Reborn As An Evolving Monster Chapter 70 Typhoon Wolves

In a certain vibrant forest, colorful flowers bloomed, beautiful greenery prospered, and wild beasts thrived.

Species of all kinds could be found.

Both fauna and flora lived in harmony.

While the natural balance and atmosphere found could be referred to as "harmonious", it would be a grave blunder to refer to it as "peaceful".

Multiple Species of Beasts lived inside that forest, making it an ecosystem regulated by its inhabitants and its inhabitants only.

There wasn’t anything like a link or connection between those inhabitants.

Still, there seemed to be an understanding of some kind between all of them.

An almighty axiom, that ruled the forest with an iron fist.

An axiom, that was both necessary and essential to the ecosystem’s regulation.

An axiom, that both flora and fauna followed.

It wasn’t taught.

Nor was it imposed on the forest’s inhabitants.

Yet, without fail, every one of them followed that axiom.

Maybe it was so self-evident, that the axiom was intuitively understood and agreed upon.

Or maybe, it was part of the inhabitants’ very being.

Part of the very genes that made up every cell of their bodies.

The axiom, is often referred to, as "The law of the jungle".

As that axiom is instinctively understood and agreed upon, there is a variety of ways to describe it or formulate it.

Any action in the pursuit of survival is not only acceptable, but necessary.

Self-preservation trumps all.

Hunt, or be hunted.

The simplest way to describe it would be...

Kill, or be killed.

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Of course, it is also possible, for the agreed-upon axiom, to be something entirely different.

After all, it might be the case, that only those who live in such ecosystems, can describe that axiom.

It might be the case, that only those living under those specific conditions, can formulate it clearly and correctly.

It might be the case, that only those who live by the axiom, truly understand it.

Simply put, all the inhabitants agree to hunt and devour each other, using merciless brute force.

Out of the many Species that lived and thrived inside that vibrant forest, one Species truly encapsulated that axiom.


A Signaler’s howl echoed.

The next prey had been detected.

The Wolves, that had been walking through the robust and tall trees that made up the forest, changed the direction in which they were heading.

They weren’t normal "Wolves".

But that didn’t make their way of life much different.

Inside the forest, this particular Species was neither the strongest, swiftest nor the most agile.

Yet, they prospered inside the ecosystem.

How could they, when their strength didn’t compare to that of others?

Why does this Species thrive?

Because, when it comes to survival, all means are justified.

Outnumbering the enemy.

Preying on the youngest.

Catching the enemy off guard.

Creating packs to divide up different tasks.

ALL means are justified.

The Wolves are, admittedly, individually weaker than many of the other Beasts inside the forest.

But the Species turned that weakness into strength.

That weakness obliged the Species to change and adapt.

It made the Species turn away from "Competition", and towards "Cooperation".

Bigger predators will fight each other.

Meanwhile, the Wolves will cooperate and take down the injured predators, who were, previously, too busy competing against each other.

Six Warriors walked stealthily.

In front of them, stood their Leader.

The seven, were "Typhoon Wolves".

Their pelt was mostly white, with a light hint of blue.

Seven "Typhoon Wolves".

But one was different from the rest.

It was bigger, stronger, faster, and its pelt more magnificent.

The Leader’s eyes had a vibrant golden tint.

The sky was clear.

The sun was shining.

For most of the Pack, it was just another day of hunting.

But for two of those Typhoon Wolves, it was a special day.

A very special day.

The day of their first hunt.

One of those two Typhoon Wolves was younger than the rest.

Much younger.

Too young to be hunting.

And yet, that Typhoon Wolf was the second biggest and strongest in the Pack.

The youngling’s pelt was undeniably the most beautiful and stunning in the Pack.

This one was often referred to as the Pack’s next Leader.

After all, it was still a growing Typhoon Wolf.

There was no doubt, that it would, one day, be, as big, if not bigger, as strong, if not stronger, than the Pack’s current Leader.

We’ll call this Typhoon Wolf "Snow".

The second one, on the other hand, was, when compared to the rest of the Pack, below average, in both size and strength.

Its pelt wasn’t white like the rest, but rather grayish.

It was only due to a lack of Warriors, that this one was temporarily given the right to participate in the Hunt.

We’ll call this Typhoon Wolf "Grey".

Both were eager to prove their worth.

A bird flew off a tree’s thin branch, leaving it swaying.

The Leader suddenly picked up the pace, and the rest followed.

After running for a couple of minutes, the Leader raised its snout.

It came to a stop and growled.

Snow, who had been running just a couple of meters behind the Leader, enthusiastically waited for orders.

On the other hand, Grey was the last of the Pack to arrive.

Already breathing heavily, the Typhoon Wolf’s movements were sluggish, almost lethargic.

The Pack’s Leader stared at the tired wolf.

Grey, aware of his own inadequacy, couldn’t do a thing but lower his gaze to the ground.

He couldn’t help but envy both Snow and the Leader, whose bodies were both strong and powerful.

The Leader gave orders.

A handful of minutes later, every Member of the Pack was stealthily hidden.

If one gazed from above, it was clear to notice that the Pack formed a circle.

And at that circle’s center, stood the Pack’s prey.

The Leader was confident.

After all, just 24 hours earlier, the Pack had managed to take down two "Tempest Saber-Toothed Tigers" at once.

In comparison, the enemy around whom the Pack had positioned itself, did not seem like much of a challenge.

Additionally, the Pack’s Hunting Team was, a day earlier, composed of five Members only.

But now, they had both Snow and Grey.

While expectations for Grey were low, Snow was, undoubtedly, a particularly strong addition to the Hunting Team.

The Typhoon Wolves, waiting for the perfect time to strike, stared at their prey.

It wasn’t a Beast, like the Storm Eagles or the Tempest Saber-toothed Tigers that the Pack was used to seeing.

The prey, this time, was a Monster.

But for both the Pack and its Leader, that did not change a thing.

The Monster’s body was muscular and lean.

Large, but not large enough to cause the Pack worry.

Saliva went down one of the Typhoon Wolves’ mouths, already fantasizing about the lean cuts of meat it would devour after the battle.

The prey’s body was covered by white scales.

It had two horns.

Black wings folded on its back.

Unlike the wings that the Pack was used to seeing, the Monster’s wings had no feathers.

But that too didn’t matter to the Pack.

The Members of the Pack patiently waited for their Leader’s signal.

A gentle breeze passed through the trees of the seemingly peaceful forest, making the Beasts’ fur dance.

The prey blinked, and,


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Determined to bring it down by himself, Snow swiftly jumped out of his hiding spot and quickly approached the target.

The rest of the Pack was stunned, but none moved.

The Leader hadn’t given the order yet.

Gazing upon the leaping Snow, Grey felt slight jealousy.

The Pack’s Leader opted to watch over the scene, as the youngest Typhoon Wolf demonstrated its muscles’ strength.

Snow freed his sharp fangs, aiming for the Prey’s neck.

Unfortunately, the Prey was no easy target.

The Monster covered in white scales reacted quickly.

Only then, did the Leader’s howl echo.

Two hands with deadly grip strength got a hold of Snow’s open mouth.

As per the Leader’s previous orders, Gray and another Typhoon Wolf stayed hidden.

The others immediately left their hiding spots and encircled the Prey.


From their hiding spots, Gray and another Typhoon Wolf used their "Wind Blast[B]" Magic Skill.

But before the attack could reach its target, a protective barrier appeared around the white-scaled Prey.

The barrier did not seem sturdy, as one could see through it.

Nevertheless, it somehow held up.

Through that barrier, the Pack Members witnessed a horrific scene.

A scene that made each Member tremble slightly.

The Monster’s right hand had a firm grasp on Snow’s lower jaw.

Its left hand, on his upper jaw.


The shaking Grey couldn’t help but take a step back.

Demonstrating both contempt and brutality, the Monster cast aside Snow’s bloody body, as if the young Typhoon Wolf was nothing more than a torn piece of cloth.

The Leader and three other Typhoon Wolves stood around their target, waiting for the protective barrier to disappear.

Once the barrier faded, Grey noticed something.

Something in the Monster’s hand.

Something it, previously, did not hold.

Ignoring the Typhoon Wolves around it, the Monster strengthened its grip, before throwing something akin to a black javelin with all its strength.

Weak and muffled whimpers echoed.

The "Weapon" had reached its target.

The hiding Typhoon Wolf’s body had been pierced.

Grey’s body shook.

He immediately ran to his injured comrade’s side.

Somehow, the javelin that had pierced the Typhoon Wolf’s body, was nowhere to be seen.

In response to his comrade’s weak cries, Grey’s body started trembling.

The fallen Typhoon Wolf rolled on the ground uncontrollably.

The next second, black blood started exiting its mouth and snout.

Undescribable pain took control of the injured.

The pain was such, that the poisoned used its own claws to scratch and mutilate its very own body.

When highly concentrated, Corruption could cause such horrible pain, that death seemed like a gentler option.

An option that the poisoned’s body instinctively longed for.

Grey’s whole body was violently trembling.

Unsure how to act, he used his paws to stop the poisoned Typhoon Wolf’s movements.

Grey stopped his comrade from self-mutilating any further, but...

The Corrupting Poison continued to spread.

The comrade’s weak cries stopped a couple of seconds later.

Grey turned towards the Monster.

Witnessing the demise of a second comrade, the Typhoon Wolves were seething.

The Leader growled.

New orders had been given.

The four Members, that encircled the Monster, took a couple of steps back.

The next second, three of them attacked.

The Leader, once again, opted to oversee the situation.

Orders were meant to be followed.

The Leader’s orders could not be contested.

Especially not in the middle of a hunt.

After all, the Leader is strongest.

After all, the Leader knows best.

With great speed, three Typhoon Wolves jumped towards their enemy, but the white-scaled Monster moved with even greater speed.

In one swift motion, the Monster’s left fist punched the attacker on its right, while a tail flick launched the other two away.

The next second, an attack, that the Monster had not expected, was about to pierce its neck.

Grey wanted to run away.

The Typhoon Wolf feared for its own life.

It had neither the size nor the strength, to be a Warrior.

Still, the weak and frail Typhoon Wolf couldn’t stand by, after witnessing the slaughter of two Members younger than itself.

Grey’s jaw was about to reach the enemy’s neck.

Unfortunately, all his fangs managed to catch was the Monster’s muscular forearm.

Surprised by Grey’s stealth, the Monster was taken aback.

The Typhoon Wolf bit down with all its strength.

It was convinced that, if it managed to tear that limb away or even just distract the enemy for long enough, the rest of the Pack and the Leader would end the Monster’s life.

Grey growled ferociously, but he couldn’t hide his trembling.

The weak Typhoon Wolf’s fangs barely made a dent in the Monster’s tough scales.

Still, Grey was convinced that if he could create an opening, the Leader would take down the Monster.

The two Members that had been launched away by the Monster’s tail flick struggled to stand back up.

Both had broken ribs.

The one that had been punched by the Monster, was heavily throwing up blood.

Nevertheless, it stood back up too.

Thanks to Grey’s surprise attack, the Monster had turned around.

The injured Typhoon Wolves now stood behind that Monster.

Grey strengthened his grasp on the forearm.

A fang pierced through the tough scales.

It came into contact with the Monster’s skin.

A drop of blood brushed Grey’s tongue.

Immediately gaining confidence, he could already savor the sweet taste of victory.

Grey was, more than ever, determined to never let go of that forearm.

He swore to keep the enemy’s attention on himself, even if it cost him his life.

He bet that life on the sneak attack that the Leader and his three injured comrades were about to execute.

Seeing Grey, who was both weaker and smaller than they were, fighting in their stead, the three injured Typhoon Wolves felt their strength and courage instantly come back.

The three used all the energy they had left to run towards the enemy.

The injured wolves jumped towards the Monster’s back.

The next second, the sound of heavy and powerful paws hitting the ground resonated.

Grey’s confidence peaked.

A ferocious expression appeared on his face.

His jaw exerted strength he did not know he possessed.

The Pack’s Leader had finally made his move.

How will the Leader coordinate the attack?

How can we help the Leader defeat the Monster?

Will the Leader even be able to defeat the Monster?

Futile and foolish questions that never crossed the Typhoon Wolves’ minds.

Every Member of the Pack had absolute confidence in their Leader’s capability and strength.

The Leader cannot be defeated.

The Leader cannot lose.

The Leader will defeat the enemy.

By this time, Grey’s fangs were firmly implanted inside the Monster’s forearm.

But the next second, the rage-filled expression, that the Typhoon Wolf previously wore, disappeared.

Grey’s murky pupils reflected an unimaginable scene.

A scene that made no sense.

So much so, that his own mind went blank.

The Pack Leader’s paws hit the ground repeatedly.

But the Leader wasn’t moving towards the enemy.

The Leader wasn’t trying to save the Pack Members.

The Leader wasn’t trying to fight for the Pack Members.

The Leader, around whom the Pack was formed, was strongest.

The Leader, around whom the Pack was formed, abandoned that very same Pack.

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