Reborn As A Nephilim: The Rise of A Manaless Prince Chapter 102 The Power Of Earth

Arvell stepped through a pair of metallic doors, entering a sizeable sealed-off room.


After he walked through the doors, they closed with a slam behind him.

From where he was standing, Arvell estimated the room to be 25 m x 25m x 25m cube, with all of the doors, ceilings, walls and floors laden with enchantments to protect against magic attacks.

The floors were also covered in a layer of dirt, some small water puddles, trim shrubbery and other components of nature to simulate outside combat as accurately as possible.

This was just one of the various arenas in the noble’s arena, with the entire facility having around 6 similar rooms.

The arena was designed to shelter the entire population of Karsia in case of a future emergency.

Needless to say, there was more than enough space for their purposes.

Above a certain height, the metal wall appeared to have been replaced by a see-through glass-like material, with a set of bleachers on the other side.

Taking a look, Arvell could see Zen, Angela, Wilfried, Lienna, and the Verlice family eagerly watching.

Lienna had a conflicted expression but forced a smile when Arvell looked her way.

’She doesn’t think I’m strong enough to fight him,’ Arvell thought.

Wilfried placed his hand on her shoulder and whispered something into her ears.

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Hearing his words, Lienna reluctantly nodded before she gave Arvell a thumbs up.

Arvell looked at her blankly before responding with a similar thumbs-up gesture.

’I wonder what he told her?’

Lykos watched the duke and his wife with a scrutinizing gaze.

’Well, whatever it was seemed to do the trick.’

"Are you ready, Arvell?"

James gave Arvell a confident smile and tossed him a blunted metal sword.

Arvell reached out his hand to catch it.

Since this was only a spar, they were using specially designed weapons with a somewhat blunted end in case of potential accidents.

To be fair, Arvell didn’t like the idea, especially since he was sure that nothing terrible would happen even if they were adequately sharpened; this was something Wilfried wasn’t willing to negotiate on.

Arvell started slashing the air, trying to get used to the sensation of wielding the sword.

’The air resistance is more than usual. It feels… off.’

Arvell took a fighting stance, aiming the tip of his sword straight at James’s chest.

’That’s something I’ll have to get used to then.’

Arvell was itching for a fight since that was the only way he could truly feel the effects of refining his Nether Body to the 2nd stage of the 1st refining stage.

Shortly before James arrived, Arvell had taken the time to check the effects of refining his Nether Body had his overall strength.


[Status Information]

Name: Arvell Relas Vispia

Species: Nephilim

Age: 13 years old

HP: 150

STA: 101

DEF: 88

SPD: 89




AETHER: 120/120

NETHER: 120/120

Titles: 3rd Prince of Vispia (Exiled), Inheritor of the Nephilim’s Legacy, Forever Alone?, Battle Maniac

Skills: God-Slaying Swordsmanship (SSS), Diplomacy (B-), Future sight (SS), Inventory (S), Temporal Manipulation (SSS), Warp (SSS), Rejuvenation (S), Undead Summon (S), Vitality Drain (SS), Alchemy (C), Hide Presence (C), Night-Vision (C).

As before, refining his Nether Body had resulted in Arvell gaining 10 additional stats in each of his stat values.

After the pain had fully subsided, Arvell could even feel the increase of power in himself quite quickly.

He felt much faster, more potent than usual.

An addicting feeling, at the very least.

’If I was this strong during the entrance examination, I would have been able to kill the Russian Python, Aether or not.’

Arvell felt he would be more of a match for Angela now, but still not yet at her level.

Even so, that was a significant achievement.

What he had accomplished in just over 5 months would have taken 2 years for some of the most talented mages on the continent.

’Time to see just how strong I really am.’

Arvell was tempted to use status on James, but after seeing it fail numerous times in recent days, he wanted to lower his dependence on it.

Learning to analyze his enemies on his own was also an essential skill.

Something he would never gain if he always used status as a clutch.

Taking a deep breath, Arvell observed James as if scrutinizing every muscle movement to see when James would strike.

Seeing this, James’s eyes narrowed as he assumed a similar stance.

But before they could start, one of the side doors opened, and a middle-aged man wearing a checkered uniform stepped onto the arena.

Neither James nor Arvell seemed surprised but calmly watched each other as the man approached the two of them.

The man turned to look at the two of them before nodding to himself.

"My name is Miles Retail, and I am the referee who will be overlooking the bout between Arvell Silvanus and James Verlice.

Under the grace of the gods above, I swear to maintain neutrality and judge the fight accordingly.

If I go back on my word, may the heavens smite me down!"

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’Pretty dramatic for an introduction speech,’ Lykos commented, ’I wonder what they do when you know… heaven doesn’t smite them down?’

’It’s just a matter of speech; people often say things like that and then go back on their words right after,’ Arvell calmly responded.

’Hah, you’re right about that.’

Miles pulled out a small coin and put it between his index and thumb finger as if he was ready to flick it.

"The instant this coin hits the floor, you may begin."

Miles flicked the coin into the air and took a few steps back, bringing his back as close to the wall as possible.

Arvell and James looked at each other dead in the eyes as if they were hunters watching their prey.

Both waiting for the opportune time to strike.

Listening to the sound of the coin hitting the floor.

The sound of the iconic…


James and Arvell dashed at each other at breakneck speed.

Arvell began to mumble gibberish under his breath while James began his incantation.

[Temporal Manipulation]

"Case me in an armour of earth! Give me Gaia’s grace… Earthen Armour!"

James’s sword and Arvell’s sword met with a reverberating *clang* as they continued their strenuous staring contest.

The earth around James’s feat began to slowly slither up his body, encasing him completely in magically strengthened dirt from head to toe, as if it was a second layering of skin.

Only small holes for his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth were left.

Everything else was covered under a layer of rocks.

"Earth magic?" Arvell asked out loud.

James nodded his head.

"It’s the Verlice family’s specialty.’

"Let’s test out just how strong it is."

Using his immense speed, Arvell unleashed a flurry of attacks on James.

Due to the increased weight of his body, it was almost impossible for James to properly move, resulting in him being unable to block most of Arvell’s sword swings. f𝚛𝗲𝐞𝐰e𝗯n𝗼v𝗲𝚕.𝚌o𝐦

However, what James lost in speed and maneuverability, he made up in raw defence.

Each of Arvell’s swings could leave only scratches on James’s Armour.

’This guy is like a turtle! I can’t kill him without breaking open his shell.’

Meanwhile, James watched Arvell with a shocked expression hidden under his helmet.

’How can a thirteen-year-old kid scratch my armour? That’s something that even some people my age can’t do! Moreover, this speed… It’s like I’m fighting Angela!’

Without relenting, Arvell continued on his flurry, attacking James repeatedly.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t dealing any substantial damage.

If anything, It looked like… James was healing?

Arvell paid close attention to one of the scratches he had put into James’s Earthen Armour while keeping on his onslaught.

An action that many would find near impossible to pull off.

Paying attention to a cut as small as that in the middle of a fight was incredible, to say the least.


The surrounding earth around the scratch began slowly filling up the crack until it was no longer visible.

Arvell’s eye’s widened at the realization.

’He’s healing! He can repair that armour mid-fight? But how?’

Knowing that any further onslaught would only serve to waste his stamina, Arvell jumped back, landing a couple of metres away.

If he wasted his stamina while James stood still and out healed his damage, Arvell was sure he would be the first one to fall.

He needed a better plan of attack.

Seeing Arvell back off, James’s smile widened.

’This kid is a monster! He already saw through my self-healing armour within only a few moments of us fighting!’

Seeing Arvell suddenly back off when it looked like he had the upper hand, Zen turned to his sister, who was conveniently sitting next to him.

"Big sis, why did Arvell back off? Wasn’t he overpowering James?"

Alecia had a soft smile as she turned to her brother.

"Arvell saw through James’s signature gimmick."

Zen tilted his head in confusion.

"Signature gimmick?"

"The Verlice Ducal house has always been known for their incredible prowess in earth magic, which you already know. However, did you know that they draw power directly from the earth?"

"Power from the earth?"

"The Mayfields are strongest when near large bodies of water, the Brandels are stronger in hotter, more arid temperatures and we Silvercolts tend to have an advantage in areas with high wind speeds.

As for the Verlice family? They are experts when fighting on land.

As long as they have their connection to the ground… They are invincible."


Author’s Note:

Sorry for the delay on today’s chapter!

I had to write an exam today, so I didn’t have much time to write last night or the majority of today.

Today’s and tomorrow’s chapters will be only 1 per day, but the 1 ch will be quite long.

Tomorrow’s chapters will most likely be late as well.

If everything works out, the day after tomorrow, everything should go back to normal.

I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused

-Sleepy Slime

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