Rebirth of the Ruined Noble Chapter 94 Situation After The Attack (3)

"The Dragon Heart of Byrve, the evil dragon, is also missing."

The royal court fell into a hushed silence as Aurnox delivered his report on the missing Dragon Heart of Byrve, the evil dragon, and murmurs of concern and disbelief spread like wildfire among the attendees.

Grand Duke Leopald Von Rozental was the first to react, his aged appearance contrasting with that of Grand Duke Agnus, who still retained the vigor of his prime.

Leopald’s voice quivered with disbelief as he exclaimed, "What do you mean the dragon heart is missing?!"

With his flowing white hair and beard, Leopald exudes an air of wisdom, while his muscular physique hinted at his power and noble lineage

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The Dragon Heart held far greater significance than a mere relic of the past; it symbolized the myth of the first emperor and humanity’s triumph over dragons. And the fact that such a symbol is missing was a great shock for all those who heard Aurnox’s words.

Aurnox, composed and resolute, responded, "It is as it sounds, Duke Leopald. When we arrived at the designated location, the dragon heart was nowhere to be found. It appears that the rebels have managed to steal it. Furthermore, we cannot dismiss the possibility that one of the visitors may have been involved in the theft."

At this revelation, the emperor finally interjected, his silence broken since the commencement of Aurnox’s report. "The dragon heart holds immense importance for our empire. Its loss would be catastrophic."

His voice resounded throughout the royal court drawing the attention of all those present.

"It is a symbol we cannot afford to lose. If news of the missing dragon heart spreads, the calm that followed the royal museum attack will be disrupted, causing an uproar among the citizens."

The theft of the national treasure of the Mauryan Empire would have significant repercussions if it became known, and the emperor wanted to avoid that at all costs.

"Keep the fact that the dragon heart is missing a secret for now. We cannot afford to create internal problems while our neighbors wait for an opportunity to invade!" The emperor’s firm voice warned everyone present not to disclose any of the matters discussed there.

"Aurnox, continue the investigation and track down those responsible. If needed, you can seek assistance from the First Division."

He turned his attention towards the first division commander of the royal army.

"Gallard, ensure you support the investigation," the emperor ordered, to which both Gallard and Aurnox agreed.

Both Aurnox and Gallard acknowledged the emperor’s command with a resolute "As you wish, Your Majesty." They returned to their positions, their minds filled with the weighty task that lay ahead. As the discussion shifted to the next topic, the prime minister of the Mauryan Empire seized the opportunity to address the court.

"Allow me to bring to your attention another matter of great importance," the prime minister began, drawing the attention of all present.

His appearance was that of an aged man, his long white beard framing his petite figure, which was draped in a flowing white robe.

The royal court filled with abuzz in anticipation as the esteemed officials and dignitaries gathered to discuss matters of great importance eagerly awaited the Sage’s words.

"A new Armage has been born on the land of the Mauryan empire."

He revealed the matter regarding the breakthrough of Lloyd Fronterra, the professor at the estimated Frejlord academy to the court.

Aside from being the prime minister of the great Mauryan empire, the sage held numerous titles, including the Sage of Wisdom, Master of the Tower of Wisdom, one of the seven Sages of the Mauryan Empire, etc.

However, the officials of the Mauryan emperor knew him by his true name, the Supreme Star, Lucas Traumen.

Despite appearing frail and aged, the men gathered in the royal court understood not to judge him solely based on his looks.

The old man who looked like he was at the end of his days was actually one of the four supreme stars of the continent.

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. "It is a great blessing and a time for enjoyment," he addressed the Emperor, his words carrying a weight of authority and wisdom. He suggested holding a banquet to celebrate the birth of a new Archmage, a momentous occasion deserving of such recognition.

The Emperor, Kaiser Von Brittan, met the gaze of the old man with an impassive expression, giving no indication of his thoughts or emotions. However, those present in the court were well aware of the strained relationship between the Emperor and the Frontera family. A topic of potential contention, they dared not broach it. Yet, in this situation, the Supreme Star’s suggestion held weight and significance.

Who better than a fellow supreme star to counterbalance another? The Sage had proposed the banquet, leaving the Emperor with no reasonable grounds to deny it.

"That is only natural," the Emperor finally responded, maintaining his regal dignity. "We must celebrate the advent of such a blessing."

The Tower Master of the Justice Tower, Sage Atri, seized the opportunity to present his thoughts before the Emperor. With his red hair and neatly shaved beard, despite being in his forties, he appeared younger, almost as if he had just entered his thirties. His outward appearance exuded an air of cleanliness and tidiness, akin to that of a strict yet caring father.

"Your Majesty, if I may," Sage Atri spoke respectfully, seeking permission to share his perspective.

The Emperor granted him the floor with a nod and the prime minister sat back in his place.

There were seven sages in the Mauryan empire all of them were those with incredible achievements and immense power.

And Atri was the youngest of the seven sages. Even though he was young, he was in no way inferior to his seniors.

He was just, honest and up-right. It was these qualities that had earned him the seat of the Tower master of the Justice tower even at a relatively younger age as compared to the other seven sages.

As he walked to the middle of court, he started to present his opinion.

"Your majesty, many of those who were present in the royal museum have done their best to stop the rebels and the monster. They have minimized the damage inflicted upon the royal museum as much as they could while they have also saved many lives."

There was no exaggeration or praise in his words, he just stated what was the truth.

If the Freljord academy or the royal soldiers had chosen to run away instead of fighting off the monsters and rebels then the consequences of that would have been far more severe.

And they had done so with their rightfulness and kind heart, so Sage Atri requested the court.

"It is only right that we reward them."

Sage Atri addressed the court, acknowledging the courageous efforts of those present at the royal museum during the recent attack by rebels. Soldiers, professors, and students from the Freljord Academy had fought valiantly against the monsters and rebels, and it was only fitting to reward their dedication and bravery.

To maintain the Emperor’s favor and honor their sacrifices, Sage Atri proposed holding an award ceremony in conjunction with the banquet.

"I suggest we hold a reward ceremony alongside the banquet, to acknowledge and reward those who fought against the rebels," Sage Atri humbly put forth his suggestion before stepping back, awaiting the Emperor’s decision.

The Emperor, deep in thought, pondered the proposal for a moment before making his ruling. "It is only right that we reward the heroes who have valiantly defended against the rebels," he declared, rising from his golden throne with regal poise. "Prime Minister, I entrust you with the task of selecting a suitable day for the grand banquet and the rewarding of those who fought in the battle against the rebels."

Having made his decree, the Emperor emphasized once more, his tone grave and admonishing, "Once again, I remind you all that the matter regarding the missing dragon heart must not leave this court until it is safely recovered. Practice caution and discretion in this regard."

With his final warning to all the attendees of the royal court, the Emperor departed, accompanied by his retinue of guards.

Dooth, the messenger of the emperor came forward after the departure of the emperor and brought an end to the court session, declaring, "The court is officially adjourned."


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