Rebirth of the Ruined Noble Chapter 76 Terror Attack (1)

After 30 minutes of traveling by carriage, we arrived at the magnificent sight before us—the towering structure of the Royal Museum. The sheer size and grandeur of the building left us in awe as we marveled at its creation. Professor Lloyd, proudly introduced it to us as the pride of the Mauryan Empire.

"Let me introduce you all to the pride of the Mauryan Empire, the Royal Museum," Professor Lloyd exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

"Okay from here on out, you are all free to tour the museum, stick with your groups or tour on your own, but remember no one is allowed to wonder outside the royal museum"

With a warning from the professor to stay within the confines of the museum, the students dispersed, eager to explore the vast building.

Luna didn’t say anything to me, but I followed behind her for now since the instructor said that we should stick with the group.

But noticing me following their group, Luna suddenly came to a stop. After quickly turning around, she blurted out sharply.

"Let’s split up," Luna declared sharply, catching me off guard.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, sure," I responded, unsure of why she suddenly wanted to part ways. It was clear that she didn’t want to stick with me, and to be honest, I didn’t mind either.

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Besides, I planned to meet up with Evan.

Although I had a plan to acquire the weapon that I want, If something went wrong then I could use Evan’s help. He was the only one whom I could somewhat trust after all.

However, Luna’s glare and stern words interrupted my thoughts. "And... don’t talk to me as if we are friends," she warned, her hand on her hip.


What the hell is this brat saying?

She didn’t let me even talk and continued her arrogant words.

"This is the second warning. There won’t be a third time."

Did she think I wanted to be friends with her? With this arrogant chick? Not in one hundred years!

I had the urge to give her a nice slap, but I held myself back since I don’t want to cause a scene here in the Royal Museum.

I just walked past her, ignoring her remarks.

"... Tsk."

The arrogant young lady then walked away, clicking her tongue. It was clear how much she disliked me.

Anyway, determined not to let her ruin my day, I strolled into the royal museum alone.


"Phew, I thought I was lost," I sighed in relief. It was my first time in the Royal Museum, and the vastness of the interior almost overwhelmed me. The magnificent building mirrored itself, showcasing the rich history contained within its walls.

Seeing this calm and serene scene, I was once again reminded of the incident that would occur today.

—Mother, what’s that?

—Oh, that’s the crown of the first queen, after her death, the emperor didn’t allow it to be passed on to the next queen but kept it here in her memory.....

Perhaps because it was currently the harvest season when the merchants travel the most, the museum was bustling with people. Families with wide-eyed children, couples hand in hand, and avid history enthusiasts who had entered the royal museum after paying hefty entrance fees and going through the security of the royal army were enthusiastically looking around!

But no matter the size of the crowd, there were bound to be people who stood out, like the strikingly beautiful Princess Aurora and the imposing figure of Evan.

My attention was drawn towards Evan, although my eyes couldn’t help but steal glances at the princess.

"...I want it."

Evan’s eyes were fixated on a specific object on display, gleaming with greed.

It was a pair of gauntlets!

Evan, hailing from the D clan, didn’t use any weapons following his ancestors, rather his body itself acted as a weapon.

But seeing that even such a person is eyeing on a weapon, it got me curious!

Approaching him furtively, I scanned the weapon Evan was looking for.

There were some letters written below the pair of gauntlets.

"Heaven Obliterating Warfists?", I mused aloud.

It is a weapon of the past. To know more about it we have to delve into the history of the Mauryan empire.

The current Mauryan Empire had emerged from a rebellion fueled by the anger of those who had been oppressed under the Nanda Kingdom’s reign. Four individuals played pivotal roles in establishing the empire—

The warrior blessed by the gods, who later became the emperor of the new empire.

The Grand mage who supported the warrior with his brain and brawl.

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The duke of the Nanda empire who provided a large support with his invincible army.

And finally the battle maniac, the battle maniac known as the Heavenly Breaking Overlord, Ragnar Ironhelm.

These gauntlets had once belonged to Ragnar Ironhelm, who single-handedly toppled the battlefield with his bare hands. After the rebellion, Ragnar had bestowed his weapons upon his three companions before vanishing from the world, leaving his fate unknown.

No one knows where he went or what happened to him but only the tales of him were left alive.

"Hm? Ah..."

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed Evan’s gaze shifting from the Heaven Obliterating Warfists to me. His eyes held a mixture of surprise and curiosity, his focus momentarily diverted from the gauntlets that had captivated him.

"You seem to like them very much," I commented, meeting his gaze with a genuine smile.

"Hmm..they are very tempting."

"Hmm...they are very tempting," Evan admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of longing. His attention drifted momentarily, and then he pointed at another weapon displayed nearby.

"Apparently, this section contains weapons from the rebellion period before the establishment of the Mauryan Empire. Besides these gauntlets, there are many other remarkable weapons on display, such as Satan’s Rifle. Have you seen it?"

"...The Satan’s rifle?"

My gaze shifted to the rifle that was on display.

Radiating an otherworldly aura that was both captivating and foreboding was the black rifle. Its craftsmanship was exquisite, as if it had been forged by the hands of the underworld itself. The rifle bore a sleek, blackened metal body adorned with intricate engravings, depicting scenes of demonic battles and infernal landscapes.

The weapon’s barrel was long and slender, its surface shimmering with an eerie crimson glow, hinting at the unearthly power contained within. The stock, crafted from dark, polished wood, seemed to emanate an unsettling energy, as if it were infused with the essence of malevolence.

Atop the rifle, a menacing scope rested, its lens dark and alluring. It seemed to peer into the depths of darkness itself

"Yep. It’s said to be a magical gun used by someone from the Nanda Empire," Evan explained, but I knew more about the weapon than he could ever imagine.

Afterall, it was the weapon I was looking for.

The Satan’s rifle.

It was a weapon which didn’t belong to the mortal world.

It was an object made in the realm of Demons, hell.

That’s right! It was crafted in the depths of hell.

The history of this weapon is not recorded in the museum except for its name, because the four pillars thought it would be better not to make it public.

This weapon is a result of Nanda King’s madness.

Blinded by power, the Nanda king held a huge ritual and sacrificed ten thousand citizens at once and offered their lives to one of the 36 monarchs of hell, the Demon King Purson.

And this Satan’s rifle is a weapon which the demon king bestowed to him.

And it eventually found its way into the possession of the Emperor. The story of the weapon’s origin remained a secret, known only to the four pillars of power who deemed it best to keep it hidden.

I only know this story because of an incident that happened in my past life.

In my previous life, when the demon king Purson descended upon the mortal realm, he targeted the Royal Museum with a single-minded goal—to claim the Satan’s Rifle as his own.

The human army was not ready for such action and the weapon eventually fell into his hands.

And Once he possessed Satan’s Rifle, there was no stopping him.

He became a formidable force on the battlefield, using its power to teleport to strategic locations and pick off frontline soldiers from a safe distance. It was a cowardly tactic, but undeniably effective.

He was a coward!

But he was also the one who dealt the most damage to the army of living!

The chaos that ensued was catastrophic, and the weapon’s immense power aided him in wreaking havoc on the world.

Anyway, now that I have regressed into the past, I will make this weapon mine.

"And there....."

Right when Evan was about to say something...


A thunderous explosion reverberated through the museum.


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