Reborn As An Evolving Monster Chapter 327 Reborn As A Monster III (part 1)

Chapter 327 Reborn As A Monster III (part 1)

They always leave.

They always leave too soon.

Before I can tell them anything. Before I can tell them what I think. Before I can tell them how I feel. Before I can tell them the truth.

They leave too soon.

Before I can play with them. Before I can get closer to them. Before...

They all leave.

I don’t want them to leave. I want them to stay.

To stay with me.

But they won’t. Once they cross those doors, once they leave the building, once they’re gone, I can’t do anything.

They’re already gone by then.

What can I do?

I can’t do anything.

A child stuck in a hospital room glancing at the world outside from the window to his left.

They’re there. Outside. They’re there. I can’t reach them. They’re there. I can’t reach them.

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The whole world is outside this room. I can’t reach them.

Why can’t I reach them?

Why did they leave? Why did they stop coming to see me? Why did Mom and Dad stop coming too?

I thought they wouldn’t.

Even though I was stuck here, I made them smile. I made them laugh.

Because I couldn’t move, because I couldn’t leave with them, I tried so hard.

I was nice to them. I put smiles on their faces. I made them laugh.

It wasn’t enough.

It wasn’t?

But I tried so hard to...

Even when I felt tired, even when I felt sick, even when I didn’t want to smile, even when I didn’t want to laugh, I tried my best.

I tried to so hard to make them like me.

I tried so hard to keep them by my side.

And it wasn’t enough? It was all for nothing?

It was all for nothing.

Then... It wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t my fault that they left me. It wasn’t my fault that they left.

It was.

Because I was sick? It was my fault?

It wasn’t. It wasn’t. It wasn’t. It wasn’t. It wasn’t. It wasn’t. It wasn’t.

It was.

If I wasn’t sick, if my heart was stronger, if my legs hadn’t-

No! It... It was my fault.

What could I have done then? Stuck in that room, what could I have done to keep them with me? To keep them there with me?

Making them smile and laugh wasn’t enough.

Then...? What could I-


That’s right.


A crippled hospitalized boy couldn’t do anything. There is nothing that boy could have done to keep them.

But now... Now... I can.

I can?

Yes! I’m not like I used to! I got better!

I did?

I Evolved! I’m not the same anymore!

I’m not?

No! I’m not... I’m not... I’m not a boy anymore. I’m not... I’m not a cripple anymore.

I can move! I can run! I can... Do so many things!

I’m not the same as before! I’m way better than I used to be!

Way better... Than I used to be...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Way better than I used to be?

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

That’s right... I am better, aren’t I?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I did get better. I’m better than I used to be. I Evolved!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Then... They won’t leave me now! I won’t be alone again!

Never again!

But what if...

No! No! No! No!

What if they...

No! No! No! No!

I can go with them! I won’t lose them! Wherever they go, I can go with them!


I have... The means to be with them now! But what if I still...

No! No! No! No!

What if I still lose them?

I won’t.

What if they go to a play I can’t go to?

I can! I can go anywhere now!


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I can go anywhere now!

But. But. But. But. But. But. But.


What if I end up alone despite that? What if Evolving didn’t change anything? What if they still end up leaving me? What if... Being a Monster didn’t change anything?

No! No! No! It changed everything!

It did? It did! Everything has changed!

I won’t be alone again.

What if I lose them?

I won’t.

What if they’re taken away?

I won’t let that happen.

That’s right! I have strength now! I can... Do things now! I don’t have to helplessly watched them go!

But what about Light? What about Levi? Fiery and Gray?

No! No! No! That was different!

They were taken away.

I won’t let that happen again.

Why did I let him take them?

I didn’t!

I did! Why didn’t I fight?! Why didn’t I...

Because I couldn’t afford to.

I couldn’t... Lose them.

I couldn’t afford to let him see them!

To let him meet them!

He would have taken THEM away!

In the first place, it’s totally different now.

It is?

It is! I fought an Olga. I beat an Olga. It was soooo big! Bigger than that room. The size of the whole hospital maybe! And I beat it!

I killed it?

I killed it! And... The Forest! Yarnha! I beat a whoole Forest. The Spirit of a whole Forest, I beat it!

And a Commander.

And a Commander!

I’m way different.

I’m... I’m... I’m strong now.

I can make things happen! I can keep things from happening! I’m not weak anymore! I cna control my life now! I can control my body!

But is that enough?

It is!

But isn’t controling your body a given?

It is! To others!

Others can control their bodies, but they still struggle with...

I won’t! I won’t struggle! I don’t have any issues! I don’t have any problems! My only problem was my body! And now that it’s fixed... Now that it’s fixed...

Now that it’s fixed?

And Now that it’s fixed...

Now that it’s fixed, they won’t leave?

They won’t leave.

What if they want to leave?

They don’t.

What if they do?

They don’t!

What if they want to leave me? What if they don’t want to be with me? What if I’m the problem? What if it was never about my body in the first place?

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

It was about my body and nothing else!

How can I be sure?

Because I spent so long thinking about!

I did?

I did. So long.

Then... I have nothing to worry about?

Nothing to worry about!

But what if I’m wrong? What if I am the problem?

Then I’ll stop being the problem.

What if I can’t?

I can! I can do anything! I can be anything! Anything necessary! Anything necessary to keep them with me!

So I’ll change? I’ll change to keep them with me?

I’ll Evolve! I never liked myself much in the first place. So if it means keeping them with me, I’ll do it!



What if it’s not enough? What if they still don’t want me? What if...

What if they still want to leave me?

What if they still want to leave me?

I won’t let them.

I won’t let them... What?

I won’t let them.

I won’t let them?

I won’t let them leave.


They’re wrong to want to leave me in the first place.

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