Reborn As A Nephilim: The Rise of A Manaless Prince Chapter 94 Back With The Silvercolts


"Stop it…"


"Come on. Leave me alone for just a bit longer..."


"Fine, fine, I’ll get up."

Arvell rubbed his eyes sluggishly and looked up at the black fox happily licking away at his face.


Seeing Arvell finally wake up, August happily purred.

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He brought his furry cheek over Arvell’s face and nuzzled him affectionately.

Smiling softly, Arvell gently stroked his head.

’Good morning Aug.’

Arvell communicated telepathically.


While he wasn’t able to decipher

Arvell sat up, bringing August onto his lap.

’Yesterday was a pain, to say the least.’

After dealing with a life-threatening situation, Arvell had been interrogated by the academy staff regarding what had transpired.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the instant Wilfried and his family saw Arvell’s immobile condition, they threw a fit.

Calling it just a fit would be a complete underestimation.

Lienna and Angela went into her ’overprotective family’ mode, trying their best to coddle Arvell.

While he appreciated their sentiments, it got tiring fast.

Especially when he had to convince them to not help him wash his back.

Since he couldn’t move his body, the Silvercolts wanted to help him by attending to his needs, so helping him wash his back wasn’t too far of a stretch in their eyes.

Arvell would have been thankful for their help if it wasn’t for one glaring issue.

He had wings poking out of his back.

While they could retract to the point where people couldn’t see them under his shirt, if they saw his bare back, his secret would have been revealed in no time.

To prevent any unnecessary problems from arising, Arvell decided to use charisma to ’convince’ them not to.

Making up an excuse about having a terrible scar on his back from his time as a slave, he convinced the two women to back off.

They wanted to help him, but if it meant digging up any trauma he’d suffered in the past at the hands of his ’kidnappers,’ they’d rather give Arvell his personal space.

Zen was still recovering from his trauma, so they understood that it wasn’t something Arvell could just overcome on a whim.

Seeing their genuine sincerity and care, Arvell felt a nagging feeling in his chest.

Manipulating kind people like this left a bad taste in his mouth, but it was necessary to preserve his life.

If he ever got the chance in the future, he’d repay them then.

Arvell stretched his exhausted muscles.

’Being able to move again feels like a blessing.’

August jumped onto Arvell’s shoulders, letting him stretch his legs.


Arvell scooted over to the end of the bed and got up off of the bed. 𝘧𝑟𝓮𝓮𝓌𝑒𝘣𝘯ℴ𝑣𝘦𝓵.𝒸ℴ𝑚

His muscles felt incredibly cramped after overexerting them yesterday.

While he could move just fine, it still felt a little forced.

’Nothing a nice hot bath can’t fix.’

Arvell took August and enjoyed a warm bath.

With the size of the bathtubs in the Silvercolt estate, he could stretch his body freely, even having enough space to release his wings.

2 enormous wings sprang out of Arvell’s back, one white as freshly fallen snow and the other as dark as an ever-consuming void.

While both wings looked beautiful in their own regard, seeing them in a single person felt… hard to look at.

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It was as if Arvell was some horribly meshed abomination.

Having any of his two wings accented his beauty, but having both made him look… off.

Arvell, of course, wasn’t one to care much about that, and neither was August.

They both just relaxed happily in the warm water.

Resting for almost 20 minutes, Arvell finally exited the bathtub with August in his hands.

After he finished getting ready, the two exited the room, heading for the living room to meet with the Silvercolt family.

Reaching the door, Arvell brought his hand to the handle, but he suddenly felt a shiver go down his spine.


Arvell hurriedly jumped away from the door, dodging the figure who jumped out from behind the door.

Missing her target, Angela’s outstretch arms hugged the empty air.


’Hold up, did she just click her tongue?’

Arvell looked at Angela with a deadpan expression.

"So close…" She muttered under her breath.

She turned her head to Arvell with a bright smile.

"I see you’re all better now! Big sister was worried for you, you know!."

’Please don’t refer to yourself as ’big sister’ in the third person; it’s weird,’ Arvell thought inwardly.

He flashed her an enamouring smile.

"Thanks, Ang-big sister Angela, having you personally take care of me helped me recover many times faster than usual."

Angela puffed her chest with pride.

"You can rely on your big sister anytime!"

Arvell’s eyes gave off a slight glint.

"Then… how about training later today?"

Angela froze and looked to the side with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"You see, Arvell, today I’m a little… busy."

Arvell raised an eyebrow at Angela’s words.

"Busy? With what?"

Before Angela could respond, a boy’s voice answered from behind her.

"Because she’s meeting up with James today."

Zen popped out from behind the doorway with a smug expression.

"James?" Arvell inquired, "you mean Angela’s fiance?"

Zen nodded his head.

"The one she’s MAD in love with," he replied without thinking.

Angela’s face turned red as she desperately tried to hide her embarrassment from the two.


Zen’s face paled as he realized he’d poked the sleeping tiger.

Now it was up to him the consequences.

He turned to Arvell and gave a 2-finger salute.

"It seems my life is in danger, so I’ll see you in a bit!"

Zen took off faster than the eye could perceive, with an angry Angela chasing after him.

Arvell watched the two act out their family comedy skit with a blank expression.

"Well… That happened."

Turning his attention back to the living room, Arvell cautiously entered.

However, even that wasn’t enough, as he felt a pair of arms circle around him and press his body into a pair of soft mounds.


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