Reborn As A Nephilim: The Rise of A Manaless Prince Chapter 70 You Call That A Punch?

Arvell composed himself, not letting any of his anger or dissatisfaction leak out behind his calm facade.

He flashed her an enchanting smile.

"And you are?"

The girl straightened her appearance and looked at Arvell earnestly.

"I am A-"

"Actually… I don’t care who you are," Arvell interrupted, "All I can tell you is to fuck off as far as you can go, or I’ll take make you do so myself. Don’t believe that just because you’re a woman I won’t hurt you. I’m an advocate of true gender equality, drop kicking one or two women isn’t much for me. Not that I even want to touch the filthy thing you call a body."

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Arvell threw her one more disgusted look before returning to his book.

Proceeding to completely ignore the seething girl standing before him.


Arvell’s words snapped her out of her lust-induced reverie, causing her judgement to no longer be clouded with desire.

The only thing that remained was anger.

She was a noble’s daughter!

It was bad enough she needed to participate in this dumb examination, but a mere commoner decided to stand up to her?

Insult her even?

There was no way she would let this slide.

She looked across the room and beckoned to a group of fellow examinees.

Something that Arvell honestly couldn’t be too bothered to care about.

After all, he knew what was coming next.

The examinees all bent down on one knee.

"What do you desire milady?"

They all spoke in perfect unison as if they had done this many times in the past already.

The girl pointed to Arvell.

"I want you to go teach that commoner about the consequences for defying me! Make him suffer!"

The girl didn’t seem to care that she was in an examination facility for the most prestigious academy in the country.

She was completely blinded by rage.

As for the consequences?

Her family would handle it.

After all, it’s just a commoner kid.

Surely no one would care about filth such as them, right?

Seeing the group of examinees approach him, Arvell sighed.

’No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to stay under the radar… Seriously, why is this so hard?’

’What’s done is done, you just have to deal with the consequences.’ Lykos consoled.

The nearby examinees also started to notice something was wrong, and all gathered in a circle to watch the proceedings.

One of the people sent by the girl stopped in front of Arvell.

"You can only blame yourself for what happens next. This is the fate of those who defy Lady Antoinette Turley."

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Without lifting his head from his book Arvell responded.

"I thought I made it pretty clear that I don’t care who the hell she is."

After finishing the page he was on, Arvell flipped to the next one.

The lack of interest Arvell was showing them served to only piss them off further.

Eventually, one of them snapped and hurled a punch straight at Arvell’s head.

"No technique, and barely any power… What a failure of a punch."

Arvell twisted his head to the left, calmly dodging the punch effortlessly.

It was so fluent, it was almost one continuous movement.

He did all of this, without even taking his eyes off of his book.

With his heightened Nephilim senses, there simply was no need to.

Even if he couldn’t see something, he could hear it, smell it, or even feel the change in the movement of air with his heightened sense of touch.

All of those gave him an almost 360 view around himself, so even if he couldn’t see something with his eyes, he could still sense it all the same.

However, this kind of view wasn’t really useful in fighting enemies far stronger than him, since most were fast enough to enter within striking range before Arvell could even sense them.

Even so, it was perfect for fighting enemies that were at his level or weaker.

This might even let him close the gap if his enemies are only a little stronger than him.

The girl who missed her punch looked at her hand with a confused look.

"T-that must have been a fluke!" Antoinette yelled in her squeaky, high-pitched voice.

Arvell felt that he would rather prefer listening to nails scratching a chalkboard, instead of her.

His sensitive ears meant that listening to her was far more excruciating than normal.

While Arvell had a high pain tolerance, he didn’t like to test its limits unless it was in a fight.

"Seriously… How deluded can one person be? Yo denied something you saw with your very own eyes, just because it hurts your precious little ego? You really must be mentally ill."

"YOUUUU!" Antoinette screamed.

Antoinette had it with this insolent commoner, she would make his life a living hell!

"Please kindly shut up. My ears can only handle so much of your noise pollution."

At this point some of the other examinees had also started to gather around as well, to see the source of the commotion.

They were mostly alerted by Antoinette’s high-pitched screams…

Before Antoinette could scream in anger again, the examinees she sent after Arvell all briefly exchanged glances and nodded their heads.

"Let’s beat him up together! There’s no way he can dodge all of us."

All five of them surrounded Arvell, forming a pentagon shape with Arvell in the center and cracked their knuckles menacingly.

One of them stepped up and took a swing at Arvell.

"Let’s see you handle this, pretty boy!"

"Sigh… It seems that in order for you all to shut up, I need to do it myself."

As Arvell was preparing to fight back, he suddenly heard a somewhat familiar voice call out.

"So who among you would care to explain what’s going on here?"

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