Reborn As An Evolving Monster Chapter 75 Follower Of...?

’What’s up with it?’ Mark asked telepathically.

In front of him, floated what looked like a glitching screen.

[Your Stats, and therefore, your Status Window cannot currently be shown.]

’Why not? How long has it been this way? I haven’t checked my Stats for a while now. Is it the same for my Underlings’ Stats-’


’What? Can’t think of a convincing answer?’ Mark asked.

His slight annoyance was obvious.

[Stats are a way to express numerically one’s relative strength.]


[The Stats you were previously shown or assigned reflect your strength inside the Dungeon.]

’So, if I understand right, what you’re saying is that...’

A sinking feeling started settling in.

’My Stats outside of here are actually lower?’

[Much lower.]

The Monster named Mark started laughing out loud.

’I guess me and my Underlings having Stats with values surpassing 4000 should have made it obvious.’

His laughter was such that if his body was able to produce them, tears would be going down his face.

’Well, that’s quite the curveball.’

[Isn’t it?]

’In that case... It must be the same for the Ranks of Monsters, huh? Actually, it must be even more true for Ranks. Wait, for the Ranks of Skills too...’


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Mark let his body fall to the ground.

’I knew the Monsters outside would be stronger, but for the Ranks to be different... This is hilarious!’

His back hit the floor, while monstrous laughter echoed.

’Here I was, thinking: Oh, where are the [A] Ranked Monsters? Haha! I Bet [A] Ranks here must be [C] or maybe even [D] outside...’

Mark stared at the blue sky above. Or rather, the imitation it was.

’Then do it already. Show me what my true Stats are. The Ranks of my Skills too.’

Somehow, Mark did not fear the news.

Knowing that even his Skills, that even his [S] Rank Skill, would actually be ranked much lower outside the Dungeon, did not bother him.

On the contrary, it made him excited.

[Your Stats and Skill Ranks will be available once you leave the Dungeon.]

’I want them now.’

[They are unavailable.]

’Weren’t you analyzing something? Analyze some more. Then tell me.’

[Your Stats and Rank will be calculated once you leave the Dungeon.]

[The same applies to the Ranks of your Skills.]

Mark’s thoughts stopped.

A mix of surprise and shock.

’Calculated? They must be calculated, huh? Then... You mean you’re... You’re just too lazy to calculate them now?’

[It is complicated.]

More monstrous laughter ensued.

If anything, Mark felt amused.

[The System warns you that the Challenge ahead is one you must put your entire focus on.]


Mark chuckled, before standing up.

[The System wants you to neither lose confidence nor get arrogant.]

’That so?’

By then, Mark wasn’t paying the messages any mind.

He was looking dead ahead, at the dense forest.

[Your rise through the Dungeon has been challenging.]

’Yeah, tell me about it.’

[You went from a weak [G] Ranked Skeleton, to the Monster you are now.]

’No. I didn’t mean literally...’

[You have gone through numerous tough fights and Trials.]

[It is only fitting that the last Challenge would be the most difficult.]

’You’re pretty talkative today.’

[Devouring everything on your way, you’ve become a Monster that stands on the Dungeon’s Highest Floor.]

[And rightfully so.]


[You deserve your place on this Final Floor.]

Mark started walking forward, as the System’s messages seemed endless.

[But this Final Trial, will dictate whether you deserve to leave the Dungeon or not.]

[It will dictate whether you deserve a place on the outside or not.]

’Deserve? Only I get to decide whether I leave or not. If I beat them all, if I defeat those who stand in my way, then I’ll finally be able to leave.’


[Still, after all this time, it seems you only think of this Dungeon as a prison.]

Even though Mark chuckled, the System’s message also slightly angered him.

’Because it’s supposed to be anything else? I’m stuck here. Exactly where you want me to be.’

[It is not so simple.]


While Mark’s thoughts did not stop, they were not directed at the System.

Which is why they could not be read by it anymore.

Nevertheless, more messages kept appearing.

[The Dungeon is more barrier than prison.]

’Yeah. A barrier that keeps me locked.’

[First and foremost, it is a barrier that prevents external influence from entering.]

’Whatever. A locked cage is a locked cage. Can’t leave it, can’t enter it. Same thing. Now shut up. I have to figure out what it is that was lurking inside the forest.’

[The System wants you to calm yourself before going forward.]

[A Trial that can only be passed with a calm mind is awaiting you.]

’Shut up. Since when do you give advice anyways? Answer when I ask. It’s what you do best.’

Mark walked for a couple of minutes.

Suddenly, a ringing sound echoed inside his head.

’What... The...? Ugh...!’

Mark tightly gripped his head.

[Your Title "System Holder" is shaking.]

’What is... Don’t tell me it’s like last-’

[Your Title "System Holder" is trembling.]

The ringing got more and more intense.

[Your Title "System Holder" is splitting.]

The sound suddenly ceased, leaving Mark dizzy for a moment.

[Your Title "System Holder" has split into two distinct Titles.]

[Your Title "System Holder" splits into "(True)System Holder".]

Mark’s eyes widened as he read the next message.

[Your Title "System Holder" splits into "Gaavah’s Follower".]


His mind went blank for an instant.

’Follower? Gaavah? What’s that?’

[Previously, both Titles had been merged for efficiency’s sake.]

’I get that. Doesn’t answer a thing though.’

[Questions about your state, Status, and others things related, are answered by the "System Holder" Title.]

[Simply put, they are answered by the System.]

A smile appeared on Mark’s face.

One piece of the puzzle had come into place.

’Alright. So that’s where the stale answers come from.’


’Conversing with you, however...’

[Is due to your Title "Gaavah’s Follower".]

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[A Title my Master has bestowed upon you.]

’Bestowed upon me?’ Mark chuckled. ’How gracious of him.’

[This much should do.]

[Calm your mind before going forward.]

’Wait a second. This isn’t nearly enough. Now that you’ve admitted that it’s a person I’m talking to, I’ll need you to explain things thoroughly.’

[What if I choose not to?]

’Then I won’t leave this place. I’ll stay here.’

[You wouldn’t.]

’Maybe I will.’

[You wouldn’t.]

’Maybe I fucking will.’

At the thought, slight amounts of Aura oozed out of Mark’s body.

[You are being unnecessarily stubborn.]

A couple of seconds passed.

[Still, I’ll bite.]

[I will answer three of your Questions.]

’How about 10? I’ve been locked in here for a while now. You wouldn’t answer my questions then, and they’ve been piling up. Answering ten questions is the least you could do.’

[Three Questions.]

[Ask away.]

A smile appeared on Mark’s face, as he took a seat on the grassy plain.

’Three questions? Kind of stingy. Still, I can ask more later on. Whether they’ll answer or not is a different matter though. Questions, huh? Where am I? What’s outside? What’s the outside like? Why was I brought here? What...’

But amidst the torrent of questions that Mark wished to ask, one stood out.

’Who am I?’

[What is it you mean precisely?]

’My past life. Tell me about it.’

[It doesn’t matter.]

’I know-’

[You thought so yourself.]

’I know, but still-’

[Right after beating the Seventh Floor’s Guardian, you...]

’Oh, for fuck’s sake. I know. Just answer.’

A handful of silent seconds passed.

[It is knowledge I do not possess.]

’You... What? So you don’t know? Really? You expect me to believe that?’

[It is the truth.]

Mark scratched his head.



Mark had been left disappointed.

By both the answer he had obtained, and his own lingering attachments to an ancient past.

[As a favor, this question won’t count as part of the three.]

’Well yeah, I’d hope so. Tsk...’

A disappointment that left him conflicted.

His follow-up questions now seemed meaningless.

’I’ll ask who you are, I guess. And don’t give me some dodgy answer like your name or something.’

[I am surprised by your choice.]

’Whatever. Just answer.’

[Of course.]

[My name is Nia.]

[I am the one who has been watching over you since your Rebirth.]

’Anything else?’

[I am one of those Titled "Generals Of Gaavah’s Army".]

’What’s this Gaavah thing? Some kind of city? A city, huh? Do Monsters even live in cities? Wait, you’re a Monster, right?’

[That’s four questions.]

[You only have two remaining.]

’Then answer none of them. Except if you feel like answering without it costing me.’

A second passed.

[Some Monsters do live in cities.]

[Lord Gaavah is my Master.]

’Your Master, huh? Then... This Master would know about...’

Mark shook his head.

’Tsk. The Title said I was a Follower of his?’

[The Title of "Follower" is the lowest Title Position for an Underling.]

[It, being the lowest Position, means that, from it, stems the least responsibilities and rewards.]

[Two questions remaining.]

Mark felt rather good about the "least responsibilities" part.

’Why was I brought here? What’s the purpose behind it? And don’t answer with: Because we want you to get stronger. I already get that part. I want to know what’s beyond it.’

[Something is coming.]

[Strength is needed.]

[Change is necessary.]

’Seriously? There’s no way a vague answer like that counts in my book.’

[What counts in your book doesn’t matter.]

[Plenty has been answered already.]

[One question remaining.]


Since matters of the past nor those of the far future could be answered, only the immediate future was left.

’What happens when I defeat this Floor’s Guardian? What happens when I leave the Dungeon exactly?’

The question of whether he would even be able to beat the Guardian did not even cross Mark’s mind.

[After leaving the Dungeon, a certain person will act as your Guide.]

[That person will guide you to a certain Location.]

[I shall meet you at that Location.]

[From there, we shall make our way to our Lord.]

’Our? Already counting me as part of your... Ugh. Whatever. Guide, huh? At least I’m not taken there like some kind of prisoner. Guess that’s good enough. Oh. The person I’ll meet outside... Is it the guy who brought me back here that time? Or was that you, Nia?’

[Three questions have already been answered.]

’So? This is a pretty important one, don’t you think?’

[The person you will meet is the one that brought you back and saved you.]

’Yeah. I guess. Alright. So what’s-’

Mark’s thoughts were interrupted as unexpected information was dumped at once.

[The Territory that you have yet to conquer appears to be part of the forest.]

[But it is not.]

[A Veil of Mana covers its location.]

[In four hours, the Veil will be lifted.]

[The trapped Monsters will, then, be able to leave those locations and roam the forest.]

[Find that Territory before the time limit passes.]

[Or focus on raising your strength.]

’Wait, what kind of random information is that? Why is it-’

[Your Title "Gaavah’s Follower" falls into a silent slumber.]

’Seriously? Hey... Hey! Nia! HEY!’

As Mark expected, no answer came.

While puzzled, laughter welled up inside him nevertheless.

’A Follower, huh? Not too bad. Doesn’t sound too constrictive...’

Mark started rotating his arm, as if warming up his shoulder.

’I might be a Follower. But in the end, they want me to become King, right? In that case, until I’m out of here...’

He spread his wings wide.

’Until I can get everything sorted out...’

Mark took off.

’I’ll play along.’

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