomorrow, which will allow me to diligently work on updating all the chapters. Despite my current circumstances, I humbly ask for your continued support, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding.)

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